Men's selective hearing

Love it! So thoughtful and helpful all at the same time. At least with the tp on it, you can't miss it.
Ah yes, the dreaded man cold. I'd rather have a frontal lobotomy AND a root canal, both without anesthetics, than to deal with a man during his man cold.

But Gritty! What if we DIE! jeez, a man cold is SERIOUS!

Ah jeez MFB, take some nyquil and take your whiny butt to bed.
Anyone ever notice how it always seems to be the woman
complaining about the man?

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

I've read pages and pages of's ALWAYS the woman.

There's a reason they make replacement women...
Beth G. :

I'm starting to think my Czec Patrol Male Dog has selective hearing too!!! lol

Our older GSD Jax does. Listens to me just fine when DH isn't home. Let "Daddy" be home and the dang dog ignores me. I hate it when I ask him if he wants to go out and he turns and looks at my DH for permission.

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