Men's selective hearing

What, what? Did someone say something?
1st wife - 10 years
2nd wife - 9 years
live-in girl friend - 23 years

As I got older I must have forgotten when it was time to change again

Don't fix what aint broke!

I found that getting rid of wives to be much easier than getting rid of girlfriends. With wives there is paperwork to make it official. With girlfriends there's nothing official.
Hope told me if I got a dog she was leaving. The dog is now 16 years old and she's still here. I even went out and bought a 2nd dog and it didn't work. Evidently inadequate hearing and memory is not solely a male malady.
I beg to differ - that's not inadequate hearing and memory at all! That is an example of yet another woman expressing herself early in the relationship and later being unable to follow through on that "rash" statement because she is either: 1 - willing to forgo her own desires for those of her man, or, 2. she changed her mind.

See! Another thing entirely.
They also can't find anything. I mean, how many square feet in a fridge? You know it is in there, you just have to look! No, he can't find it. So I look. It is right in front of your face! Getting ready for a trip , can't find sandals. Did you look by the door? Yes, and in the closet. So, I look near the door. There they are!!!!
I divorced one and married another. They are as different as night and day. Some people get divorced and keep marrying the same type of person, not me. I was suffering with PTSD after my divorce and anyone remotely like my X gave me panick attacks.

With that said. There are some things that are just male.Selective hearing? No. Most cannot multi task, nor can they multi hear. If the tv is on or my DH case if he is thinking, he cannot hear me. Step over something rather than pick it up? Once again. He was headed to do something and if he stooped down to pick it up and put it away? He would have forgotten his original intent. My big one. And this is gross. I wondered how long it would take him to clean the toilet in his bathroom.........

If you want a perfect man? Marry a woman. If that is not going to work for you? Deal with it.
Don't fix what aint broke!

I found that getting rid of wives to be much easier than getting rid of girlfriends. With wives there is paperwork to make it official. With girlfriends there's nothing official.
Hope told me if I got a dog she was leaving. The dog is now 16 years old and she's still here. I even went out and bought a 2nd dog and it didn't work. Evidently inadequate hearing and memory is not solely a male malady.

ahhhh See? that brings back memories. My father told my mother he was raising hunting dogs ( german shorthaired pointers) She said she would leave him! He got 3! She didnt speak to anyone for weeks-but guess who took care of those dogs for 15+ years? Yup! When they all passed-she threatened didnt work...she still stayed. I think 3 more dogs since then and she is still there. I told dad, do us all a favor and get a goat or a horse that will throw her over the edge to leave
Don't get me wrong, I love and adore my mother-but man those two should have been divorced 25+ years ago!

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