Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Well five days in and one chick died today. Went out to check on them and it was under heater on it side, tried to make it drink, went back out ten minutes later to try to give it some sugar water and it was dead. I gave them Ramon noodles today for a treat don't know if that's what did it. I have been giving them scrambled eggs but wanted to try something different. Its gizzard seems very tight and full, any suggestions? Oh well we will see how many make it tomorrow.

I don't think you want to feed chicks any 'treats'. I like Ramon noodles but they are not even good for humans. If you fed it to them dry...not good, if you fed it to them flavored with the seasoning packet...not good either, salt is not good for birds and Ramon noodles are high in salt.

I don't think you want to feed chicks any 'treats'. I like Ramon noodles but they are not even good for humans. If you fed it to them dry...not good, if you fed it to them flavored with the seasoning packet...not good either, salt is not good for birds and Ramon noodles are high in salt.

Well I seen on a topic on here for treat for chicks. I cooked them and didn't season them.
Wouldn't think that it would have hurt them??
How old were they? I personally wouldn't feed chicks anything but chick food, high protein is best for them, scrambled eggs are OK I think.
We've had a great weekend here in NC. We made it up to 60 degrees even! Got a lot done around here. We finally raked up the last of the leaves and put most of them in the chicken run. They love the leaves! I also picked some Swiss Chard from the garden and they got the withered leaves and some parsley and oregano that was still in the herb garden. We dumped a few bags of leave in the coop too. It was nice to be able to open all the doors and windows during the day and add the leaves since it was getting pretty stinky in there with them being locked up from the cold. We got 8 eggs today, so it keeps picking up. The egg skelter was filling up so I washed a dozen and gave them to one of my sons. I was so happy with the girls and really enjoyed finally being able to give some away. I like to share the eggs we get and garden goodies too. I trimmed all our flowering bushes and while trimming them I noticed the daffodils are starting to bloom. This is way to soon, this weather is confusing the flowers now. We noticed a few trees starting to bud too. I hope it means that we'll have an early Spring but I have a feeling we'll be hit with another cold front or two again before Spring. I felt very productive today. Especially since Wednesday and Thursday I had the flu and thought that I was on my death bed. It was the stomach kind, not fun! I hope that all of you are well and avoiding the flu, I would not wish that on anyone.
So jealous! We had a surprise flash freeze over night and a day of nonstop rain and there was a 56 car pile-up a mile from my house. Just dreadful! It was so slippery I couldn't even step outside until noon when it finally warmed up to 34 degrees!! My chicken run is sand but it's not draining well so its a mess. I love the look of the leaves in your run. Mine do have one nice spot for dust bathing and since it's so cold here we have lots of ashes from my wood stove to add to it. Glad you're feeling better. Stomach virus is the worst.
Well five days in and one chick died today. Went out to check on them and it was under heater on it side, tried to make it drink, went back out ten minutes later to try to give it some sugar water and it was dead. I gave them Ramon noodles today for a treat don't know if that's what did it. I have been giving them scrambled eggs but wanted to try something different. Its gizzard seems very tight and full, any suggestions? Oh well we will see how many make it tomorrow.
Anytime you do give treats make sure they have access to chick grit or tiny pebbles to break down the food. Eggs are good to give, I'd stay away from ramen. At about 3 weeks old you can try meal worms, grapes or tomato cut up really small but again make sure they have grit. Sorry you lost one and I hope the rest are ok.
Good for you. You did great this weekend. I had the windows thrown open and cleaning inside. The early spring makes me nervous. My forsythia was blooming last week. And two years ago, this happened and all my fruit trees bloomed and then we got frost. I got zero fruit that year. I'd love for it to just stay like this for a while!
I always loved winter. Looked forward to snuggling by the fire and reading a book. Until I got chickens. They ruined it for me LOL. I can't wait for longer warmer days now!!
I love a good warm day in the winter. It is motivating to get a lot done that you certainly don't want to do in winter.
I had a garden planning party with friends today. It got me thinking about spring even though I haven't wanted to think about the garden at all. I realize that our house work should be done in time to get at least part of the garden area ready for planting so I need to get on it and figure out what needs to be started indoors. I don't think I'll get any early spring plants this year as the garden probably won't be ready until April at the earliest.
We have warmer weather for a few days but snow coming on Wed. I'm hoping we don't have a drawn out winter.
I tell myself that I won't be effected by chicken math. Luckily, my friends are more reasonable than I am when it comes (one even talked me down on the number to start out with). But we'll see. I was even thinking about buying the chicken feed a month in advance to avoid seeing the baby chicks at Tractor Supply lol.

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