Messing w/ Hen Nesting

Window for my best control appears to have closed. She already produced an egg this morning. Not viable since not fertilized. I just penned her with rooster very close to nest site I constructed. Tomorrow I will try to be around when she produces the egg song so she can be released just before she has to drop that egg. Garage door will be closed so she cannot access where she laid that first egg.

All I have to do is get her into that box, prepare it and lay that first egg. After that I bet she will come back to that site even if not penned.
Well shoot! Hen was giving egg song and rooster was doing the intermittent trilling bit. I released her from pen and she ran off like she had the craps into heavy grass across the drive way. Now I have to find that nest and bust it up. She is not working with me. She has two sisters that will be tried next.

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