Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

How old are they? How about putting some zucchini or watermelon then they have some food and it's juicy too?

That's GREAT!!!  They must be so cute. What's your set up like too? Are they completely by themselves or right in with the others?

They are adorable! I can't get any work done around the house because all I'm doing is seeing the babies! They are in a home made brooder nest box I made from an old sauder furniture tv stand. I am keeping them in the coop with the other girls but they free range all day so I don't have to worry about them picking on the chicks.





Out of 6 eggs 4 hatched 2 buff orps and 2 black australorps
That's a new way to do it, I guess? :p

It is shocking isn't it, I really do not know how and when I got to 48 yrs old. Guess time flies when you're having fun. 

Yeah I sometimes have to subtract the year I was born with the current year, Sad but true.:/

Such a great guy!

My youngest is starting her last year of college and the 2 older boys 25 and 23 are done with college now, guess I started a little earlier then you guys. 

Yeah, I got chickens to give myself something else to worry about instead of the kids. It is so hard not to worry about them or to try to direct them in the way you think is right. My daughter is staying with us and going to UNC Charlotte, she wanted to move out, but just can't afford it. Our oldest received a scholarship and left home at 18 to live on campus, it was only 1 hour and a half away, but still too far. He was engaged before the first grades were out. Thank goodness they both decided to wait until they were done with college. Stressful time or us to say the least. Long story short, he has been married 3 years since September, so all turned out well.

Our other son went to UNC Charlotte too and stayed with us until last year and this past December he married his high school sweetheart, they met when he was 14 and she was 13. My son's have kept us on our toes, both daughter-in-laws are great though, so it worked out.

Our daughter is 20 and is focused on college, friends and a career, we still worry about her though!

Good luck with all of you sending your kids off to college! Stressful times!:rolleyes:

Best of luck!! That is an awesome career too!

Our oldest son did his best to find a campus further away, but he followed the money, so 1 hr and a half ended up being far enough for him. Of course, his wife is from Raleigh NC, so they now live near her family which is 3 hours away.:(

I had a splash on of these and she was the sweetest. Only problem I had with the cochin's was the muddy feet on rainy days.

...and the winner is!!!!

That's great that they will move closer. We'll they live on your land too?

I am jealous too, that is so neat!

So sweet!

Best wishes for a safe. Great ideas from everyone too!

I'll have to check out about how to submit my dust bathing picture to the calendar, no sure how to do that. Glad you guys liked it though!

Thank you! They are so much fun! Why didn't i do this before?!
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Ok Meyers peeps, get your creative caps on... we need a farm name!

Some info ...
The land is 5 acres, mostly open land with wildflowers. Only a few baby cottonwood trees and a couple other young trees.
We have chickens, 3 dogs (jasmine, basil, and barley), a cat (rocky), and plan to get a couple horses, a dexter cow, and possibly a goat.
My daughter loves owls and I love dragonflies (though I don't think we'll have either around).
Street name is Arrowhead Trail
I am part cherokee. DH and I are both German. I'm also Belgian and Irish, and he's also Italian.
People have a hard time pronouncing our last name so that's out.

Some of the names we've thought of:
3 Owl Farm
Wise Owl Farm
Dragonfly Farm
Sweet Peep Farm

Ideas? Have a favorite of the above?

My daughter likes Flying Arrow or Tres Cuckoo Vallis (which is my phonetic version of τρεις κουκουβάγιες which is greek for 3 owls). DD is obsessed with greek stuff. (Thanks Percy Jackson)
Ok Meyers peeps, get your creative caps on... we need a farm name!

Some info ...
The land is 5 acres, mostly open land with wildflowers. Only a few baby cottonwood trees and a couple other young trees.
We have chickens, 3 dogs (jasmine, basil, and barley), a cat (rocky), and plan to get a couple horses, a dexter cow, and possibly a goat. 
My daughter loves owls and I love dragonflies (though I don't think we'll have either around). 
Street name is Arrowhead Trail
I am part cherokee. DH and I are both German. I'm also Belgian and Irish, and he's also Italian. 
People have a hard time pronouncing our last name so that's out. 

Some of the names we've thought of:
3 Owl Farm
Wise Owl Farm
Dragonfly Farm
Sweet Peep Farm

Ideas? Have a favorite of the above?

My daughter likes Flying Arrow or Tres Cuckoo Vallis (which is my phonetic version of τρεις κουκουβάγιες which is greek for 3 owls). DD is obsessed with greek stuff. (Thanks Percy Jackson)

The Greek name is nice. Very interesting. I am interested to see other names people come up with. I am NOT good at stuff like this. Although, you have to have a logo too!
My daughter likes Flying Arrow or Tres Cuckoo Vallis (which is my phonetic version of τρεις κουκουβάγιες which is greek for 3 owls). DD is obsessed with greek stuff. (Thanks Percy Jackson)
All the names sound good. Maybe you should look at farms around your area and choose something you know would stand out from the rest of them. I love the Greek one, very exotic sounding!
My youngest is starting her last year of college and the 2 older boys 25 and 23 are done with college now, guess I started a little earlier then you guys.

Yeah, I got chickens to give myself something else to worry about instead of the kids. It is so hard not to worry about them or to try to direct them in the way you think is right. My daughter is staying with us and going to UNC Charlotte, she wanted to move out, but just can't afford it. Our oldest received a scholarship and left home at 18 to live on campus, it was only 1 hour and a half away, but still too far. He was engaged before the first grades were out. Thank goodness they both decided to wait until they were done with college. Stressful time or us to say the least. Long story short, he has been married 3 years since September, so all turned out well.

Our other son went to UNC Charlotte too and stayed with us until last year and this past December he married his high school sweetheart, they met when he was 14 and she was 13. My son's have kept us on our toes, both daughter-in-laws are great though, so it worked out.

Our daughter is 20 and is focused on college, friends and a career, we still worry about her though!

Good luck with all of you sending your kids off to college! Stressful times!
Engaged before the first grades were out!! You must have been shocked!! Isn't it wonderful when the kids are happy? I heard a saying once, "You're only as happy as your saddest child" and think that's so true. I just can't be happy if one of mine has problems. Grandkids anytime soon

We completed my husband's project today. The chickens tore up his nice grass. It was pretty grass, but since they decided to use the area for dust bathing, it did not stand a chance.

We had the problem with are run not being level at the end due to the slope, so we decided to level out the outside and put the chickens new dust bathing/sandbox there. Perfect spot, serves two purposes, keeps the dirt in the run and gives them a new area to dust bathe. Big Mama was supervisor.

So far it was a hit with the ladies. I added wood ash to it. We made a mini bonfire last night just for them. It was way too hot for a fire. 80 degrees! We suffered for the chickens and smores!

Hopefully his grass will grow back and they stay in their area. I kind of doubt it though!
That's GREAT!!! They're going to love that and hopefully it keeps them out of the grass :)

Have any of you been to this website? They have links to local farms in your area. I think I may have found a source for Americauna or maran and other breed hatching eggs for me. It is mostly for eggs and farm stuff, but for NC there was a few that sold chicks and fertile eggs, maybe for your states too?

Only problem or me is the one place I really like is an hour away, but it is near my mom's house, so maybe I could make it a visit too!

Thanks I'm going to check it out! Hopefully I'll get a broody someday when I'm ready and get some interesting breeds to hatch.

Ok Meyers peeps, get your creative caps on... we need a farm name!

Some info ...
The land is 5 acres, mostly open land with wildflowers. Only a few baby cottonwood trees and a couple other young trees.
We have chickens, 3 dogs (jasmine, basil, and barley), a cat (rocky), and plan to get a couple horses, a dexter cow, and possibly a goat.
My daughter loves owls and I love dragonflies (though I don't think we'll have either around).
Street name is Arrowhead Trail
I am part cherokee. DH and I are both German. I'm also Belgian and Irish, and he's also Italian.
People have a hard time pronouncing our last name so that's out.

Some of the names we've thought of:
3 Owl Farm
Wise Owl Farm
Dragonfly Farm
Sweet Peep Farm

Ideas? Have a favorite of the above?
Here's a blog about choosing a name for a farm. I like the names with 3 words and something to do with what you will be selling from the farm or what is living on the farm rather than just something random. Or using the name of the street is a good idea so people will remember the name/street at the same time.
I love the example he gives of Barking Cat Farms.... a juxtaposition? Something like that would be cute.
Flying Egg Farm
I like Sweet Peep Farm too
I'll give it more thought. But take your time... no rush. You want just the right name!!
AND congratulations on everything... you must be so happy

They are adorable! I can't get any work done around the house because all I'm doing is seeing the babies! They are in a home made brooder nest box I made from an old sauder furniture tv stand. I am keeping them in the coop with the other girls but they free range all day so I don't have to worry about them picking on the chicks.

Out of 6 eggs 4 hatched 2 buff orps and 2 black australorps
So cute!!! What a good momma
So my 3 flighty chickens, Splash, Andi (Blue Andulasions) and Campi (Golden Campine) decided to fly to the top of the 5 foot fence and almost flew out. I need to either give them away, sell them or clip their wings. Such trouble makers. I wish I knew of someone around me who might want them. Not sure if I want to try Craigslist, my husband is weary of it.


Of course, they all wanted to get on his new seeded grass area too. Not a good free ranging day for the ladies or me. I need to figure out more things before I let them out again.
So my 3 flighty chickens, Splash, Andi (Blue Andulasions) and Campi (Golden Campine) decided to fly to the top of the 5 foot fence and almost flew out. I need to either give them away, sell them or clip their wings. Such trouble makers. I wish I knew of someone around me who might want them. Not sure if I want to try Craigslist, my husband is weary of it.


Of course, they all wanted to get on his new seeded grass area too. Not a good free ranging day for the ladies or me. I need to figure out more things before I let them out again.

If you can you might think about putting 1X2 strips on the fence extending it up about 1 foot. Then you can put small wire or twine across. They can't land on it, if they can't land then they most likely will not try to fly over.
Engaged before the first grades were out!! You must have been shocked!! Isn't it wonderful when the kids are happy? I heard a saying once, "You're only as happy as your saddest child" and think that's so true. I just can't be happy if one of mine has problems. Grandkids anytime soon
Shocked for sure! I am glad that it all worked out and I think he learned a lot and we learned a lot about the experience. It is great when the kids are happy and that is so true "you're only as happy as your saddest child".

There is another saying that I love too. A mother is asked which child she loves the most?
She replied: "The one I love the most is the one who is away from home until he returns; the one who is sick until he is well; the one who is hurt until he is better; and the one who is lost until he is found."

No need to hide under the chair, we really, really, really are hoping for grandkids soon! My oldest brother who is going on 52 this year has 3 grandsons between his 2 kids. We also have friends and other family members with grandkids. My husband's sister has so many grandkids, we lost count. We really want our turn now!

If you can you might think about putting 1X2 strips on the fence extending it up about 1 foot. Then you can put small wire or twine across. They can't land on it, if they can't land then they most likely will not try to fly over.
We have a huge fence. Although I would be up to it, I'm sure my husband would not agree. He loves his new fence. It's a great idea though! Thanks!

I think clipping their wings might be the way we go. I may try to do that myself or wait for my daughter to help or convince my husband to help out.

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