Men's selective hearing

Not only that, but did you ever notice when a man gets the sniffles, you'd think he was dieing, and you have to wait on him hand and foot. On the other hand, if a WOMAN is REALLY sick, she keeps on truckin', no matter what .
His dog. DH was standing watching something on TV. HIS dog Jax was right behind him. Jax was getting extremely upset because he knew DH was leaving the house for awhile. Jax does what he always does when he get very upset - he barfed.

MY dog has better sense than to puke on the carpet.
Ah yes, the dreaded man cold. I'd rather have a frontal lobotomy AND a root canal, both without anesthetics, than to deal with a man during his man cold.
I will have you know that "delusions of grandeur" have nothing
to do with simply being right.

Tell me guys, am I wrong? Our Kingdom, our castle.

These dancing girls, they keep saying snide things, will all be banished
to the dungons.

Remember your wedding vows, girl's? You know, the part where you get
to Love, Honor, Serve, and Respect your HUSBAND? Or have you forgotten?

Life is really easy...if there's a dog in the house, it's the wifes duty to take care
of the dog. What's hard about that?

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