Metal or Plastic Feeder/Water What do you recommend?

My plastic waterers didn't look like yours. I like it and would consider trying plastic again if I could get one like yours. Where did you get it? part #PF3 for $22.50.I love this type and have a few.I use them summer and winter(on fount heater)
Stay away from part #PPF-5.5 or PPF-7.7 they are junk. Will
i have both,,, i like my old,, old,, OLD metal 1 the best,, the water can freeze, and you can tap it and NOT break it,, you can drop it,,and NOT break it, you can even throw it at a mean roo and not break it ( my wifers NOT me lol)
but i also have plastic ones that are new this year,, we'll see how they work this winter during our 3 cold days lol
I have both the stainless steel and the plastic ones. However, I think that I'll go the feed store and pick up the heavy rubber ones ones for water this year since I don't have outdoor electricity. The only metal ones that I wasn't happy with were they chrome ones. They rusted faster than I could blink!

My plastic waterers didn't look like yours. I like it and would consider trying plastic again if I could get one like yours. Where did you get it? part #PF3 for $22.50.I love this type and have a few.I use them summer and winter(on fount heater)
Stay away from part #PPF-5.5 or PPF-7.7 they are junk. Will

with that roost above it like that,, do they poo in the water?
Quote: part #PF3 for $22.50.I love this type and have a few.I use them summer and winter(on fount heater)
Stay away from part #PPF-5.5 or PPF-7.7 they are junk. Will

with that roost above it like that,, do they poo in the water?

That's just a dog kennel I put the young ones in during the day to get outside.They don't stay in there after dark.I just stuck the broomstick in there because there was no place to hang and ground not level.
You were thinking I was some kind of moron huh.
hahaha,, NO,, i was thinking with them sitting up there, they poo in the water tray lol

EDIT: ta say,, i call everything they can "sit" on a roost,,, sorry,, i REALLY didnt think they slept there,,, but now,,,, hehe
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I too prefer the metal waters to the plastic. Although I am new at this I have already replaced my plastic water for a metal one because it allows the water to run right out. We have to leave the small cap on and fill it by hand. Go metal........[
I have been using the thick rubber (vulcanized?) bowls for our 9 chickens and I really like it. I change it every day, but it's not a big deal. When I was borrowing my neighbor's metal one, I had to clean out the trough every day to get the few shavings or bits of food that had been stuck to the chickens' beaks anyway, and it's no more work than that was. I have the one gallon size and since we have to carry water out to the coop, I just fill up a plastic milk jug with fresh water in the house, dump out the old water and then refill it. I have it up on a cinder block so it stays fairly clean - a few rouge shavings get into it when the chickens flap their wings, and it has "floaties" in it from the food still on their beaks but other than that, it's clean. They don't seem to perch on the edge (it's in a corner) or poop in it. I've read on here that if the water freezes, you just flip it upside down and kick it or bang it and the ice pops out. I keep a scrub brush up in the coop so when I change the water, I just swish the brush around the bowl with the old water in it, dump it out, and then add the fresh. So far so good
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I have noticed that metal ones are a lot more expensive and also have VERY small trays for food/water which has very limited eating/drinking space for my chickens. I use plastic ones, but they are pretty durable compared to most brands. I don't reecall the name but they are green and white and have worked out well for my 4 chickens.

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