Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have been loving all these breed pictures, collages and baby chick to adult chicken pictures you guys have been posting. Seems like things are moving to fast for me between work, house remodeling and family visiting, so hard to keep up. I always need my chicken fix so all these pics are very helpful.

So when I arrived back home to see the newly laid white egg, I discovered that it was not even white. I believe my daughter must be color blind, it was a tan colored egg, so the white layers are still not laying. They do look fully feathered now though, so I am hoping.

I went to TSC and bought some higher protein feed to supplement in the afternoon. This feed is 24%, the feather fixer was just 20% so I decided to go with the higher percentage grower feed. I am going to try to feed it wet at night with a little ACV added in too. We need eggs! This 1 to 3 a day egg laying is just not working for us!!! Oh well...hopefully soon!

We got down to 20 degrees last night. I finally put the bird bath water heater in the chicken fountain and it worked to keep the fountain from freezing overnight. I really feel sorry for those of you with snow already and those of you in the negative degrees too. I do love snow, but I find myself questioning that love now that I have chickens.

So the winner of the ugliest molt in my flock goes to my once prettiest chicken my EE, Olivia. She is the one in my avatar. She actually was looking a little worse then this a few days after this picture but she was being camera shy and I could not get another pictures of her. I guess if I looked that bad I would hide from the camera too.

and the winner of the best looking feathers after a molt in my flock is Buffy, the GBP. She is just looking fantastic!
Took some snow shots today....the gang spent most the day in the run even though it was 13. The straw really made a difference.

Snow sure has a way of making everything around so soft and beautiful, just hate the cold.




Backside of the coop

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Took some snow shots today....the gang spent most the day in the run even though it was 13. The straw really made a difference.

Snow sure has a way of making everything around so soft and beautiful, just hate the cold.

Backside of the coop

Very pretty snow pics. What was in the 2nd picture, is that the chicken run?

So I pulled out a jacket that I wore last time it was cold here. It is the jacket I usually wear to the coop on very cold days. It has been in the closet probably since March.

Anyway, I put it on and I felt something in the pocket, pulled it out and it was an egg! I just stared at it afraid that it would explode all of the sudden in my hand. I slowly went and got a couple plastic grocery bags and wrapped it up and it went into a big trash bag and then into our outside trash bin. I handled that thing like it was some sort of lethal weapon that would go off at any moment.

So the moral of this story is: Make sure you check all your pockets before storing clothes for the winter, especially, and this is the most important part: especially if you have chickens!

It was a white egg, by the way and I have been waiting for one of those, but not this way.

The weird thing too, It didn't smell. Although I am sure it would have if I dropped it or cracked it in some way.
So I pulled out a jacket that I wore last time it was cold here. It is the jacket I usually wear to the coop on very cold days. It has been in the closet probably since March.

Anyway, I put it on and I felt something in the pocket, pulled it out and it was an egg! I just stared at it afraid that it would explode all of the sudden in my hand. I slowly went and got a couple plastic grocery bags and wrapped it up and it went into a big trash bag and then into our outside trash bin. I handled that thing like it was some sort of lethal weapon that would go off at any moment. :p

So the moral of this story is: Make sure you check all your pockets before storing clothes for the winter, especially, and this is the most important part: especially if you have chickens!

It was a white egg, by the way and I have been waiting for one of those, but not this way.

The weird thing too, It didn't smell. Although I am sure it would have if I dropped it or cracked it in some way.:sick

:lau :lau :lau :gig :gig :gig
and the winner of the best looking feathers after a molt in my flock is Buffy, the GBP. She is just looking fantastic!
Yeah Buffy, you work it girl! Totally deserving of your new avatar. Poor Olivia, hope the molting ends soon.

Took some snow shots today....the gang spent most the day in the run even though it was 13. The straw really made a difference.

Snow sure has a way of making everything around so soft and beautiful, just hate the cold.

Pretty! I always think coops look so lovely decorated for winter, especially in lights but then I think about how darkness is probably better for their sleep cycles, so perhaps we will just do a wreath. Not that I think that star lamp would be that distracting.

So I pulled out a jacket that I wore last time it was cold here. It is the jacket I usually wear to the coop on very cold days. It has been in the closet probably since March.

Anyway, I put it on and I felt something in the pocket, pulled it out and it was an egg! I just stared at it afraid that it would explode all of the sudden in my hand. I slowly went and got a couple plastic grocery bags and wrapped it up and it went into a big trash bag and then into our outside trash bin. I handled that thing like it was some sort of lethal weapon that would go off at any moment.

So the moral of this story is: Make sure you check all your pockets before storing clothes for the winter, especially, and this is the most important part: especially if you have chickens!

It was a white egg, by the way and I have been waiting for one of those, but not this way.

The weird thing too, It didn't smell. Although I am sure it would have if I dropped it or cracked it in some way.
Oh boy! That's too funny! Though I'm sure I would have been frightened if it happened to me. Good advice. Glad it didn't stink.
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Very pretty snow pics. What was in the 2nd picture, is that the chicken run?

So I pulled out a jacket that I wore last time it was cold here. It is the jacket I usually wear to the coop on very cold days. It has been in the closet probably since March.

Anyway, I put it on and I felt something in the pocket, pulled it out and it was an egg! I just stared at it afraid that it would explode all of the sudden in my hand. I slowly went and got a couple plastic grocery bags and wrapped it up and it went into a big trash bag and then into our outside trash bin. I handled that thing like it was some sort of lethal weapon that would go off at any moment.

So the moral of this story is: Make sure you check all your pockets before storing clothes for the winter, especially, and this is the most important part: especially if you have chickens!

It was a white egg, by the way and I have been waiting for one of those, but not this way.

The weird thing too, It didn't smell. Although I am sure it would have if I dropped it or cracked it in some way.
Now I have to go check the pockets of everything I own...after I stop laughing and wipe the tears from my eyes.
Very pretty snow pics. What was in the 2nd picture, is that the chicken run? 

That is one of our greenhouses....

So I pulled out a jacket that I wore last time it was cold here. It is the jacket I usually wear to the coop on very cold days. It has been in the closet probably since March.

Anyway, I put it on and I felt something in the pocket, pulled it out and it was an egg! I just stared at it afraid that it would explode all of the sudden in my hand. I slowly went and got a couple plastic grocery bags and wrapped it up and it went into a big trash bag and then into our outside trash bin. I handled that thing like it was some sort of lethal weapon that would go off at any moment. :p

So the moral of this story is: Make sure you check all your pockets before storing clothes for the winter, especially, and this is the most important part: especially if you have chickens!

It was a white egg, by the way and I have been waiting for one of those, but not this way.

The weird thing too, It didn't smell. Although I am sure it would have if I dropped it or cracked it in some way.:sick

That made me chuckle out loud, I am totally guilty of doing that. In fact I found an egg in a coat I wore a fe days ago, definitely don't want to find a 6 month old egg!

I love your new avatar.

Yeah Buffy, you work it girl!  Totally deserving of your new avatar.  Poor Olivia, hope the molting ends soon.

Pretty!  I always think coops look so lovely decorated for winter, especially in lights but then I think about how darkness is probably better for their sleep cycles, so perhaps we will just do a wreath.  Not that I think that star lamp would be that distracting.

Oh boy!  That's too funny!  Though I'm sure I would have been frightened if it happened to me.  Good advice.  Glad it didn't stink.
Yes, I thought about the light and if it might interfere with their egg laying, however, all the windows in the coop are covered with black heavy duty plastic. So I don't think it should be an issue, but that was a good point.
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Sadly, Nutmeg one of our Welsummer's got frost bite on her comb. She sat in the small coop nest box too long on some eggs. We cleaned it up and applied Blu Kot but it wouldn't stop bleeding and her breed sister tried picking on her, so she is isolated in a crate in the bathroom. Once the bleeding stops, we will re-apply Blu Kot and put her back with the group. It is sunny and 30 here, certainly not as cold as it has been, makes me wonder how long she was sitting in the nest box, my guess is about an hour. I say that because I did egg rounds before I walked our dogs and she was in there but no egg. After I walked the dog, maybe an hour, I checked and she was still in there.

So any advice for me? I am trying not to beat myself up over this as these things happen with livestock. I did decide to block off the small coop as it isn't as warm as main coop.I did check everyone else and no other issues like this.

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