Melamine in milk

Well, the Japanese only buy stuff made in Japan, so everyone is happy

I lived in Japan, and at the grocery store, there were veggies grown in Japan and veggies grown in China. Everything was well marked. Though the Chinese veggies were cheaper, NO ONE BOUGHT THEM.

Well, I might have eaten a Chinese onion or two
They were so cheap!
Y'all need to look closer at the industry to realize how much milk powder is imported to North America for use as milk solids in many products people eat everyday.

Even much of the yogurt is made from reconstituted powder these days.

Just one more argument for getting small farm back on track and producing again. I am so happy we have our own dairy, chicken, egg, vegetable and beef supply.

Given that the door has opened this far, I have to wonder how long before it is allowed in animal feeds to boost protein levels.

North America really needs to get back to producing for itself first. While it is easy to point fingers at china, the fact remains we continue to willingly buy from them and it is the FDA that is allowing this to happen.
*Question? Is this the same melamine that melamine DISHES are made from that you can get to eat off of?? I don't get how a powder of that (if it's the same stuff) boosts protein counts in anything!
* O.K., so it's the nitrogen--still don't know if it's the dishes though. A lot of people in the U.S. have eaten off melamine dishes since the '5O's at least. Could explain a lot. . .
Guess its time to join the raw milk co-op in addition to the CSAs for meat and veggies. I finally found organic corn meal, so one less thing I have to worry about.

I try to buy food not food products and that helps. But I never even thought about looking at the label on my yogurt.
Wake up people These are countries that fwant to destroy American and the only way to do it is to posion us one at a time. Its our hard luck that our government is doding all it can to help them.
Buy local, get co-operative with neighbors and can/grow and raise most of your meat. In Vermont farmers are now allowed to sell milk right to the consumer 5 gallons a pop. Nice thing is there are lots of dairy farms here.

I just bought a yogurt maker, best $18 I have spent. Some cheeses are increadibly easy to make at home, mozzerella for instance.

To increase protein for your poultry: feed varmint carcasses back to them. Promote outdoor sporting activities, learn to hunt and trap, create wildlife habitat on your land and make reasonal legal use of it. Learn about what wild plants are edible and growing 'free' in your own yard.

Here's a few examples: I made a salad last night and added sheep sorrel leaves I found growing in my lawn. Yum, they have a tart lemony flavor. Milkweeds are edible! Though late now I put flower clusters in salad. Early greens can be cooked and eaten and semi ripe pods are delicious boiled. I just made two batches of elderberry jelly and am on the look out for wild grapes now.

I planted Heliopsis (AKA Jerusalem atrichokes) to dig tubers as a low carb addition to potatoes. There is a lot of stuff out there!
I usually don't buy anything made in China as a matter of principle.

Rufus, good for you! BUT...the unfortunate thing is many business' have to go over seas to make items so they can bring them back to USA and sell them at a low price that we will pay. I have friends that wanted to make "Maine made dolls" and due to the costs, they were unable to go the American way- they sold these dolls at a low price that went towards an Aspire program for kids that may not be able to afford college, this would give them a boost up when it was their turn.

We as Americans have created this work, cost, dream for making big money and cushy job. With those goals to be boss not worker, dairy farms, veggie farms and all those type business' that we do not mind doing as we are here with the goal to live as healthy as possible, love our lives with goats, chickens, meat birds and the list goes on, kudos for us, most folks would not think about raising their own food, preserving what is grown local at a farmers market.
Most of the US households do not understand that you do not have to give cows shots to produce milk or to grow.

Most would not eat cottage cheese/cheese if they really knew it takes soured milk, cooking it and then added cream to it to make it fattening.

Ok............I'll shut up at this point...Keep doing what we can to keep our lives, water and earth safe, clean and happy. Educate one person at a time and perhaps you can leave your kids as a legacy to make this a new world.
(I am stepping off my soap box now that I have wandered around the place!)

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