Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

@Mama - what does the actual watering station look like for your girls? I showed my BF the chicken fountain and he said he can totally build one. I like your bucket system as well and was curious what the chickens drink out of?

He can definitely build one. I had some difficulty installing the nipples into the PVC, which my husband helped me with. I drilled the holes but couldn't get the right torque to screw them in. Need more muscle! Here is an old photo of some of the girls at the waterer.

He can definitely build one. I had some difficulty installing the nipples into the PVC, which my husband helped me with. I drilled the holes but couldn't get the right torque to screw them in. Need more muscle! Here is an old photo of some of the girls at the waterer.


Love it, thanks! I get tired of cleaning their waterer and trying to come up with another system for the coop. We need something with a smaller footprint than a traditional steel waterer. Thanks!
My chicks have been on a nipple system since they were hatched basically, so converting from 1 nipple system to another has not been difficult. I LOVE The Chicken Fountain! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Set it up, attach a hose, and basically forget it! They always have fresh water!

It comes with everything you need to hook up except the garden hose to run from your spigot to the fountain, because who knows how much hose you would need. But everything you see in this picture from the silver braided hose on comes with the system. I did add the RAS (remote additive system) - that is the long clear tube running outside the coop so that I can add Apple Cider Vinegar, medications, vitamins, electrolytes, etc easily & without having to go into the coop. It is an add-on & not 100% necessary, but it makes it a little easier.

I have not gotten a winterizing kit yet, as they were sold out when I ordered. I do plan on ordering one though. The only thing about winterizing is that it is virtually impossible to winterize your garden hose. So you do have to disconnect from the hose & cart water daily to the fountain during the winter. But they aren't pooping in it & it won't freeze since you will have a heater in there. If I could figure out a way to keep the hose from freezing, then I could run it as is all winter...but I don't see that happening. I have the mini version, but with 3 nipples added. It holds about a gallon of water - that will last them about 1-2 days.

I really can't say enough good things about The Chicken Fountain - awesome customer service (I've emailed a couple of times with questions, comments) and always gotten a very prompt reply; it's a nice, compact design that is well thought out. The install instructions are clear. The packaging is nice & includes EVERYTHING you need to install except the garden hose - including PVC cement. My chickens love it & run to it 1st thing. Plus - no poop in the water; no knocked over water dishes; no worrying about water running out on hot days.

No, I don't get a commission...just love a great product. It is an investment, but one that will last a lifetime.
I had a bucket nipple system and I still have all the equipment to hook it back up. I may try the bucket again and let them learn from it and eventually switch to something like yours. Probably a bigger one since I have 21 hens and may possibly be up to 30 at one point.

I need to convince the hubby too that they'll use it and it is just what we need. I have a 3 gallon red and white flip over waterer right now and I have to give them water every 2 to 3 days which I do not mind but I'd rather get something a little simpler to make my life a little easier and easier for anyone watching the chickens while we're away too.

Thanks for all the info.
So we had a visitor last night. Our dog, Maxie was going crazy barking at something in the dark. We went out and there was a copperhead crawling through the garden. She gave it room to move on through. We were worried she would try to kill it, but she gave it respect.

We left it alone too. It can take care of the voles, moles, mice and rats for us. I did however make sure there were no small holes anywhere in the run or coop for it to get in.
So we had a visitor last night. Our dog, Maxie was going crazy barking at something in the dark. We went out and there was a copperhead crawling through the garden. She gave it room to move on through. We were worried she would try to kill it, but she gave it respect.

We left it alone too. It can take care of the voles, moles, mice and rats for us. I did however make sure there were no small holes anywhere in the run or coop for it to get in.

I think as long as they are already using the nipple system, it's ok. But if they aren't, it's more difficult to get them to use it when other water is available. This is what I've read at least. I have not tried to use both.
I think as long as they are already using the nipple system, it's ok. But if they aren't, it's more difficult to get them to use it when other water is available. This is what I've read at least. I have not tried to use both.
Yep - once they are used to it, it's fine. But The Chicken Fountain sells brooder caps that screw onto a coke bottle (up to 2 liter I think)...they are very inexpensive & ship free/very cheaply. I would use that before switching back & forth honestly.
They make heated hoses that people I know use for their horses and cattle. Would something like that work?
I have heard of those, but not investigated them yet...they should work along with the other winterizing things. I will have to check out the cost of them & if they are available in my area.

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