Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Shocked for sure! I am glad that it all worked out and I think he learned a lot and we learned a lot about the experience. It is great when the kids are happy and that is so true "you're only as happy as your saddest child".

There is another saying that I love too. A mother is asked which child she loves the most?
She replied: "The one I love the most is the one who is away from home until he returns; the one who is sick until he is well; the one who is hurt until he is better; and the one who is lost until he is found."

No need to hide under the chair, we really, really, really are hoping for grandkids soon! My oldest brother who is going on 52 this year has 3 grandsons between his 2 kids. We also have friends and other family members with grandkids. My husband's sister has so many grandkids, we lost count. We really want our turn now!

We have a huge fence. Although I would be up to it, I'm sure my husband would not agree. He loves his new fence. It's a great idea though! Thanks!

I think clipping their wings might be the way we go. I may try to do that myself or wait for my daughter to help or convince my husband to help out.

Clipping a birds wings is pretty easy if you have someone to hold the bird for you. I haven't done a chickens but I clipped many many parrots in years past.

DH is 44 and has a 4 year old grandson! It doesn't really count though since we never get to see him. His son is in the army and his ex has control over everything that deals with the kids and grandkids. She poisons all of them toward us so we don't get a relationship. DD is only 12 but I'm looking forward to the grandkid stage in about 15 years. ;)
Ok Meyers peeps, get your creative caps on... we need a farm name!

Some info ...
The land is 5 acres, mostly open land with wildflowers. Only a few baby cottonwood trees and a couple other young trees.
We have chickens, 3 dogs (jasmine, basil, and barley), a cat (rocky), and plan to get a couple horses, a dexter cow, and possibly a goat. 
My daughter loves owls and I love dragonflies (though I don't think we'll have either around). 
Street name is Arrowhead Trail
I am part cherokee. DH and I are both German. I'm also Belgian and Irish, and he's also Italian. 
People have a hard time pronouncing our last name so that's out. 

Some of the names we've thought of:
3 Owl Farm
Wise Owl Farm
Dragonfly Farm
Sweet Peep Farm

Ideas? Have a favorite of the above?

Not to rain on your parade, but two horses are going to decimate even a 4 acre pasture so your cow won't have any grazing. You may want to keep the horses in a small pasture and let the dexter have her own pasture because cattle aren't nearly as hard on grass.
Not to rain on your parade, but two horses are going to decimate even a 4 acre pasture so your cow won't have any grazing. You may want to keep the horses in a small pasture and let the dexter have her own pasture because cattle aren't nearly as hard on grass.
Yea, especially here in CO where we can't really grow good pasture without irrigation. We don't plan to pasture for nutrition because it isn't feasible here without hundreds of acres. We have no choice to but to feed hay.
We do have 4 separate areas to rotate them through for fun and exercise more than nutrition. 1 area is small and will be their main area. We'll rotate them through the other 3 with limited time spent on each. Hopefully that will allow each area to not get trampled so bad it doesn't have a chance to recover. The land is pretty green right now and hasn't had horses on it for more than 6 months so at least we'll have a good start.

Our appraisal came back fine. We close at the end of the week!
So Clara, our EE, my son's chick hasn't been doing well. Yesterday I noticed that most of the day in the pen/tractor she was just standing with her eyes closed. Clara is the queen of the perch so I found this a bit odd. I became concerned when I let them out for their evening free ranging and while she came out she mostly stood under a table with her eyes closed while the other girls scratched and pecked. I guessed at heat exhaustion despite the fact that it was under 80, I had shaded their pen all day, kept their water cool with ice and gave them mint and pea ice cube treats. Still I wanted to get her to drink, but she refused. Later when I noticed her panting, I filled a bowl with cool water and dipped her feet and lower body. Later when I got them back into their brooder I observed and saw she wasn't eating or drinking. I took her out and dipped her beak into a tiny teacup of pineapple juice in case a slug had got stuck in her crop, she took a few sips and perked up a bit, I then filled the tea cup with electrolyte water and after half a dozen sips she seemed like she wanted to go back into the brooder and when she got in she went over to the waterer took a couple sips (also had electrolytes in it) then nosed around on the ground by the feeder and nibbled a bit. I was relieved.

Only this morning she was worse, she appeared to be hobbling around, I took her out and examined her feet, confirmed she didn't have bumblefoot. She then tried to hop on my shoulder a little wobbly and later she aimed for the top of the arm chair and missed the first time, then made it up the second, just barely and didn't perch so much as lean and let her right leg dangle. A couple mins later she fell off the back of the chair and layed on the floor without trying to get up. I should mention that Clara is the least snuggly of our 5 chicks, she clucks or squawks when we try to pet her or pick her up. She prefers to hop on my arm and ride like a falcon when I take them in and out. No protesting today though, all snuggly and sleepy. After more observation I think she suffered a stroke, her leg and wing on the same side aren't working and its just so sad to see her try to preen and loose her balance and not be able to perch but even more so to see her not eating and drinking :(

Clara resting on my lap with her slightly creepy light eyelids.

Her open eyes are perfectly clear, no sign of Mareks

Before falling off the chair :(

Sitting calmly with Rowan, hasn't allowed him to hold her for a long time
So my 3 flighty chickens, Splash, Andi (Blue Andulasions) and Campi (Golden Campine) decided to fly to the top of the 5 foot fence and almost flew out. I need to either give them away, sell them or clip their wings. Such trouble makers. I wish I knew of someone around me who might want them. Not sure if I want to try Craigslist, my husband is weary of it.


Of course, they all wanted to get on his new seeded grass area too. Not a good free ranging day for the ladies or me. I need to figure out more things before I let them out again.
I am always concerned about Craigslist and my kids think I'm going to get killed using it... they watch to many movies. The first few times I used it to sell some kids books (I sell them on eBay and they didn't want to pay shipping and they lived nearby) I met them in Target parking lot in the middle of the day and it made me feel safer. Another time I had someone come here when there were workers here and when she got out of the car I knew all was ok. When I gave away my RIR, I could tell on the phone she was a much older woman and I knew where she lived so felt safe.
So maybe go with the meeting someone in a crowded area?

Shocked for sure! I am glad that it all worked out and I think he learned a lot and we learned a lot about the experience. It is great when the kids are happy and that is so true "you're only as happy as your saddest child".

There is another saying that I love too. A mother is asked which child she loves the most?
She replied: "The one I love the most is the one who is away from home until he returns; the one who is sick until he is well; the one who is hurt until he is better; and the one who is lost until he is found."

No need to hide under the chair, we really, really, really are hoping for grandkids soon! My oldest brother who is going on 52 this year has 3 grandsons between his 2 kids. We also have friends and other family members with grandkids. My husband's sister has so many grandkids, we lost count. We really want our turn now!
Awww, I love your saying too!!!! Never heard it before. Makes me happy.
Well, I think it's your turn for grandkids then!! It will be fun (years from now for me hopefully) and since I'm in the book business I'm already putting aside every baby/toddler book I want to read to them!! Oh, and you are so lucky you like your DIL's ... that has to be the worst if you don't get along or see they don't treat your sons the way they should.

Clipping a birds wings is pretty easy if you have someone to hold the bird for you. I haven't done a chickens but I clipped many many parrots in years past.

DH is 44 and has a 4 year old grandson! It doesn't really count though since we never get to see him. His son is in the army and his ex has control over everything that deals with the kids and grandkids. She poisons all of them toward us so we don't get a relationship. DD is only 12 but I'm looking forward to the grandkid stage in about 15 years. ;)
Oh boy, so sorry your ex-DIL won't let you see him. She is robbing you and them of an important relationship. I hope she realizes it one day.

So Clara, our EE, my son's chick hasn't been doing well. Yesterday I noticed that most of the day in the pen/tractor she was just standing with her eyes closed. Clara is the queen of the perch so I found this a bit odd. I became concerned when I let them out for their evening free ranging and while she came out she mostly stood under a table with her eyes closed while the other girls scratched and pecked. I guessed at heat exhaustion despite the fact that it was under 80, I had shaded their pen all day, kept their water cool with ice and gave them mint and pea ice cube treats. Still I wanted to get her to drink, but she refused. Later when I noticed her panting, I filled a bowl with cool water and dipped her feet and lower body. Later when I got them back into their brooder I observed and saw she wasn't eating or drinking. I took her out and dipped her beak into a tiny teacup of pineapple juice in case a slug had got stuck in her crop, she took a few sips and perked up a bit, I then filled the tea cup with electrolyte water and after half a dozen sips she seemed like she wanted to go back into the brooder and when she got in she went over to the waterer took a couple sips (also had electrolytes in it) then nosed around on the ground by the feeder and nibbled a bit. I was relieved.

Only this morning she was worse, she appeared to be hobbling around, I took her out and examined her feet, confirmed she didn't have bumblefoot. She then tried to hop on my shoulder a little wobbly and later she aimed for the top of the arm chair and missed the first time, then made it up the second, just barely and didn't perch so much as lean and let her right leg dangle. A couple mins later she fell off the back of the chair and layed on the floor without trying to get up. I should mention that Clara is the least snuggly of our 5 chicks, she clucks or squawks when we try to pet her or pick her up. She prefers to hop on my arm and ride like a falcon when I take them in and out. No protesting today though, all snuggly and sleepy. After more observation I think she suffered a stroke, her leg and wing on the same side aren't working and its just so sad to see her try to preen and loose her balance and not be able to perch but even more so to see her not eating and drinking :(

Clara resting on my lap with her slightly creepy light eyelids.

Her open eyes are perfectly clear, no sign of Mareks

Before falling off the chair :(

Sitting calmly with Rowan, hasn't allowed him to hold her for a long time
So pretty... I have no idea what it could be. How is she today? Try to get those fluids into her and maybe make a wet mash of the feed to get her to eat?
So Clara, our EE, my son's chick hasn't been doing well. Yesterday I noticed that most of the day in the pen/tractor she was just standing with her eyes closed. Clara is the queen of the perch so I found this a bit odd. I became concerned when I let them out for their evening free ranging and while she came out she mostly stood under a table with her eyes closed while the other girls scratched and pecked. I guessed at heat exhaustion despite the fact that it was under 80, I had shaded their pen all day, kept their water cool with ice and gave them mint and pea ice cube treats. Still I wanted to get her to drink, but she refused. Later when I noticed her panting, I filled a bowl with cool water and dipped her feet and lower body. Later when I got them back into their brooder I observed and saw she wasn't eating or drinking. I took her out and dipped her beak into a tiny teacup of pineapple juice in case a slug had got stuck in her crop, she took a few sips and perked up a bit, I then filled the tea cup with electrolyte water and after half a dozen sips she seemed like she wanted to go back into the brooder and when she got in she went over to the waterer took a couple sips (also had electrolytes in it) then nosed around on the ground by the feeder and nibbled a bit. I was relieved.

Only this morning she was worse, she appeared to be hobbling around, I took her out and examined her feet, confirmed she didn't have bumblefoot. She then tried to hop on my shoulder a little wobbly and later she aimed for the top of the arm chair and missed the first time, then made it up the second, just barely and didn't perch so much as lean and let her right leg dangle. A couple mins later she fell off the back of the chair and layed on the floor without trying to get up. I should mention that Clara is the least snuggly of our 5 chicks, she clucks or squawks when we try to pet her or pick her up. She prefers to hop on my arm and ride like a falcon when I take them in and out. No protesting today though, all snuggly and sleepy. After more observation I think she suffered a stroke, her leg and wing on the same side aren't working and its just so sad to see her try to preen and loose her balance and not be able to perch but even more so to see her not eating and drinking :(

Clara resting on my lap with her slightly creepy light eyelids.

Her open eyes are perfectly clear, no sign of Mareks

Before falling off the chair :(

Sitting calmly with Rowan, hasn't allowed him to hold her for a long time
Oh no, so sorry to hear. How is Clara today? You can keep the electrolytes up like you're already doing and also add some meat to her diet to boosts her protein levels. Fresh garlic can help too, but not for too long.

I hope that she snaps out of it. If it is a stroke, it'll take awhile to recover. You can wet her food too and drop it in the side of her beak and just keep making sure she gets food and electrolytes in her every few hours or so. Maybe something scared her really bad? My BO, Big Mama had a stroke or severe shock after a dog attacked and killed 13 of my other chickens. It took her a long time to recover, her coordination was way off too and she would miss the food when she would peck, so I force fed her wet food and electrolyte water every few hours. If Clara eats on her own, that's even better. Hang in there and best wishes!

My husband and I got our three Easter Eggers from Meyers last Thursday and they are very sweet! They are very clean and healthy! Clarice even laid an egg yesterday!!!
I am always concerned about Craigslist and my kids think I'm going to get killed using it... they watch to many movies. The first few times I used it to sell some kids books (I sell them on eBay and they didn't want to pay shipping and they lived nearby) I met them in Target parking lot in the middle of the day and it made me feel safer. Another time I had someone come here when there were workers here and when she got out of the car I knew all was ok. When I gave away my RIR, I could tell on the phone she was a much older woman and I knew where she lived so felt safe.
So maybe go with the meeting someone in a crowded area?
That's a great idea, just need to convince the DH. Guess we posted at the same time?

I really would rather give them away or sell them, so I would not have any more flighty small hens. They are sweet chickens, but there is just too many stray dogs around and cars and neighbors, etc. I do not want any trouble, if clipping their wings work that'd be good, but if I gave 3 away, I'd have room for 3 chicks? Hmmmm. They are cool chickens to watch though, I love the Blue Andulasion and Golden Campine breeds, but I think I need to stick with the bigger ones. I wonder if the bantams can fly as high too? Chicken keeping can get so complicated at times.
Oh no, so sorry to hear. How is Clara today? You can keep the electrolytes up like you're already doing and also add some meat to her diet to boosts her protein levels. Fresh garlic can help too, but not for too long.

I hope that she snaps out of it. If it is a stroke, it'll take awhile to recover. You can wet her food too and drop it in the side of her beak and just keep making sure she gets food and electrolytes in her every few hours or so. Maybe something scared her really bad? My BO, Big Mama had a stroke or severe shock after a dog attacked and killed 13 of my other chickens. It took her a long time to recover, her coordination was way off too and she would miss the food when she would peck, so I force fed her wet food and electrolyte water every few hours. If Clara eats on her own, that's even better. Hang in there and best wishes! :hugs

Thanks all, Clara is looking a bit better this morning, more alert but still hobbling about and unable to jump. However she has found the will to survive, she is eating and drinking on her own, I am keeping the electrolyte water and maybe tonight I'll give her some of our grassfed steak. Fingers crossed she make a recovery. I'm keeping a close eye out for bullying but haven't witnessed any, Sat and Sun she was puffing herself up as if her big bad hawk self wasn't intimidating enough ;)

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