Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have an Exchequer and a Light Brown Leghorn from Meyer. The LB freaks out if I'm even in the same area as her. She is what I expected from a Leghorn. My Exchequer, though, is such a ham! She runs over to me, loves to be petted or held, and practically begs for attention. She's definitely not what I expected when I ordered her! I think it's normal for the Exchequers to be friendlier. :)
I have an Exchequer and a Light Brown Leghorn from Meyer. The LB freaks out if I'm even in the same area as her. She is what I expected from a Leghorn. My Exchequer, though, is such a ham! She runs over to me, loves to be petted or held, and practically begs for attention. She's definitely not what I expected when I ordered her! I think it's normal for the Exchequers to be friendlier. :)

It's so weird! I'm starting to wonder why they are so uncommon. They are turning out great for me. I hope they lay well....
I used to keep track of each egg but after moving I haven't been doing anything. I am going to start tracking total egg count each day soon. The only reason I want to track eggs is because we sell them and I'd like to see how much they are paying for themselves. I started tracking feed costs for all the animals and income from them. I also have a spreadsheet for age (weeks, months, and year) as well as what the breed average egg count is. While I want to know about income/expense, we don't sell the eggs to make money per se, just to offset some feed costs, so it's more curiosity than a determinant about which breeds we want. But in a year or two that might come into play.
I also keep track of the feed costs, pine shavings, treats, etc. That's one reason we've decided to continue with some breeds and not others. Feed to egg ratio, etc. Since we are in it for the eggs mostly, but for me it is the pet factor too.
I track a lot of things especially with gardening. I also am the one in charge of all the expenses, purchase orders, etc. within my company now and with previous jobs I was in charge of inventories and had to track there as well, so this is not too crazy for me to track something else.

It's hatch day for my Meyer's babies!!!!

LOL. My 17 and 20 yr old boys think I obsess too!! And I do! LOL

I like hearing about all the personalities of your chickens. I know they can all be different but I just file it away and keep it in mind when thinking about adding to my flock. My CM never went broody but she died at about 1 yr. old so maybe she would have? My BR never went broody and is just such a sweetie but lays soft shelled eggs most days. I wonder if one day it will cause her problems and end up killing her.
My grown kids have always thought I was obsessive about a lot of things. It is actually nice now to have other things to obsess about besides the kids. It is a good distraction instead of worrying about what they are up to.

I guess each individual chicken is different since I have one CM that's been broody 3 times and the other never has. Both BR's have not been broody either, but it is weird one of them does have a soft shelled egg every once in a while too.

Right now I am still worried about my Blue Andulasion, she had the messy butt that is all cleaned up now, but she still seems to always have trouble getting poop on the eggs. Her eggs are usually large to extra large so maybe it is because her frame is too small for such large eggs, so she poops at the same time. Our dog Maxie usually gets the yucky eggs broken in her food if they are too bad. Everyone else's eggs are clean except for the random one laid in weird locations every once in a while. I am concerned as well about egg laying issues with Andi the andulasion.

Has anyone received exchequer leghorns from meyer? I have 2 about ten weeks old and they are the most friendly chicks I have ever had! They are constantly underfoot and seem to actually like to be picked up. All my others at this stage are doing all they can to keep away from me. I love it! But I'm confused. These are my first leghorns and I almost did not get them because everyone said they are flighty high strung birds. Wondering if any one here has had good experance with them?
I tried but they were not available on my hatch day last year. That's nice to hear they are so nice since I may get one in the future too.

I have an Exchequer and a Light Brown Leghorn from Meyer. The LB freaks out if I'm even in the same area as her. She is what I expected from a Leghorn. My Exchequer, though, is such a ham! She runs over to me, loves to be petted or held, and practically begs for attention. She's definitely not what I expected when I ordered her! I think it's normal for the Exchequers to be friendlier.
My LB leghorns are very skittish and I cannot touch them at all, but they are not as flighty as I thought they would be. The flighty ones are the Golden Campine and the Andulasions.

The one White Leghorn I had was not as skittish as the Light Brown ones. She would squat for me too.
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I finally took the camera out and got some pics of the ladies. My younger 16 layers will be a year at the end of the month. The 5 older girls are a year and 4 months.

Ginger -RSL or GB

Cuckoo-CM (3 time broody)

Rocky- PR (4 time broody)

EE-Olivia- the older EE from my original flock- sorry for the blur, she kept moving

Ellie- EE- Sweetest of my EE's and smallest

Ash- RIR- Original flock

Ash after a good squat and back rub...must have felt good!

Oreo- BR- Original flock- survivor of a dog and a hawk- used to be flock leader but now just lets Olivia the EE lead, she still puts the younger ones in their place when she needs to.

Pepper- BR- Original Flock- She loves to follow me around

Zany - CM- lays the darkest egg with speckles- very untouchable

Greta- EE- lays a large to extra large greenish blue egg now- she's the most skittish of the EE's

Big Mama- BO- Everyone loves her, she is a sweet chicken too from my original flock.

Andi - Blue Andulasion- she is a sweet chicken but another untouchable one. She's the one that I worry about having laying issues since she lays such a large egg for her body.

Campi- Golden Campine- She is such a beautiful chicken

Buffy- GLP- Another favorite for everyone and she can easily be rubbed and picked up

Lacie- GLW- She is one of my favorites, she likes a good rub too and her feathers are softer then the rest

Here are my our two LBL's- Izzie in the back and Mini in the front. This is the side of the house where they love to dust bathe and make huge holes

Blackie- BA- She is my biggest hen and looks bigger then my BO now. I love her dark green looking feathers in the sunlight.

Spalsh- Blue Andulasion- other wise know as the leader of the trouble makers

Here she is starting trouble again by hopping the fence

Dottie-CW- A sweet chicken to the others. She does not like to be touched either.

Sally our SF in the nest box. I love those cheek puffs

Here she is yelling away, you can see her beard here too. She is the funniest hen to watch along with Buffy.
Has anyone received exchequer leghorns from meyer? I have 2 about ten weeks old and they are the most friendly chicks I have ever had! They are constantly underfoot and seem to actually like to be picked up. All my others at this stage are doing all they can to keep away from me. I love it! But I'm confused. These are my first leghorns and I almost did not get them because everyone said they are flighty high strung birds. Wondering if any one here has had good experance with them?
I have one that is very flighty. She is about 20 weeks. She loves to eat out of my hand, but if I reach to handle her, she darts away. I don't know if it is because she is the only one that I have, and she doesn't really have anyone that she "pals around" with. The other girls are under foot always, but Checkers stays back. She has not started laying yet.
I try to look at it this way. I will never be ready for most things I do. But I am able to do great things! Incredible things!! So I do it anyways.... Then I'm forced to make it happen!
But really patience is good.. Don't learn from my bad habits of impulsive reactions....... Or just do it! And then have great story's to tell us later! Being responsible is sooo overrated right? Lol!
I'm not sure but I think that's the most enabling thing I've ever heard
Trust me, I thought about it. (I know I shouldn't think, just act) Especially because the Exchequer Leghorn is available... but It would be way to crowded in the coop right now and with the heat of the summer, It would be even hotter in there. I really have to be patient.

Has anyone received exchequer leghorns from meyer? I have 2 about ten weeks old and they are the most friendly chicks I have ever had! They are constantly underfoot and seem to actually like to be picked up. All my others at this stage are doing all they can to keep away from me. I love it! But I'm confused. These are my first leghorns and I almost did not get them because everyone said they are flighty high strung birds. Wondering if any one here has had good experance with them?
You're killin' me... now I want them more than ever. If one becomes available for my week I'm going to switch from either the white leghorn, EE or SLW to Exchequer.

Right now I am still worried about my Blue Andulasion, she had the messy butt that is all cleaned up now, but she still seems to always have trouble getting poop on the eggs. Her eggs are usually large to extra large so maybe it is because her frame is too small for such large eggs, so she poops at the same time. Our dog Maxie usually gets the yucky eggs broken in her food if they are too bad. Everyone else's eggs are clean except for the random one laid in weird locations every once in a while. I am concerned as well about egg laying issues with Andi the andulasion.

I tried but they were not available on my hatch day last year. That's nice to hear they are so nice since I may get one in the future too.

My LB leghorns are very skittish and I cannot touch them at all, but they are not as flighty as I thought they would be. The flighty ones are the Golden Campine and the Andulasions.

The one White Leghorn I had was not as skittish as the Light Brown ones. She would squat for me too.
I read something, can't remember where, but the woman said she can tell when her flock needs to be wormed because there's poo on the eggs. But I have no idea if that's true or not. Your explanation sounds more plausible.

I finally took the camera out and got some pics of the ladies. My younger 16 layers will be a year at the end of the month. The 5 older girls are a year and 4 months.

Ginger -RSL or GB

EE-Olivia- the older EE from my original flock- sorry for the blur, she kept moving

Ellie- EE- Sweetest of my EE's and smallest

Oreo- BR- Original flock- survivor of a dog and a hawk- used to be flock leader but now just lets Olivia the EE lead, she still puts the younger ones in their place when she needs to.

Pepper- BR- Original Flock- She loves to follow me around

Greta- EE- lays a large to extra large greenish blue egg now- she's the most skittish of the EE's

Big Mama- BO- Everyone loves her, she is a sweet chicken too from my original flock.

Andi - Blue Andulasion- she is a sweet chicken but another untouchable one. She's the one that I worry about having laying issues since she lays such a large egg for her body.

Buffy- GLP- Another favorite for everyone and she can easily be rubbed and picked up

Lacie- GLW- She is one of my favorites, she likes a good rub too and her feathers are softer then the rest

Blackie- BA- She is my biggest hen and looks bigger then my BO now. I love her dark green looking feathers in the sunlight.

Here she is starting trouble again by hopping the fence

Dottie-CW- A sweet chicken to the others. She does not like to be touched either.

Here she is yelling away, you can see her beard here too. She is the funniest hen to watch along with Buffy.
They're so pretty!! Andi's comb is huge! I'm glad to hear your CW is nice; mine is pretty mean to the little ones. Love all your EE's colorings but Greta is really striking in that photo.
I have a question... how do I know when it's time to take the gate away for the little ones to get away from the big ones? I imagine they would want it there forever but I'm pretty sure I gotta just go for it one of these days.
The little ones are 12 weeks old and the CCL are nearly as tall as the smallest older girls and my EE's aren't far behind. They would still have a few other places to sort of hide if needed. They still sleep in their own coop and that won't change until about mid Sept. I plan on rehoming about 3 of the older girls, I assume my Silkie is a boy so then I would be moving 6 younger ones (at that point they would be 5 months old) in with 6-8 older ones.
No better time than the present!

Mine are mingled now. The older ones are 11 weeks old and the younger ones are 7 weeks.

They are getting along as expected and no injuries to report. :)

The littles wait until the bigs are roosted and then have the run of the coop exploring. They even roost next to the bigs sometimes.

Good luck!
No better time than the present!

Mine are mingled now.  The older ones are 11 weeks old and the younger ones are 7 weeks. 

They are getting along as expected and no injuries to report.  :)

The littles wait until the bigs are roosted and then have the run of the coop exploring.  They even roost next to the bigs sometimes.

Good luck!

I agree. My little boy is 15 weeks. I removed his favorite hiding spot a few weeks ago, but I did add a roost for him near that spot. He's doing good but does not roost with the girls yet.
It's hatch day for my Meyer's babies!!!!

Woohoo! When I saw the overhatch list this morning I was so tempted to just add a Wellie, a RIR and an EE to my cart and drive down there with my son for his birthday. Husband would be so upset though.

Christine9- so relieved for you.

NotableNancy- Nice board! Seeing the Speckled Sussex next to the Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte helped me to decide that I'll get SS's when I get a few Wyandottes.

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