Meeting My Chickens


Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
Figured it would be fun to make a post all about my flock, that has all my birds and not just specific ones.

First up for today: 20200410_194210.jpg
Front: Ambrose, a Bantam Cochin and standard Americana cross. He is a rooster and has fathered seven chicks this year, with 6 still doing good
Back: Pheonix Hen (she doesn't have a name) She is Ambrose's favorite hen and is a golden duck wing standard Pheonix
Next up are the Pheonix group:

20200530_122917.jpg here is Westeros (Wes for short) A standard golden Duck wing Pheonix rooster, hes the man of the group

20200530_122946.jpg Hazelnut, one of the 4 permanent hens, she has a darker almost chocolate coloring for her body feathers
20200530_180455.jpg Green Band, she's a bright gold and brown bird, the first hatched in the group that made it to adulthood.
Back: Roan, she's a dusty reddish color with dull golden neck feathers. Full sister to Hazelnut
Front: Nameless, (hopefully) mother to Roam and Hazelnut. Original to the group

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