Member Question??

I just don’t think this is normal chicken behavior. Lol!!


A nap in the yard is never better tha with your chicken!!
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This is Annie our handi capable hen who lost one whole foot and some toes last winter when she was accidentally left out for the night and was frost bitten. Eden and I found her a silicone sleeve in the podiatry section at the store and a extra small dog boot This is the only way any can balance herself well enough to lift her good foot to warm it. She only needs it in the winter tho. In the summer she gets around just fine. Because we have to monitor so closely. Annie now has her own coop. It’s a medium dog crate in the living room right by the front door. She climbs the stairs every night and waits patiently until someone hears her pecking on the door to come in. She walks in right to her crate and is content there till she is let out first thing in the morning.

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