Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I think the reason they guarantee the chicks that go through the mail is because of how unpredictable the handling is. You just don't know if they're going to have a gentle ride or a rough one, and that is no fault of the customer, whereas if the customer picks up the chicks, they are in control of how the chicks are handled on the way home.

It does stink, though, that that chick was so expensive and is not thriving in spite of the care it's been given... :/ Have you tried getting the chick to drink vitamin/electrolyte water or sugar water? You can try giving it some egg yolk if nothing else.
Well, today besides the Wheaten I got a Welsummer, speckled Sussex, cuckoo marans, new Hampshire red, and salmon Faverolles. Which ones are you looking for?

Golden Cuckoo or Cuckoo Maran but I'd prefer the golden, dorking, BLRW, Sumatra and my hubby wants a Egyptian fayoumis, blk and buff silkies. Some of the breeds are available but males only and we will already have 2 roosters and I didn't even want any to begin with. Oh and I want a blk copper maran
I think the reason they guarantee the chicks that go through the mail is because of how unpredictable the handling is. You just don't know if they're going to have a gentle ride or a rough one, and that is no fault of the customer, whereas if the customer picks up the chicks, they are in control of how the chicks are handled on the way home.

It does stink, though, that that chick was so expensive and is not thriving in spite of the care it's been given... :/ Have you tried getting the chick to drink vitamin/electrolyte water or sugar water? You can try giving it some egg yolk if nothing else.

I've put the vitamin mix they have in the water and dunk her beak every half hour. I mixed up some GroGel, too. Also mashed up egg yolk. Also gave nutridrench directly into her mouth, as directed. Put her in by herself with a mirror, so the others don't trample her, too.
Sounds like you're doing everything you can. Hoping she pulls through for you!
Well, morning has come and she's still hanging in there! I was totally prepared to check her this morning and have it be sad news. Not out of the woods yet, but her eyes are at least open and her head is off of the floor.
Well, morning has come and she's still hanging in there! I was totally prepared to check her this morning and have it be sad news. Not out of the woods yet, but her eyes are at least open and her head is off of the floor.
So much has happened since I last saw this thread. I hope that your little chick pulls through okay. I didn't know that they did not guarantee chicks that are picked up, that makes no sense to me. Best wishes for you little chick!

Congrats to all of those who have gotten chicks recently and who are getting them soon. Keep those pics coming!
Well, today besides the Wheaten I got a Welsummer, speckled Sussex, cuckoo marans, new Hampshire red, and salmon Faverolles. Which ones are you looking for?

Wow, that's a great assortment!!
My Cuckoo Marans is at the bottom of the pecking order so she is my buddy when I'm in the run. She follows me around everywhere chatting away and standing on my feet when I stand still! She's so cute!!
Golden Cuckoo or Cuckoo Maran but I'd prefer the golden, dorking, BLRW, Sumatra and my hubby wants a Egyptian fayoumis, blk and buff silkies. Some of the breeds are available but males only and we will already have 2 roosters and I didn't even want any to begin with. Oh and I want a blk copper maran
Someday I want some Silkies!! They are so adorable!!

Well, morning has come and she's still hanging in there! I was totally prepared to check her this morning and have it be sad news. Not out of the woods yet, but her eyes are at least open and her head is off of the floor.
That's so good to hear! I swear by the Nutri-Drench. I think that's what saved my little Pipsqueak!! Keep up the great nursing
Sounds like you're doing everything you can. Hoping she pulls through for you! :fl

Well, morning has come and she's still hanging in there! I was totally prepared to check her this morning and have it be sad news. Not out of the woods yet, but her eyes are at least open and her head is off of the floor.

There's hope! :fl Come on, little one!

Golden Cuckoo or Cuckoo Maran but I'd prefer the golden, dorking, BLRW, Sumatra and my hubby wants a Egyptian fayoumis, blk and buff silkies. Some of the breeds are available but males only and we will already have 2 roosters and I didn't even want any to begin with. Oh and I want a blk copper maran

Best of luck getting a Dorking! I wanted one really badly, but I guess they had a bad hatch and so they didn't have the one I ordered. :/

My Fayoumi's a little spazz, but if the Marans are anything alike between colors, they should be well worth getting. My blue splash Marans is such a sweetheart. :love

And speaking of my Marans, she and my speckled Sussex and partridge Plymouth Rocks from Meyer are a year old today!! :D I have pictures, but I'm going to upload them later after I've gotten pictures of the 'cake'. ;)
I'm thinking about adding one of the assorted Maran collection but I really don't want a white one cause I already have too many white birds. We have 4 silkies ( our first chickens) and are totally in love! Looks like we got lucky and only got 1 roo. I wanna add a couple of the assorted silkies but with my luck we would get white ones. I got a Campine, I'm hoping she isn't a huge spazz.

When does Meyer start their ordering for the next year? I'm not waiting last min like I did this year
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