Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I don't know how many, but I get to keep some!!!
I am so happy right now!!

I have some horrible news, my dog which has been doing a good job of guarding the flock has gone rogue and killed half of the flock.
I have 3 that are injured and patched them up as good as I could and 3 that are ok, traumatized but ok. I couldn't believe it when I came home from work yesterday. She will be going to a new home hopefully this weekend. I could not find 2 of them, there was no trace at all. I was so upset that I have been crying ever since it happened.
That's terrible, I am so sorry. Having lost 13 to a stray dog, I understand how painful and upsetting this is for you. I worry about are own dog around the chickens to.

I hope that the injured ones survive and the missing two show up.
Thanks Lynn. I'm at work right now and am itchin' to get home and see how the babies are doing. And believe me I was half tempted to give her a good one
she is lucky that even though I was soooo mad that I love animals and wouldn't hurt her. I don't think I have ever been that mad or heartsick in my life. Just thinking that I could trust her with them and she did that. It's been awful right now. I will let all of you know later how the girls are doing hopefully recovering well. I hated leaving them
but I also need to work to pay for it all! And am hoping that the other 2 are alive and well. I went out at daybreak trying to call them in but I couldn't find them. I live so close to the woods that I am afraid that something got them last night if they were hiding.
That's great. Will you have to renegotiated with the lady that was going to take everything from you?

Yeah, we will have to. I think she'll be fine with it. She will still be taking the ones we can't keep, and any of the supplies that we can't have or won't need any more. She was mostly just taking the chickens in to help us out.

I am so happy they got back to us today rather than tomorrow. Otherwise they probably would have told us we could keep some after we had just finished bringing them all to our friend. That's usually how things always time out for us.
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Trying to decide which chickens you will be keeping sure if a difficult task. I only have until tomorrow to decide. I think I have decided though. I will be keeping 7 chickens.

1. Henny (my 5 year old, almost blind hen)
2. Annie
3. Alice
4. Amber
5. Ellie
6. Lilly
7. Daffodil

I will be keeping 6 of my Meyer girls (7 if you count Sunni). Lizzie and Lucy my Golden Campines I won't be keeping. Lizzie is so flighty, that I don't think she would do well in the city limits, and her and Lucy get along so well that I can't seperate the two of them. I'm really sad, because they are so beautiful. But I have to think about their happiness, and how they would do with confinement. I will go out right now and get some pictures of them, so you can all see their beautifulness one last time before they go live with our friend. :) It's hard to believe that this time tomorrow I will go from having 23 chickens, to 8 of them. My coop sure is going to look empty! :(
Just came inside and the 2 that went missing last night were home when I got home from work! I was so excited that they were ok they didn't have anything wrong with them. The 2 with the bad wounds are doing pretty good considering everything that happened to them. And I also got 5 eggs today! Couldn't believe after their traumatic experience that they even laid any eggs at all. I'm one happy person though! :love
I have some horrible news, my dog which has been doing a good job of guarding the flock has gone rogue and killed half of the flock.
I have 3 that are injured and patched them up as good as I could and 3 that are ok, traumatized but ok. I couldn't believe it when I came home from work yesterday. She will be going to a new home hopefully this weekend. I could not find 2 of them, there was no trace at all. I was so upset that I have been crying ever since it happened.

Oh NO! I feel your pain. Our dogs only got to one (at least I think it was our dog, no one was home) but tore her up pretty good back in July. I didn't think she'd make it but she pulled through and just started laying again. I keep out chickens separate in the garden by a small fence but they jump it all the time and go in the rest of the yard where the dogs are. I worry about them but I saw the little polish peck our pug on the nose and made her back off. lol! I'm glad not all of your chickens got killed. I hope the injured ones survive!

I don't know how many, but I get to keep some!!!
I am so happy right now!!


Just came inside and the 2 that went missing last night were home when I got home from work! I was so excited that they were ok they didn't have anything wrong with them. The 2 with the bad wounds are doing pretty good considering everything that happened to them. And I also got 5 eggs today! Couldn't believe after their traumatic experience that they even laid any eggs at all. I'm one happy person though!

Oh good! I'm glad to hear they managed to escape. I'm not surprised they made it through the night since they usually roost in a tree. Don't be surprised if your egg production goes down now though. They couldn't help but lay the eggs that were already formed and on their way but the shock may keep them from laying more for awhile. You never know though, chickens are very resilient!

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