Men's selective hearing

Love the whole thread!

My late FIL was a mild man and seldom raised his voice. I had a fridge magnet that showed and rooster saying "I rule the roost" and a hen saying "I rule the rooster" When he saw it, that was one of the few times I saw him fly off the handle and actually raise his voice! He was NOT a happy camper about it!
My dearest, DH tells me this all the time..............."you know I cannot do two things at once like you!"

He confirms it is an honest male trait
(passed on from generation to generation by dad)

Mine is kinda like that. His biggest excuse - I didn't hear you because I was zoned in on television. Makes me want to put an old shock collar we have laying around on him, every time I see him reaching for the remote.
My husband was a Navy man.

We went on a cruise many moons ago and during the night he sat up straight and said, "They just pulled the stabilizers in."
Me half asleep, "Huh?"
"The stabilizers they pulled them in and we're turning."
Me: "Huh?"
He getting irritated, "Can't you feel that?"

Me: "Are you the man who cannot hear our daughter crying her lungs out in the next room? The same man who cannot hear a dog knocking over and decimating a trash can during the night?"
He: "Huh?"

Much to the kids disgust, DH does NOT have selective hearing. He hears a snake in the grass. However, he may hear the cat puking on the carpet, he just isn't concerned, cat is gonna puke, why move it.

To get it to the kitchen tile floor where it's easier to pick up! Not that I expect a man to pick it up, but please cut me some slack here and at least toss Kitty in the kitchen to barf!

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