Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

One of my husbands teacher has a ton of land with a ton of animals and every kind of poultry you could imagine so he is pretty sure she would take some. And if I have to get rid of nugget I'm sure his breeder will take him back cause of his coloring. He almost didnt want to sell him to me cause he said that was the first brown silkie he has ever had. And he also didnt have any buff silkies and very few black so I think he would take them if they turn out to be male. I thought about having my husband build a bachelor pad for them but no matter were I put them on our property they will see the girls so I don't think that would work
So, I haven't checked in since June and I'm completely out of touch with everyone's birds. But I just had to post because my chicks SHIPPED YESTERDAY, which means they should be here TOMORROW!!! I am SOOO excited to finally get these little fluff balls in, since I've had them on order since APRIL! I ordered 8 little ladies and I'm anxiously waiting to see if they are all safe and sound (and indeed ladies, but that will take much longer to verify!). If so, I'll have the following wandering around in my brooder tomorrow afternoon: 2 EE (hoping for at least one with a beard and at least one white/light one), 1 Golden Campine, 1 White Leghorn, 1 RIR, 1 White Rock, 1 SLW, and 1 GLW. I've wanted the SLW and GLW since we first got chickens 2+ years ago so excited to finally be adding them to our flock!!
If everything works out I'll try and get pictures up by tomorrow night!!
Hey all....Just gotta brag. One of our duckie girls finally laid an egg today!!
Had a feeling it would happen anytime, they had been surfing with each other A LOT lately and they were very interested in the nest boxes.
2 DOA and 1 that is really really weak. Hoping for the best, going to go get some electrolites out to her. Any other tips. She seems to be having a really hard time standing or walking like her legs aren't strong enough.
2 DOA and 1 that is really really weak.  Hoping for the best, going to go get some electrolites out to her.  Any other tips.  She seems to be having a really hard time standing or walking like her legs aren't strong enough. 

I had one like that last time and I just kept giving her water/electrolytes in an dropper every hour. I actually found her on her back. Thought she was dead and nursed her back somehow.

Now for my 5 DOA, the only one I can tell for sure is the barred rock, the others are all light yellow, one a tiny shade darker. My mix was. 5 Buff Orpington, 6 Easter egger, 2 black jersey giant, 2 specked Sussex, 2 barred rock and 1 light brahma, 1 meal maker and 1 salmon faverolle cockerel. I know the faverolle isn't dead because he has faverolle feathers that are noticeable. What else would be light yellow?
Here they are
2 DOA and 1 that is really really weak. Hoping for the best, going to go get some electrolites out to her. Any other tips. She seems to be having a really hard time standing or walking like her legs aren't strong enough.
I'm sorry, I hope you didn't loose your Wyandotte's. Is she having a hard time keeping her head up? My EE had the same thing and we gave her grogel and had to force feed her for a couple days but she is 100% better. I'll be thinking about her..
Hey all....Just gotta brag. One of our duckie girls finally laid an egg today!!
Had a feeling it would happen anytime, they had been surfing with each other A LOT lately and they were very interested in the nest boxes.
Congrats!! You know who laid it?
5 doa this time :-(
I'm so sorry, how is everyone else? You know which ones you lost?
I'm sorry, I hope you didn't loose your Wyandotte's. Is she having a hard time keeping her head up? My EE had the same thing and we gave her grogel and had to force feed her for a couple days but she is 100% better.

I had one like that last time and I just kept giving her water/electrolytes in an dropper every hour. I actually found her on her back. Thought she was dead and nursed her back somehow.

I've got water/electrolytes out there and I'll be checking on her/watering her every half hour to hour. She can hold her head up but not well kinda like she's too tired to do so. Her left side seams weaker than the right so I'm hoping it's not neurological somehow. I put out some softened oats for all of them (helps with pasty butt which thankfully none of them have and hopefully now won't develop) but she hasn't shown any interest in that or the starter crumbles even when placed right on top of it. Should I try force feeding? How do I do that?

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