Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Do you all remember how I said a month or so back that my EE, Amber, laid a darkish brown egg with grayish brown spots? It turns out that wasn't her. It was one of my mix breed hens (not from Meyer). Amber actually has never laid an egg. She just started squatting for me on Wednesday, and the space between her pelvic bones is just starting to widen. She'll be 9 months old next week and she still hasn't laid an egg!
Well, here's to hoping she'll lay a green egg. The chances are unlikely since she seems to be a mix of some sort, but I can always hope! loll
That's great! My one EE took 10 months to lay so hopefully yours will soon. Can't wait to see it!

Well I've given her a drink twice today and a little bit of yogurt. No leakage. :) I think the thing we were missing was wrapping it so she can't "clean" it.
Great news. How is she today?

adorable! Here are some pictures of my chickens experiencing their first snow. My daughter made me a little snow man at the coop door to surprise me.

I had to make a path in the garden for them to walk in. Funny chickens!

Our chow Maxie was not phased at all by the snow. She took a nap in it. We did not get much at all, maybe an half inch to an inch.
Great pics! Love Maxie too
She must love this cold weather

I got some pictures today of my Meyer girls.
The older girls, who will be 2 years old in June:

I don't remember who asked about them, but here's my Speckled Sussex. Poggy:

Iddy Biddy:

And my lovely blue splash Marans, Frou-Frou, who pretty much blends into the snow right now.

Your SS are so pretty and of course Frou Frou is too!!

She's not a meyer hen but I promised pics when the eggs finally hatched. One has hatched out and one is pipped.

Absolutely Adorable!!!

Here are the mixed dozen eggs we received. I really hope some of them thrive!
There are a lot of EE mixes, bantam cochins, BLRW/Brahma mix, and an olive egger! We're most excited about seeing what comes out of the little blue eggs. They are an EE/Silkie cross. That's a cross my daughter has talked about doing before.

That's a great assortment! Please keep us posted on their progress. This will be fun!!!
I got a few pics this morning...

Here's Izzy with her new pretty colors around her face after her molt
(still not laying... hoping she is ok)

Big Red aka: Soup. The mean girl:

EE Mrs Puff

Henrietta one of my favs:

Mamie the BA

Jr. the CM


My NB Stella:

Izzy photo bombing her arch enemy Pipsqueak (I'm sure she paid for it later):
I got a few pics this morning... Here's Izzy with her new pretty colors around her face after her molt (still not laying... hoping she is ok) Big Red aka: Soup. The mean girl: EE Mrs Puff Henrietta one of my favs: Mamie the BA Jr. the CM Moe My NB Stella: Izzy photo bombing her arch enemy Pipsqueak (I'm sure she paid for it later):
What's a NB?
What's a NB?
She is actually a Buff Brahma from Meyer but we can't quite figure out her coloring. We thought she was a mix of LB and BB but after research by pipdzipdnreadytogo we learned she can't be. So she's some kind of genetic mistake that is very sweet and lays the prettiest brown eggs with dark spots all over it.
Anyway we call her a Nancy Brahma or NB for short (named after me of course
She is actually a Buff Brahma from Meyer but we can't quite figure out her coloring. We thought she was a mix of LB and BB but after research by [COLOR=333333]pipdzipdnreadytogo we learned she can't be. So she's some kind of genetic mistake that is very sweet and lays the prettiest brown eggs with dark spots all over it. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]Anyway we call her a Nancy Brahma or NB for short (named after me of course [/COLOR]:cool:  )   

She's so pretty!!!!!
Boomerang (SLP from Meyer) laid her first egg yesterday!!! She is 36 weeks old. We have one more polish from Meyer that is 5 weeks younger. We don't plan on keeping her but we're not making any effort to get rid of her until we have replacements. So, maybe we'll get to see her first egg too before she goes. :)

Mona seems to be doing ok. Just gave her some more water and yogurt. I think she'll be on a vitamin water and yogurt diet for awhile. I don't want to introduce any rocks to her crop so it's only soft food for her. We have some ground crumbles that we might mix with water after a few days. She is starting to get dehydrated (her wattles are shrinking) so I've got to step it up on the intake. It's so scary because if she starts leaking again we're putting her down. I don't want to be the cause of it leaking by giving her too much. I was worried because I was thinking DH will be at work while my daughter and I are gone and we'd have to put food and water in there for her and I'm afraid she is so hungry/thirsty that she would pig out and stretch her crop too far. But I just realized he is off all week due to an injury (workman's comp). Yeah!!! He will be able to feed/water her in intervals. Lucky him! He'll also be the one that will have to do the deed if it doesn't work out since we won't be here. Maybe he can eat her before we get back too because I don't think my daughter and I could bring ourselves to (even though we had no problem with our meat birds it feels different with the ones we consider pets).
Boomerang (SLP from Meyer) laid her first egg yesterday!!! She is 36 weeks old. We have one more polish from Meyer that is 5 weeks younger. We don't plan on keeping her but we're not making any effort to get rid of her until we have replacements. So, maybe we'll get to see her first egg too before she goes. :)

Mona seems to be doing ok. Just gave her some more water and yogurt. I think she'll be on a vitamin water and yogurt diet for awhile. I don't want to introduce any rocks to her crop so it's only soft food for her. We have some ground crumbles that we might mix with water after a few days. She is starting to get dehydrated (her wattles are shrinking) so I've got to step it up on the intake. It's so scary because if she starts leaking again we're putting her down. I don't want to be the cause of it leaking by giving her too much. I was worried because I was thinking DH will be at work while my daughter and I are gone and we'd have to put food and water in there for her and I'm afraid she is so hungry/thirsty that she would pig out and stretch her crop too far. But I just realized he is off all week due to an injury (workman's comp). Yeah!!! He will be able to feed/water her in intervals. Lucky him! He'll also be the one that will have to do the deed if it doesn't work out since we won't be here. Maybe he can eat her before we get back too because I don't think my daughter and I could bring ourselves to (even though we had no problem with our meat birds it feels different with the ones we consider pets).

Maybe you could blend some yogurt and egg yolks in a blender? The yolks should be very nutritious and the yogurt would keep her hydrated without her leaking water out of her crop. Just a thought.
Maybe you could blend some yogurt and egg yolks in a blender? The yolks should be very nutritious and the yogurt would keep her hydrated without her leaking water out of her crop. Just a thought.

That's a great idea! I'll put the vitamins in the mix too, then we can leave out the water completely. Thanks!
Your welcome.

You could put a bit of raw honey in the mix also, it has healing and soothing properties that may help her crop heal faster. If anything, it will give her another source of calories.

Will do! We use have used honey for wounds before (our dog had half it's ear ripped off by a raccoon before and we slathered honey all over it and it healed perfectly) but hadn't thought to do it on this one. Great idea!
I'm going to go make her a slurry right now.

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