Men's selective hearing

See how polite I am? I'm not going to say a word about
Gritty scaring the mailman.

They make clothes for a reason...but I'm not going to mention it.
I came in, took a shower at 9:00 this evening. and got fully dressed
even though it's almost bedtime.

*My wife thinks I'm nuts...if I get up in the night to go to the bathroom,
I'll get completely dressed. And the bathroom is in the bedroom.

And Luvchicks...see how smart your husband is. You didn't even know you
needed tinfoil and bread. But HE did, cause he's the man.
Surprisingly, I just sent mine to the local stop and rob for TT, chocolate and coke. He came home with TT, chocolate and coke.
While talking to my dad on the phone today I mentioned yesterdays incident to him. In addition to his 20 years in the navy, my dad was a letter carrier for 25 years. He assured me that I didn't show that letter carrier anything he hasn't seen on his route before. Makes me wonder about my neighbors.
While talking to my dad on the phone today I mentioned yesterdays incident to him. In addition to his 20 years in the navy, my dad was a letter carrier for 25 years. He assured me that I didn't show that letter carrier anything he hasn't seen on his route before. Makes me wonder about my neighbors.

Neighbors are probably very "friendly"
While talking to my dad on the phone today I mentioned yesterdays incident to him. In addition to his 20 years in the navy, my dad was a letter carrier for 25 years. He assured me that I didn't show that letter carrier anything he hasn't seen on his route before. Makes me wonder about my neighbors.

My Fil is a mail carrier and he's depressed because he don't see things like that on his route.

yes i blabbed to him
While talking to my dad on the phone today I mentioned yesterdays incident to him. In addition to his 20 years in the navy, my dad was a letter carrier for 25 years. He assured me that I didn't show that letter carrier anything he hasn't seen on his route before. Makes me wonder about my neighbors.

My Fil is a mail carrier and he's depressed because he don't see things like that on his route.

yes i blabbed to him

My husband's primary language is not English. He did not really "read" our wedding vows. He thought that only his part of the vows had the word obey when in actuality neither of ours did. This was really fun for me until my dad ratted me out.

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