Meaties off to Processing...How to Transport?


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Central Indiana
I'm taking 13 Cornish Xs off to the processor tomorrow
and was wondering how you all transported your meaties (if necessary) to the processing plant? This is also my first time doing this, so any tips you may have for me, will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
No tips, but I'll be watching this thread. If all goes well my meats are off on Friday. We're only going a mile up the road, but still...
I have chicken crates. I have taken them in big boxes and dog crates before. Basically you need to get them into a box, and you need a cooler to get them home.
we used really big boxes, my husband drilled huge holes in them for air. And yes, you need several coolers for bringing them home in. Check with the processing plant to see if they can sale you ice. When you bring them home you need to leave them in the frig for a day or 2 before freezing.
I have a few game bird release boxes built by my father-in-law that worked well last weekend. Rubbermaid totes without the lids would work. I used those to move the birds from the brooder to the coop/run, and they just settled down.

Remember to cut feed. I'd do it now actually, so that they won't poop up a storm in your transaport boxes.
Thanks everyone
I found a few large boxes, I have cut-out part of the tops & have covered them with chicken wire. My dh was to go with me, but now he has to work, so I'm on my own...wish me luck! I'll post pics when they're done...I'm so excited!
If you only have a car, there's no good way. But if you have a truck or trailer, the simplest way is to just put them in it and affix pieces of cardboard/wood over the top, then drive carefully.
my DH took some old wood 1 x 4's and made some simple boxes that i coated with chicken wire - simple door on one end with hinges - big enough for 8 or 9 cornishX. nothing fancy, but they are strong enough to pick up - and the birds are comfortable with plenty of air.

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