Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Yikes! I don't think I could wait until she is 10 months for another green or blue egg!

I hope Big Red's craziness had nothing to do with her name! So far, my Big Red is pretty mellow. I went to pet her and she squatted for me, today. So, she is getting close to laying. When I go to pet Jed, she just runs away.
Don't forget not all chickens squat so Jed could surprise you with an egg without ever squatting
My Big Red was just a nut when it came to the nests... she chased any chicken out of the nest when they wanted to lay and pecked heads all the time. The poor girls used to seem so stressed when they had to lay their egg and now it's peaceful.

Got my first Meyer flock 2 years ago.... there is now a Brinsea Mini Advance sitting on my dining room table with my fourth hatch going.....I keep eyeing the RCOM 20 Pro....

I am officially addicted.

I love that it's on your dining room table... sounds so normal to us but if my friends came over they would think that was a bitt odd!!

I don't think he's sad...our friend that will take any boys is someone we see on a weekly basis. We do playdates with her daughter, so it's not like we won't see Coco on a regular basis! I also think that the excitement of all the other chickens will offset any dissappointment in 1 (or 2) being boys.

I'm quite giddy that I'm going ahead and getting the BO and the BLRW that I the "must have" list is expanding ;)

I'm SO over my allowed amount! I will need to move to a bigger backyard to have more chickens!!!!
Nothing like new chicks to get over giving some others away. He will love having so many running around at one time!
I'm debating about switching out my 1 EE on order for Sept for a BO. If it was just a few weeks later and I knew if my 2 twelve week old EE's I have now will lay green/blue eggs I'd switch for sure. But my new chicks will most likely come before my current EE's lay. And no, I can't add another especially if my Silkie turns out to be a girl!!! LOL
Nothing like new chicks to get over giving some others away. He will love having so many running around at one time!
I'm debating about switching out my 1 EE on order for Sept for a BO. If it was just a few weeks later and I knew if my 2 twelve week old EE's I have now will lay green/blue eggs I'd switch for sure. But my new chicks will most likely come before my current EE's lay. And no, I can't add another especially if my Silkie turns out to be a girl!!! LOL
It's so hard to decide, I'm planning on adding 3-5 chicks next spring as I don't think I'll be able to convince the husband to add any pullets this fall. I have a list of pros and cons of over 15 breeds, egg color and feather color being the major factors as I've already narrowed for hardiness and docility, but those are often at odds. Some are available from Meyer, some from a local breeder, others I would have to seek out.

Like I would really like a RIR/PR from Meyer to have a solid red hen to balance out our solid Black Marans and Buff Orpington, (the other girls have more varied coats) and while she would add a higher quantity of eggs, they wouldn't add a unique color to the egg basket since we have a Golden Buff (sex-link) and the Marans egg probably won't be/stay all that dark. I also avoided this breed initially as I heard they can pick on others, but as a younger pullet coming into an established flock this may be less likely, especially if raised by a broody. On the other hand I would like a Sussex for the light pink eggs, but I don't really think a Speckled Sussex would look all that great in our small flock, even though I think they are THE cutest chicks. A breeder near us does have Light, Silver and Coronation Sussex, I think I like the silver best. It's a similar issue with Wyandottes, I love the lacing, but I would want a few at once and of course I really want the elusive Buff Laced. Sigh.

I am pretty set on getting a Welsummer, love the coat color and eggs, fingers crossed for speckling of course. But I'm on the fence about getting a Cream Legbar, Ameraucana or another Easter Egger. There is the cost with the Legbar, plus they have a very similar coloring to our Silver Grey Dorking, which might be okay as she's the one that sticks out and I know they would look different enough. When it comes to Ameraucana's I really love the Blue Wheaten, especially Splash Wheaten, but they are hard to find. And of course EE are a mixed bag, I would really love a white EE with black flecks like a snowy owl or light hawk to go opposite Clara, but that would have to be a started pullet I could pick out from a bunch, yeah...

I also can't get over my desire for a Salmon Faverolles, their creamy tinted eggs are just so gorgeous and I like off white better than stark white in plumage, but there's the noise and the potential to be picked on, so I know I should wait to have three when we have more land. It's silly but, I would also love an Amber Star/Link, same issue with the egg color as the PR, but I just love the color coat and she would be the opposite of Amelia, but I'm definitely not ordering from Mt. Healthy. Then there are Brahmas, I do not like the Buff, the Light are okay but I prefer the Dark, which Meyer doesn't have, Ideal does. The breeder near us has Silver Penciled Rocks which are gorgeous as well.

Then there is the question of how we should get them/brood them. Two or three Kindergarten teachers (out of eight!) at my son's school hatch and raise chicks in the classroom. Rowan's preschool teacher said she would try but couldn't promise to get him into one of those classes. I have no idea where they get their eggs from, what breeds, how long they keep them and what happen to the chicks after, but I could possibly help influence that, getting Legbar eggs from the breeder would be cheaper than buying chicks. I don't really want to hatch in an incubator yet, though using a broody is appealing, since we can't keep roos it might just be better to get day old chicks from Meyer and *if* one of our girls was broody we could sneak the chicks under her and she could raise them in a separate pen or little coop, I've heard that integration can be easier this way. If we didn't have a broody of course we are all set up to brood chicks again. So yeah...

Anyone still with me? Of course in addition to lists I have collages of both hens and eggs.
It's so hard to decide, I'm planning on adding 3-5 chicks next spring as I don't think I'll be able to convince the husband to add any pullets this fall. I have a list of pros and cons of over 15 breeds, egg color and feather color being the major factors as I've already narrowed for hardiness and docility, but those are often at odds. Some are available from Meyer, some from a local breeder, others I would have to seek out.

Like I would really like a RIR/PR from Meyer to have a solid red hen to balance out our solid Black Marans and Buff Orpington, (the other girls have more varied coats) and while she would add a higher quantity of eggs, they wouldn't add a unique color to the egg basket since we have a Golden Buff (sex-link) and the Marans egg probably won't be/stay all that dark. I also avoided this breed initially as I heard they can pick on others, but as a younger pullet coming into an established flock this may be less likely, especially if raised by a broody. On the other hand I would like a Sussex for the light pink eggs, but I don't really think a Speckled Sussex would look all that great in our small flock, even though I think they are THE cutest chicks. A breeder near us does have Light, Silver and Coronation Sussex, I think I like the silver best. It's a similar issue with Wyandottes, I love the lacing, but I would want a few at once and of course I really want the elusive Buff Laced. Sigh.

I am pretty set on getting a Welsummer, love the coat color and eggs, fingers crossed for speckling of course. But I'm on the fence about getting a Cream Legbar, Ameraucana or another Easter Egger. There is the cost with the Legbar, plus they have a very similar coloring to our Silver Grey Dorking, which might be okay as she's the one that sticks out and I know they would look different enough. When it comes to Ameraucana's I really love the Blue Wheaten, especially Splash Wheaten, but they are hard to find. And of course EE are a mixed bag, I would really love a white EE with black flecks like a snowy owl or light hawk to go opposite Clara, but that would have to be a started pullet I could pick out from a bunch, yeah...

I also can't get over my desire for a Salmon Faverolles, their creamy tinted eggs are just so gorgeous and I like off white better than stark white in plumage, but there's the noise and the potential to be picked on, so I know I should wait to have three when we have more land. It's silly but, I would also love an Amber Star/Link, same issue with the egg color as the PR, but I just love the color coat and she would be the opposite of Amelia, but I'm definitely not ordering from Mt. Healthy. Then there are Brahmas, I do not like the Buff, the Light are okay but I prefer the Dark, which Meyer doesn't have, Ideal does. The breeder near us has Silver Penciled Rocks which are gorgeous as well.

Then there is the question of how we should get them/brood them. Two or three Kindergarten teachers (out of eight!) at my son's school hatch and raise chicks in the classroom. Rowan's preschool teacher said she would try but couldn't promise to get him into one of those classes. I have no idea where they get their eggs from, what breeds, how long they keep them and what happen to the chicks after, but I could possibly help influence that, getting Legbar eggs from the breeder would be cheaper than buying chicks. I don't really want to hatch in an incubator yet, though using a broody is appealing, since we can't keep roos it might just be better to get day old chicks from Meyer and *if* one of our girls was broody we could sneak the chicks under her and she could raise them in a separate pen or little coop, I've heard that integration can be easier this way. If we didn't have a broody of course we are all set up to brood chicks again. So yeah...

Anyone still with me? Of course in addition to lists I have collages of both hens and eggs.

I think most of us go through very similar thinking. I had a spreadsheet of wanted breeds. I also have a pintrest board so I could keep track of the look of each bird and see them as a flock. lol
I am at the point now though that my want list is pretty short, down to 4-5 and 2 of those are mixes we'll breed for ourselves next year. I'm already over our stupid limit here (15 on 5 acres!!!!) but it's not like the county 1) has the resources to drive around and count chickens, 2) even knows I have chickens at all, and 3) who could count chickens that are running around in waist high weeds? I don't think my neighbors would know the limits, I'm sure they are like everyone else and assumes with this much land you can have whatever you want so I don't think I'll have to worry about complaints. The house right on the main road has a TON of chickens in a small run and obviously hasn't had any problems. I think it helps that we are 3 miles down a dirt road (that's the main road I'm talking about that his chickens face) and the only vehicles that come down here that aren't residents are delivery/service vehicles.

My current want list is:
Olive Egger
RIR (heritage)
and DD wants a silkie/EE mix
I'm also thinking about a couple turkens for a sustainable meat bird flock but that may not be necessary this first year if I'm breeding for the OE I'll have extra roos to raise for meat.
@trsturself and @autumnhearth Wow! You ladies have my head spinning. You guys are so ahead of me, I feel a little inferior. . .

I think the next time my 18 yr. old daughter accuses me of obsessing about my chickens (which I totally do, can you blame me??), I will pull out your posts and tell her it could get worse! LOL

I hope you find the right balance in your flocks! In the meantime, I will try to keep up!!
I think most of us go through very similar thinking. I had a spreadsheet of wanted breeds. I also have a pintrest board so I could keep track of the look of each bird and see them as a flock. lol
I am at the point now though that my want list is pretty short, down to 4-5 and 2 of those are mixes we'll breed for ourselves next year. I'm already over our stupid limit here (15 on 5 acres!!!!) but it's not like the county 1) has the resources to drive around and count chickens, 2) even knows I have chickens at all, and 3) who could count chickens that are running around in waist high weeds? I don't think my neighbors would know the limits, I'm sure they are like everyone else and assumes with this much land you can have whatever you want so I don't think I'll have to worry about complaints. The house right on the main road has a TON of chickens in a small run and obviously hasn't had any problems. I think it helps that we are 3 miles down a dirt road (that's the main road I'm talking about that his chickens face) and the only vehicles that come down here that aren't residents are delivery/service vehicles.

My current want list is:
Olive Egger
RIR (heritage)
and DD wants a silkie/EE mix
I'm also thinking about a couple turkens for a sustainable meat bird flock but that may not be necessary this first year if I'm breeding for the OE I'll have extra roos to raise for meat.

I created a Pinterest board before we got our first chicks this spring, I think it may be time to update it. Yeah I wouldn't worry about how many on 5 acres either. Our small college town with mostly tiny lots has no limit in the ordinances, just defines poultry as separate from livestock (livestock you need a permit for) and then all the same rules that apply to animal like noise, smell, running at large, abuse apply to poultry, but still we want to keep it under a dozen, the family we get our eggs from in town have 11.
@trsturself and @autumnhearth Wow! You ladies have my head spinning. You guys are so ahead of me, I feel a little inferior. . .

I think the next time my 18 yr. old daughter accuses me of obsessing about my chickens (which I totally do, can you blame me??), I will pull out your posts and tell her it could get worse! LOL

I hope you find the right balance in your flocks! In the meantime, I will try to keep up!!
LOL! My head spins quite frequently thinking about it myself. And no, I would never think you are inferior, I'm much to obsessive! Consider yourself sane ;)
Hehe, I'm sitting here reading all of these posts about getting more and more chicks or trying to resist getting more, and I'm laughing my butt off all the while. Meanwhile, I've got call duck hatching eggs and a new incubator on the way in the mail. :oops: I have no self control. :lol:
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@trsturself and @autumnhearth Wow! You ladies have my head spinning. You guys are so ahead of me, I feel a little inferior. . .

I think the next time my 18 yr. old daughter accuses me of obsessing about my chickens (which I totally do, can you blame me??), I will pull out your posts and tell her it could get worse! LOL

I hope you find the right balance in your flocks! In the meantime, I will try to keep up!!

It took me awhile to get to that point. I didn't obsess about our first 4 chickens nearly as much. I looked at the breed selector on mypetchicken for cold hardy and personality but that's it. Then once we moved from that town that only allowed 4 to one that allowed 6 and we had a bigger yard, and after DD did 4H and got DH hooked on them (he loved the show part), I started looking into it more. Then once I knew we were going to be moving to land, it was hard to limit myself! Luckily I hit a point that I felt my flock was done (at least for this year). The are an addiction for sure though!
LOL!  My head spins quite frequently thinking about it myself.  And no, I would never think you are inferior, I'm much to obsessive!  Consider yourself sane ;)

I guess it's all relative. It's always comforting;) to know there are some who are less sane than I am.
;) I'm getting less sane by the day. I'm already thinking about expanding my flock next year. I am fortunate in that I have no legal limit to how many I can have, just financial limits and time constraints.

Btw, I'd love to see your Pinterest when you update it!

It took me awhile to get to that point. I didn't obsess about our first 4 chickens nearly as much. I looked at the breed selector on mypetchicken for cold hardy and personality but that's it. Then once we moved from that town that only allowed 4 to one that allowed 6 and we had a bigger yard, and after DD did 4H and got DH hooked on them (he loved the show part), I started looking into it more. Then once I knew we were going to be moving to land, it was hard to limit myself! Luckily I hit a point that I felt my flock was done (at least for this year). The are an addiction for sure though!

I will definitely be giving my next order a lot more thought than I did the first batch. Luckily, we have this forum to learn from and we can make choices based on other peoples' experiences, not just a sales blurb from an online seller. If you read the catalogs, just about every breed is quiet and docile and we know that is not always the case!
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Hehe, I'm sitting here reading all of these posts about getting more and more chicks or trying to resist getting more, and I'm laughing my butt off all the while. Meanwhile, I've got call duck hatching eggs and a new incubator on the way in the mail. :oops: I have no self control. :lol:

At least you are among friends! Lol
Ha, ha you people are so funny!

I'm addicted too, I admit it!

Seems like everyone has great plans. I have a spreadsheet and keep track of the weight of every egg per chicken, so I know who is laying and how big the eggs are. It has helped me determine which breed I would like to get more of which breeds I am planning on staying away from in the future. Also, broodiness, personality, flightiness and health figures into the whole factor too.

I will get more wyandottes, dominiques, RIR's, BO's, Red Sex Links, EE's, Leghorns & Polish

I have mixed feelings about the Barred Rocks & Partridge Rocks due to my BR's not being great layers and my one PR going broody 4 times so far and shes not a year old yet.

I do not want anymore White Rocks since the one I had was too mean.

I also do not want anymore Golden Campines or Blue Andulasions since they are too flighty. I do love the ones I have though.

I kinda have mixed feelings about the Cuckoo Marans since one of mine keeps going broody.

So yeah, I guess I am there with all of you. I also have a want list too of chickens I have never had before.

Okay, I admit it, a little crazy here too.
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