Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Shortly after I posted I got a call from DW she asked why I had left the dead one in the brooder... I hadn’t. So now we are down to 2 I’ll call tomorrow and get that straightened out.

My friend came to get his 6 and my other buddy came to just check his out!

So we are at 10 right now 6 his 4 mine. He and I are talking ordering more already! Maybe June. I’m thinking 6 so I can get the rocks the brahanma and the campine’s. He’s looking for jersey giants.

Sorry you lost another! :(

But you should definitely order more! It is addictive, isn't it? Lol
I drool over those too and not just the eggs, Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas are gorgeous!

Not much going on here, just waiting on eggs, they are 20 weeks old but Amelia the Golden Buff is only just now finding her voice (sounds like she has a frog in her throat) and has no interest in the nest boxes. Ironically Victoria, our Silver Grey Dorking, a breed notorious for maturing late is the most interested in the nest boxes and the hollow eggs in them, she comes and inspects them when I'm cleaning the droppings board everyday. Two days ago I noticed Amelia has a scar on one of her wattles :( I'm guessing it was either from Morgaine at the top or Baby Buff at the bottom who is trying to pass Amelia.

Oh and at Kindergarten orientation this morning I found out that Rowan's teacher is not one of the three that hatch chicks. She said she can barely keep house plants alive, lol. They will visit the other classes in the spring when the chicks hatch though. At least that's less temptation to take some home, especially when they won't be sexed. We can just plan on getting three chicks from Meyer this spring. I admire those of you who homeschool, I have friends who do, though they don't live nearby. The husband insists on the socialization aspect of public school and I don't think I have the patience plus we need a second income, so yeah. The heavy emphasis on testing is concerning to us though.
This post is all over the place and does not talk about heat. Are you rambling or under any kind of ?

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