** Medicated Vs. Unnmedicated Chick Starter **

P.S. Just wanted to add, for clarity's sake, that Purina Chick Starter is NOT the same as Purina Flock Raiser, and if that's what you have then you will still need to add niacin. Purina is the brand that Holderread (nation's leading waterfowl expert and best lines of ducks available) uses on his farm when he's not using a custom mix. It tends to be slightly more expensive, but it is worth the extra cost for the security of knowing it's good quality. Nutrena is also fine, slightly (SLIGHTLY) cheaper, but not as widely used and trusted.

Purina is the only brand I know of that sells a feed that is TRULY balanced for waterfowl AND chickens. Many others will say they are, but won't be.

Good luck!
I have my two mallards now! Why would I have to add Niacin? and how do i get it? thank you!
I also feed purina start and grow (medicated) to my ducklings. I got a poultry pack from my feed store and they told me that was all I need because it has all the vitamins they needed. They are 10 days old and growing fast.

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