mentally challenged chick?

My chick wobbles when it sleeps, constantly peeping while awake. Its different than the others. Could it be mentally challenged?

sadly some chicks are born with problems, most likely it is a balance issue where it is unable to tell what way is up and is constantly dizzy. if it is under 24 hours old wrap it in a sock to stabilize it and make sure it cannot move at all. wait 24 hours and hope for the best. if it is older (worth a try though) or it doesn't work (and trust me i know it is hard) it would be best to cull it. i have had this happen and have talked to vets, tried everything but lost it. if they cannot tell what way is where then they are unable to eat or drink, and they slowly starve. try what you can but keep this in mind. hope it gets better.
Add vitamin supplements to their water. Some chicks are born predisposed to deficiencies and disease due to the malnutrition of their parent(s). I use a product called "chick booster" for my hatchlings (and even the adults get it if one of them seems 'under the weather') that has saved countless members of my flocks over the years. It's cheap, easy, and peace of mind that they've got the best possible chance of growing into healthy adults. Keeping you and your feathered family in my prayers.
sadly some chicks are born with problems, most likely it is a balance issue where it is unable to tell what way is up and is constantly dizzy. if it is under 24 hours old wrap it in a sock to stabilize it and make sure it cannot move at all. wait 24 hours and hope for the best. if it is older (worth a try though) or it doesn't work (and trust me i know it is hard) it would be best to cull it. i have had this happen and have talked to vets, tried everything but lost it. if they cannot tell what way is where then they are unable to eat or drink, and they slowly starve. try what you can but keep this in mind. hope it gets better.
She isn't quite that bad. She is about 2 weeks old and is eating and drinking.She just looks a bit off. I've hatched many chicks. Much more peeping from her than the other, constantly moving back and forth jumping. She constantly wants to be held. Kind of like hyper active. I hope it's just her personality!
She isn't quite that bad. She is about 2 weeks old and is eating and drinking.She just looks a bit off. I've hatched many chicks. Much more peeping from her than the other, constantly moving back and forth jumping. She constantly wants to be held. Kind of like hyper active. I hope it's just her personality!

oh thank goodness! I was rather concerned. some are just like that, having such odd personalities but those ones are the best ♥

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