Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have a question for everyone who has adult Meyer Hatchery birds. What was the success rate for getting the correct genders that you ordered? Did you gets any boys when you ordered girls, and if so, how many? I only ordered 10 chicks, all of them girls, and I'm worried about getting some possible boys. My dad used to order from McMurray ever couple of years when I was young, and he never got any boys from them, unless it was a mystery bird. Is it the same way for Meyer?

I get paranoid very easily, and I've been constantly worrying about getting roosters when I only wanted hens.

My original 7 last December were all females. My next order of 3 in March has an obvious male. My other March order is yet to be determined.
Aw, sorry for your losses, LaurenLauren2007! Your first baby, there, is not a speckled Sussex. It looks like another EE maybe? Speckled Sussex look like this as babies:


Thank you for your help. I didn't get anything that looked like the chick above other than my 2 welsummers. Is there a way to differenciate in between a welsummer chick and a speckled sussex? Maybe I got something else???
That picture doesn't show it well, but the Sussex have a yellow belly and chest as chicks. The Welsummer you showed looks like it has a whitish/grayish belly and chest, so I think it really is a Welly and not a Sussex. :)
My Meyer girls are doing great today! I'll be taking photos of them once they hit 1 week (tomorrow) of age, and again at two weeks, then three, and so on. Just to show their growth and progress.

I've been feeding them feed out of my hands every time I go out there, and they are starting to get excited when I put my hands in the brooder. One of my EE's, and the Black Australorp still aren't so sure of me, but they're getting there!

I'll take some pictures and post them for everyone tomorrow!

P.S. Im so very sorry to hear about your bad experience Lauren... It was very hard for me to lose my one chick. I can't imagine losing that many. I hope you're doing okay.
Here are my little ones at one week old! They are starting to get hard to take pictures of.

Ellie - (Easter Egger)

Amber - (Easter Egger)

Annie - (White Leghorn)

Alice - (White Leghorn)

Lilly - (Black Australorp) I was only able to get one picture of her, and it's not the greatest pic ever

Lucy - (Golden Campine)

Lizzie - (Golden Campine)

Sunni - (Buff Orpington)

Daffodil - (Buff Orpington) I could only get one picture of her too.

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