Member list?


10 Years
Aug 28, 2009
Not sure where to put this, but I figured that this was as good a spot as any... Where do I find the member list? I can't find it since the switch to the new BYC. Has anyone else found it? I was looking for someone that I met in my area...
I don't think there is a member list on this new platform. If there is, I can't seem to find it
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Although if you type the username into the search bar, their account should come up under "Users".

As for the actual list, I miss it too. I used to enjoy watching my place on the post rankings. :lau
You want to change your username? You should ask a mod if what you have in mind is available, they should be able to tell you.

I changed my username too, but it took me ages to come up with a suitable idea. You'll get it eventually. :lol:

I do have a couple of screenshots of the old username list which I took for old times' sake before the conversion, if you want to have a look. (I circled my name on there, that's the famous post ranking list I miss so. :p)

The currently online list used to look so much better.
You're welcome!

(And yes Spock, if you're lurking, I circled your name too to highlight the fact. :p)
He's online now, my stalker list tells me. :caf
The ol' fella hasn't posted for a long time. I wonder if he's reading this and finding it funny. :p

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