Men's selective hearing

This is to funny from both sides

Its not selective hearing it's selective listening

ETA: I s'pose you are going to claim hearing damage due to a lifetime of shooting firearms, like he does?
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I can't hear anything anymore ('cept for animal barfings). Went to a dang rock concert every weekend in my teens - imagine all the Bic lighters I wasted.

At least I don't try to fake it. I just walk around saying eh? and what??? all day long.
Whole thread.....
I can only imagine what or how a thread were to be treated if it was a guy whining about their lazy wifes. Let me spell it out LOL just in case ,,,,,,,, closed at the request of the BYC chapter of the Man haters club hehehheee.

Of course we have selective hearing, have you women ever heard yourselfs.................. you love to talk just to hear the sound of yourselfs.
and why does it have to always be in that high pitched, stepped on mashed cat kinda babbling. Yeah and you call us silly hehehehehe. just doing my part to defend some of my boy's hehehehehehee, come on girls give us a break you coulda said NO when we asked you to bother us........ Uhh I mean marry us for the rest of our lives.
Posts like this just make me glad I married a man WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR, even if he doesn't hear the dogs barf.

In case anyone didn't notice, this whole thread was meant to be funny. I pick at my husband, he picks at me. To me that's the best part of being married to your best friend.
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I also love to pick on my Ole ball and chain, but she rarely laughs at my antics LOL. I hear ya on the funny post thing, But I like the responses when some guy step's on it and the Ole wet hen's swarm him until he say's uncle or run's off LOL. You girls own this BYC site and you like to make sure all the guy's know it, I know I figured it out in about 45 seconds after joining hehehehehe.
I'm sure, since it happened so long ago - yesterday - that even though DH is off this weekend, the whole police dept. already knows about me accidently "flashing" the letter carrier yesterday. He probably sent them all a text message about it within 15 minutes of me telling him. I'm still getting teased by the officers about a 'coon incident that happened three years ago!

Laughter is what keeps us young.

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