Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Yeah, my neighbor who will be closest to the chickens doesn't care as long as he doesn't hear a rooster or smell nasties. I always share garden goodies with them, so eggs will be a natural offering as well. And from what I've heard, if you are "inspected" you have plenty of notice to bring 1-2 chickens inside temporarily

Usually you get notice, but occasionally you don't. My friend wasn't allowed any chickens but she had many on her enclosed patio. She was working in the backyard one day and an animal control officer walked down her driveway (which went to the backyard) and said a neighbor had complained about chickens (she had let them out to free range for a couple hours one day). Luckily since the chickens were in the porch she just said, "no chickens here", the officer glanced around and left.
Another time that same neighbor complained again and she was told she would have 10 days to remove any chickens she had. She was inspected and they didn't find the 4 that live permanently on her porch.
Usually you get notice, but occasionally you don't. My friend wasn't allowed any chickens but she had many on her enclosed patio. She was working in the backyard one day and an animal control officer walked down her driveway (which went to the backyard) and said a neighbor had complained about chickens (she had let them out to free range for a couple hours one day). Luckily since the chickens were in the porch she just said, "no chickens here", the officer glanced around and left.
Another time that same neighbor complained again and she was told she would have 10 days to remove any chickens she had. She was inspected and they didn't find the 4 that live permanently on her porch.
Around here they are pretty good - if they have a complaint of noise/ordinance & not unsafe conditions, then they contact you & set up a time to come check things out. If its unsafe conditions, then they do not make any attempt to contact you.
Around here they are pretty good - if they have a complaint of noise/ordinance & not unsafe conditions, then they contact you & set up a time to come check things out. If its unsafe conditions, then they do not make any attempt to contact you.
Yeah same here. I don't know why she didn't get the notice the first time.
Our previous neighbors called on us twice saying we were mistreating our dogs. The first was that our dog had no water (it did). We came home to a note on our door that they had come. The next time we came home to a card again that said "call me". We called the officer and she said someone said we were beating our dog. We asked them to come over. They did and saw that our dogs were friendly, not scared, and obviously well cared for. They said it was no problem but they had to check it out. They said we were dream owners compared to what they see.

I have no idea why our neighbor had something out for us. Anyway... I can't wait to move to the country!!!
Don't anyone panic - I changed my avatar!

Haha, I'm catching up on posts and it took me a minute to realize who you were! :lol: Everyone panic, there's a different avatar on the thread!!

It's funny, I change my avatar pretty regularly, but it's always a picture of my Frou-Frou, so I guess it's not that noticeable. :D
Haha, I'm catching up on posts and it took me a minute to realize who you were!
Everyone panic, there's a different avatar on the thread!!

It's funny, I change my avatar pretty regularly, but it's always a picture of my Frou-Frou, so I guess it's not that noticeable.
I know! But I HAD to change my avatar - it's summer now! No snow panic for it's just chicken panic.
Ok - I have a definite breeder of cream legbars. The farm is 1,5 hrs from me, which isn't very far really since it takes 45 minutes to get to real "country". The price is competitive & the lineage is good. Not that I care about show birds, but I would like decent quality!

So I think I'm going to just go for my local person & not worry about trying to fight over Meyer's limited supply. Now the REAL I get 1 or 2
Not even a question... 2! You HAVE to get colored eggs for your son so it's a must!!
It's interesting that this time I got my chicks the same breeds really hang out with each other. The EE's are always together, the 2 CCL and the 2 Brabanters. My little Silkie hangs out with anyone. So another reason to get 2 :) But the first batch of chicks they didn't do that. Maybe because I got 15 that time?
You're going to have such a nice assorted flock both in looks and eggs.

So I worked on a new feeder today

I still need to twick It a bit but it holds about 165 lb of feed and so far is working great!
That's great!! I gotta learn how to use power tools!!

Yeah, my neighbor who will be closest to the chickens doesn't care as long as he doesn't hear a rooster or smell nasties. I always share garden goodies with them, so eggs will be a natural offering as well. And from what I've heard, if you are "inspected" you have plenty of notice to bring 1-2 chickens inside temporarily
Speaking of 'chicken nasties' what do you do with all the chicken poo in a suburban or city setting? They sure do produce a lot!

Don't anyone panic - I changed my avatar!
To late... I already did
Yeah same here. I don't know why she didn't get the notice the first time.
Our previous neighbors called on us twice saying we were mistreating our dogs. The first was that our dog had no water (it did). We came home to a note on our door that they had come. The next time we came home to a card again that said "call me". We called the officer and she said someone said we were beating our dog. We asked them to come over. They did and saw that our dogs were friendly, not scared, and obviously well cared for. They said it was no problem but they had to check it out. They said we were dream owners compared to what they see.

I have no idea why our neighbor had something out for us. Anyway... I can't wait to move to the country!!!
Oh jeez! Glad I do not have neighbors like that. Glad for you that you're moving too!

Haha, I'm catching up on posts and it took me a minute to realize who you were!
Everyone panic, there's a different avatar on the thread!!

It's funny, I change my avatar pretty regularly, but it's always a picture of my Frou-Frou, so I guess it's not that noticeable.
I have noticed your changes but since it is always Frou-Frou, I know who you are still.

I know! But I HAD to change my avatar - it's summer now! No snow panic for it's just chicken panic.
You did not get the written consent and prior 2 week approval and trial period that this thread requires before you change your avatar. Shame on you! and just kidding!

I actually have been thinking about changing mine too, it's been the same forever!

Not even a question... 2! You HAVE to get colored eggs for your son so it's a must!!
It's interesting that this time I got my chicks the same breeds really hang out with each other. The EE's are always together, the 2 CCL and the 2 Brabanters. My little Silkie hangs out with anyone. So another reason to get 2 :) But the first batch of chicks they didn't do that. Maybe because I got 15 that time?
You're going to have such a nice assorted flock both in looks and eggs.

That's great!! I gotta learn how to use power tools!!

Speaking of 'chicken nasties' what do you do with all the chicken poo in a suburban or city setting? They sure do produce a lot!

To late... I already did
I agree with getting 2 CL's, what if one is a rooster! And 2 would be better!! Two blue eggs a day!! That'd be awesome!

Is this the feeder for your new chicks that you are talking about? Maybe a heavy piece of wood? Our feeder is the top load kind from TSC. It has different levels to restrict to much feed being scratched out. I tried pellets with the girls and they scratch too much out, so I switched to crumbles. Mine is on their patio and not hung up and the feed does accumulate a little on the wood there, but I have a few that like to clean it up for me, so no mold there.

About the poo poo: Make yourself a compost bin and add in the chicken poo too. It'll turn into great garden soil if you mix in some kitchen scraps and leaves too.

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