Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Yeah :) That's one of the many things I am thankful for. I took tons of pictures of my 9 healthy little chicks. Once I go through them all and re-size them, I'll get them posted for you guys!

The Campine chicks are by far the prettiest chicks I have ever seen!
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I'm from OK too.

I use straight garden / yard dirt in my brooder, have from day one and raised several batches of chicks w/o issues. I have no doubt studies show more e-coli if that is what the study sited showed, but any substrate you use has someone telling you why it is bad, carries disease, causes splayed legs, chicks try to eat it and impact little crops, etc....... the list goes on so I think it is pick your poison and I try to make it all as close to a hen raised chick as I possibly can.
Agree with you Kassaundra, I have read something bad about all the different types of bedding used. Right now my personal preference is sand, I tried straw in the coop as the lady in the article used and it got very nasty and clumped up and the coop started to smell. She also recommends feeding your chicks DE for worms and putting it in the coop. I've read that there is no evidence that supports it helping with worms, plus that it will kill the good and the bad bugs in the coop at the same time.

It is my understanding that any litter used can harbor e-coli, to just narrow it down and say only sand harbors it is incorrect.

I am happy with the sand so far in the brooder and the coop and my chicks seem very healthy and energetic. My coop is an open air coop too, so plenty of ventilation. Later on I may try leaves and grass clippings, dirt, etc. I'd rather stick to the more natural way of doing things too.
With this and with many other ways people raise chickens, it is a personal preference and no matter what you decide to do, someone will tell you there is a better way.
That's one of the many things I am thankful for. I took tons of pictures of my 9 healthy little chicks. Once I go through them all and re-size them, I'll get them posted for you guys!

The Campine chicks are by far the prettiest chicks I have ever seen!
So sorry about little Hope. In our February shipment we lost our little Golden Laced Polish after a day of trying to save her. It is always hard to lose one.

I look forward to the Campine chick pics and all the rest.
That's one of the many things I am thankful for. I took tons of pictures of my 9 healthy little chicks. Once I go through them all and re-size them, I'll get them posted for you guys!

The Campine chicks are by far the prettiest chicks I have ever seen!
So sorry about little Hope. It's hard to watch and not be able to save them but you did everything you could I'm sure.

Looking forward to the pics of the other ones. I had Campine on my order but changed to RIR's for some reason. Can't remember now. They look like they would be fun to have!
Thanks everyone! I was going to post some pictures for you earlier, and as soon as I was in the process of doing that, our power went out. Some of our neighbors were cutting down trees right next to the power lines and a tree fell directly on them. I had quite the time trying to keep my chicks warm. At first I put them back in their little box that they came in, but they got too hot. So I put them back into the garage for a few minutes. The guys who knocked the power lines down continued to work around the down power line, and the ones over our yard were shaking and waving around, and the lines run right above our garage. I immediately got them out of the garage and sat them in the sun on our porch. Thankfully I was able to keep them warm in the 2 and a half hours that we were without power!

Here are some pictures!

These are the two Easter Eggers,

These are the Campines,

These are the White Leghorns,

These are the Buff Orpingtons,

and this is the other Black Australorp with one of the Buff Orpingtons.

Yay! Have only had my two Meyer Easter Egger Started Pullets for 10 days and one of them is already laying! A lovely Bluish Green. Quite small, but it's only the first one, so I'm sure the size will increase soon.

PLUS, one of my original Meyers flock from December also laid for the first time today! How cool is that? Only 19 weeks! Not sure who yet, but most likely the Black Australorpe, Koko or the Barred Rock, Miss Kraeg. Both of these ladies have grown very nice red combs and lovely wattles lately and have found their voices, too.

What a happy day this is!
Yay! Have only had my two Meyer Easter Egger Started Pullets for 10 days and one of them is already laying! A lovely Bluish Green. Quite small, but it's only the first one, so I'm sure the size will increase soon.

PLUS, one of my original Meyers flock from December also laid for the first time today! How cool is that? Only 19 weeks! Not sure who yet, but most likely the Black Australorpe, Koko or the Barred Rock, Miss Kraeg. Both of these ladies have grown very nice red combs and lovely wattles lately and have found their voices, too.

What a happy day this is!
Congrats! So jealous!!!

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