Meet and help me possibly sex my Easter Egger crew :)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
Le Sueur, Minnesota
These guys were in the bin at Tractor Supply labeled "Amerucana" but after reading though this forum I'm lead to believe they are more likely to be Easter Eggers. All the same age, in the 1.5 week old range. I just wanted to introduce them and maybe, possibly, get an idea on if I've got girls or boys, since I've got no idea how to sex chicklets!!




This one has the least amount of feathers, no tail feathers yet and very few on it's shoulders.​

A little bit smaller than the others and definitely prefers not to be held as much!​


This one had the longest of the tail feathers until one of my small bantams started pecking them out!! *pout*
It's got some Pick-no-More lotion on that's why it looks a little funky.
In my babies, the boys grew tail feathers before the girls did.
You can't really tell at this age,but its fun to guess. My guesses that I canrerember are 1 is a boy 2 is a girl, 3, 4, 5 are boys (that can't be right). 2 I'm basing entirely off of tail feathers since you can't see the comb in the picture. By 3 weeks my cockerel developed the three row comb. It looks like Skunk already has the beginnings of it, I just didn't realize what I was looking at til it got bigger on mine lol

Here's a picture of one of mine. I think about the same age as yours.
younger, not sure if its close enough to see it

you can see it more clearly in this photo (3 weeks)
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Yeah, don't expect to get quality stock from TSC........ and I say this a few days after I pick up ducks from there to bring to the Fair! Eeesh.

Keep an eye on their back feathers, and the comb growth. The boys will have pointed feathers, and the gals' will be more rounded. Usually the ones with the biggest combs turn out to be roosters, :)
They don't like to sit still long enough for me to check them out. I can't believe how fast they are growing!! Any tips on getting them to relax around me? They eat off my hand but freak out if I don't have good! Lol
Pick them up until they stop squirming, place their neck/back against your neck/chin. They should settle down. I sometimes take my sweater and pull one side over them like a wing (sweater that's open in the front)

Don't try this with a wild adult chicken! They can really hurt you! Lol.
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