In the Brooder
Hi all glad to be a new member of BYC
We bought our first 8 pullets about 8 days ago (Barred Rock). I immediately (and unexpectedly!) fell in love with them lol So after having them about one week we decided to take the plunge for real and max out our coop and run area which was designed for 25 birds.
During the first week of having the 8 Barred Rocks we left them in the coop the first 4 days and within 3 days after that they all understood how to use the ramp and where to go to sleep.
We just got another 17 pullets 2 days ago. Our original BRs are now 3 and 4 weeks old while the new chicks appear to be about 2 weeks old. They are Plymoth Rock (11) and I THINK Sexlinks(6).
Not knowing any better and thinking they were close to the same age I just put the new chicks in the run the first day and then into the coop the first night. Pretty much the same as I did with the first pullets. They all seem to be getting along fine as far as I can see.
My question is if I just leave the newer pullets in the coop while the older ones go about their business (free access to coop and run during the day via pop door) will the little ones eventually catch on and copy the behavior of the older pullets?
We bought our first 8 pullets about 8 days ago (Barred Rock). I immediately (and unexpectedly!) fell in love with them lol So after having them about one week we decided to take the plunge for real and max out our coop and run area which was designed for 25 birds.
During the first week of having the 8 Barred Rocks we left them in the coop the first 4 days and within 3 days after that they all understood how to use the ramp and where to go to sleep.
We just got another 17 pullets 2 days ago. Our original BRs are now 3 and 4 weeks old while the new chicks appear to be about 2 weeks old. They are Plymoth Rock (11) and I THINK Sexlinks(6).
Not knowing any better and thinking they were close to the same age I just put the new chicks in the run the first day and then into the coop the first night. Pretty much the same as I did with the first pullets. They all seem to be getting along fine as far as I can see.
My question is if I just leave the newer pullets in the coop while the older ones go about their business (free access to coop and run during the day via pop door) will the little ones eventually catch on and copy the behavior of the older pullets?