Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Try not to worry too much. When my chicks shipped they didn't update my tracking information until 20 hours after they shipped. They might not update it until later tonight or tomorrow morning. It's really disappointing that they don't update it sooner than that...
Yup, they didn't update mine until they already got to my PO 1 mile away. Just a scan when they shipped and then when they arrived. Nothing in between.
It's so hard to wait!!!
My Meyer babies at 9 days old! :D

Silver Lakenvelder:


Easter-egger bantam--I'm thinking this one's a boy:


Po the Black frizzle Cochin bantam :love


Golden Campine:


Rangi the Ancona, checking out the outside world through my window! :D


Rangi again :love


And since they don't want to cooperate for individual pictures anymore: left to right, Ancona; Exchequer Leghorn; EE bantam, Cochin bantam, and Silver Lakenvelder (Egyptian Fayoumi in the background); Golden Campine; Light brown Leghorn's wing :lol:

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God you guys keep making it harder and harder to wait for these babies! I still have 77 days tomorrow & I'm already making my list for next years order.
I have 12 days to hatch then have to go get them at Meyers! And I also am looking at the catalog for next years babies also! Just so many to choose from!
My Meyer babies at 9 days old!

Silver Lakenvelder:

Just so adorable

Easter-egger bantam--I'm thinking this one's a boy:

Po the Black frizzle Cochin bantam

Golden Campine:

Rangi the Ancona, checking out the outside world through my window!

Rangi again

And since they don't want to cooperate for individual pictures anymore: left to right, Ancona; Exchequer Leghorn; EE bantam, Cochin bantam, and Silver Lakenvelder (Egyptian Fayoumi in the background); Golden Campine; Light brown Leghorn's wing

Great Thread!

I ordered two assortments from Meyer - the Rare Egg Layer Assortment (hens) and the LeAnn's Adopt Me Assortment (St. Run), as well as some Salmon Faverolles. The original ship date was slated for late August, but as I'll possibly be traveling then, I was lucky to be able to move up delivery to the 1st week of June. Customer Service at Meyer has been great! I had to drop the Partridge Rocks I'd ordered to make it work and now that I've seen how gorgeous they are I'm a little sad, but next time! I'm excited that chicks are coming soon!

I will definitely need some help IDing the breeds. :)

I haven't ordered from Meyer before, but I feel less nervous seeing photos of the birds posted here, lovely! I've read this thread from the start and am thrilled for the initial posters and grateful for all of you re-posting your birds as they mature. Huge help.

Trying to work out heating arrangements still. Love the dog pad, hate the price :) Hmm.
Got a call this am at 8:30!!! Went to pick them up and the are all alive! They are all eating and drinking, but my little Colombian wyandotte is walking kinda funny and trips sometimes, seems like one of her legs is bugging her???

It's been eventful to today the least with 10 three year olds in my classroom. And my thermometer decided to quit working!
16 days old today! (The photos were from two days ago)

Lucy - (Golden Campine)

Alice - (White Leghorn)

Daffodil - (Buff Orpington)

Ellie - (Easter Egger)

Annie - (White Leghorn)

Lilly - (Black Australorp) I couldn't get this little gal to stay still so I had to hold her.

Amber - (Easter Egger)

Sunni - (Buff Orpington) I'm kind of wondering if this little fellow is a boy. His/Her feathers are so much shorter than the other chicks...

and Lizzie - (Golden Campine)

It's starting to get hard to take individual photos of these little ones. They are so fast!
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The speed of feather growth can indicate the sex of the chick, but the tendency for slow-feathering in the male offspring has to be bred into them. I'm not sure if it's a reliable sexing method for buff Orpingtons. Honestly, I'd wait until you see more definite signs, like comb growth, before deciding if you have a little boy in your mix.
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