Medical Treatments Recommended by BYCers

"Seven Dust – place body of chicken in a plastic bag with the head sticking out of the bag. Do not put a chicken’s head in a plastic bag!! Add Seven Dust, hold bag closed at neck, and shake gently to coat bird with powder."

Only thing that jumped out at me right away- it's Sevin dust, and should be the 5%, not the 10%.

Great idea to put all this together in one format,
You might add the following to the Wry Neck category- in one day of treatment, it's given me hope that my bird can be saved. This is a copy/paste from an old wry neck thread.

First week:

Twice a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E

Once a day
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

For the second week I give

Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins

Every other day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

For the following weeks I give

Once a day
2.5 mg of prednisone
400 IU of vitamin E
A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins

Every third day
Selenium (50 micrograms/day for half size juvenile for 3 days)

Do not abruptly stop prednisone, the swelling rebounds, decrease dose
Vitamin E recovery can be slow; continue the vitamin E for several weeks at
Here are some additional sites to refer to:
Poultry Withdrawal Time Chart:

Aviagen (worm pics and recommended wormers) Birds.pdf

Vaccinations for chickens:

Poultry diseases that are transmittable to humans:

Avian Formulary. Chicken meds and doses:

Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) incubation/course times:

Hopefully all these links work!
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They all worked for me and I added them to appropriate sections of the op.

I also added a content list for convenience and noted the antibacterial properties of honey.

Thank you!
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