Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I just got the ok from my hubby to get the chickens I want from Meyer! As soon as he said that my eyes got huge and he knew he was in trouble lol now only if he would have told me that a few months ago when everything I wanted was available.
He's not crazy, he knew what he was doing waiting so long to tell you
He's not crazy, he knew what he was doing waiting so long to tell you
Lol I'm sure your right! I'm shocked he didn't come to me aug 4 to tell me I can get what I want. Now only if I could figure out how to convince him a pekin duck is a chicken I'd be set!
hello everyone! All your babies are sooooooooo cute! Mine are a week old today
as soon as I can get my connection to cooperate with uploading the pics I will post them. This is how my first week as a momma went, we brought the fuzz balls home on the 3rd,(11 Partridge Plymouth Rock females, 1 White leghorn female, 25 pan fry mix (all males), 1 meal maker (female white leghorn), and 2 extra males) We lost 1 of the males the second night and another one the third night, but no losses since then (knock on wood). The second day I noticed pasty butts in just about all of them so checked out another thread here at the forum and this is what I am doing to help with pasty butts.

I cleaned their butts with a q-tip and warm water and smeared vassoline in their butts 2 times a day till no more pasty butts (about 2 days)

1. every other day I feed them a mix of 1/4 cup chick starter, 1/4 cup turkey starter, 2 heaping teaspoons plain yogurt and 2 scrambled eggs. (they grub on this mix)

2. I put 1 teaspoon acv per quart of water with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil daily

and no more pasty butts!!! YEA!!!!

boy being a chick momma is nerve wracking
I just got the ok from my hubby to get the chickens I want from Meyer! As soon as he said that my eyes got huge and he knew he was in trouble lol now only if he would have told me that a few months ago when everything I wanted was available.
Here's a tip ... Check every day on the Meyer site on the left side where it says "Available Now." Especially very early Monday mornings. If they have hatches that over produce, then they have a bunch of cool chicks available at the last minute. Or if they have chicks that hatch late, they will have availability of cool chicks later in the week. They ship on Mondays and Tuesdays, so leftovers can appear after that. Plus, as I said, especially Monday mornings very early.

I was on my way to pick some up this morning and saw on my phone that they had some huge availability of cool chicks. As soon as I got there I asked them to check if a Cuckoo Marans was available ... and it was. Yay for me!

Also, just because it says that a breed has none available, doesn't mean it will remain so. People cancel orders all the time and that frees up some inventory. I picked up a Wheaten Ameracauna this morning that had not been available for months.

Unfortunately the Wheaten Ameraucana was nearly dead within 2 hours of leaving Meyers this morning. She is hanging on by a thread, and I expect when I go in to check on her again she will have died. I tried everything and truthfully am pretty upset that I drove all the way there only to get an obviously weak chick with a navel issue ... and paid $20. They will not guarantee the chicks if you pick them up, which makes no sense whatsoever. I'm still a big supporter of Meyers Hatchery. Things happen. BUT, this is quite upsetting.
Here's a tip ... Check every day on the Meyer site on the left side where it says "Available Now." Especially very early Monday mornings. If they have hatches that over produce, then they have a bunch of cool chicks available at the last minute. Or if they have chicks that hatch late, they will have availability of cool chicks later in the week. They ship on Mondays and Tuesdays, so leftovers can appear after that. Plus, as I said, especially Monday mornings very early.

I was on my way to pick some up this morning and saw on my phone that they had some huge availability of cool chicks. As soon as I got there I asked them to check if a Cuckoo Marans was available ... and it was. Yay for me!

Also, just because it says that a breed has none available, doesn't mean it will remain so. People cancel orders all the time and that frees up some inventory. I picked up a Wheaten Ameracauna this morning that had not been available for months.

Unfortunately the Wheaten Ameraucana was nearly dead within 2 hours of leaving Meyers this morning. She is hanging on by a thread, and I expect when I go in to check on her again she will have died. I tried everything and truthfully am pretty upset that I drove all the way there only to get an obviously weak chick with a navel issue ... and paid $20. They will not guarantee the chicks if you pick them up, which makes no sense whatsoever. I'm still a big supporter of Meyers Hatchery. Things happen. BUT, this is quite upsetting.

Thanks for the tips! I do check everyday esp for golden cuckoo Maran. And I did notice it changes but so far none of the changes have done me any good. My husband is hoping and praying they all stay sold lol.

I'm sorry about your wheaten, I hope she makes it. I never did understand the no guarantee on pick ups, really makes no sense. Did she look ill when you picked her up? What chicks did you end up getting?
Thanks for the tips! I do check everyday esp for golden cuckoo Maran. And I did notice it changes but so far none of the changes have done me any good. My husband is hoping and praying they all stay sold lol.

I'm sorry about your wheaten, I hope she makes it. I never did understand the no guarantee on pick ups, really makes no sense. Did she look ill when you picked her up? What chicks did you end up getting?

Well, today besides the Wheaten I got a Welsummer, speckled Sussex, cuckoo marans, new Hampshire red, and salmon Faverolles. Which ones are you looking for?

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