Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I usually get them from one of the pet stores in town but next time I'm gonna order from you can get 1000 (any size) for $29.99 shipped. Plus you can get worms really cheap that they will ship with the crickets. Your girls are so cute btw! Your EE looks like mine almost
Thanks, I'll have to save that website for when I want to order some crickets.
Love the chicks and Daisy is looking so pretty too!!

did you see these threads on meaties:

Makes me want more land to get some but I really don't have the room.
Thanks, I'll be checking these sites out. Still have plenty of time, since this is something we'll do next spring.

Daisy seems to have lifted spirits now, I recently fixed it where the little ones can run in and out of their area to be with the big chicks and she loves being around them. Of course, she also loves chasing them too.
Another question or two for those that have had Meyer's Polish, especially to adulthood. How are their temperaments as far as friendliness toward humans and has anyone noticed if this depends on the color of the bird? How well do they hold up in a mixed flock (are they picked on, are they agresssive, etc.)? I am in a toss up for the fourth chick on my order for next year. I'm thinking either an Easter-egger, one of their Polish, or a Blue or Black Copper Marans (in addition to the BCM I'm already planning on getting). I'm basing my decision on egg color mostly--I get so many brown and pinkish-brown eggs as is, I'd like some more variety.

Oh, and I've been posting a lot without pictures, so here is Rangi, my Meyer Ancona, taking a close look at the camera:

People, don't get an Ancona from Meyer's unless you want the coolest, friendliest, most charming, shoulder-hopping, white egg laying goofball available!
This bird flies to my shoulder when I'm standing at full height, sits down, and hangs on for the ride. Such a character!
So cute, that is neat to hear about the Ancona's.
Our Meyer polish aren't adults yet but they are 4 months now. Our SL, BL, and splash are getting friendlier as they get older. We didn't really hold them much as chicks so they were pretty skittish at first. Now they hang around my feet and will eat out of my hands. Our GL is still young (9 weeks) and is very skittish. She is hard to catch but fine once you do.

Our D'Uccle laid her first egg today! It is so cute and tiny! My daughter sent me a pic with one of the normal eggs she got today. I'll post it when I get back on my phone. It was a 3 egg day for us. Now for the Partridge Rock to start laying and Amber to resume laying.

Update on Amber. She is sleeping up on the roost again instead of the floor. She still looks scraggly but almost all of her scabs are gone and feathers are coming in in a lot of places. :)
Our Golden Laced Polish is tough to the other chicks and does not get picked on. She seems to be one of the leaders. She does run to me when I go out, all my chicks do. I was concerned having just one polish but she is doing fine. The big girls chase all of them and do not pick on one more then the other.

So glad to hear about Amber!

Here is the d'uccle egg in the carton with our other eggs.
Wow, it is so tiny! Congrats! I love those 1st eggs!
An update on Sunni. We finally found out all along what was wrong with her, and it was nothing like we thought it was. I feel really upset about it, but I'm glad we figured it out. I made a thread to help educate others on what happened with her so it doesn't happen to anyone else.
Ashley - Wow, so sorry that Sunni, you and your mom had to go through this, I hope Sunni will now be okay and it is good to hear that you've read that chickens can survive without a tongue. That is great that you shared your story for others who may be going through the same thing. Plus, it is great that Sunni belonged to you, many others would not have stuck with her recovery as long as you have, she now has a chance because of you.

Daisy seems to have lifted spirits now, I recently fixed it where the little ones can run in and out of their area to be with the big chicks and she loves being around them. Of course, she also loves chasing them too.
So glad to hear! Can't wait til she lays an egg :)

Ashley - Wow, so sorry that Sunni, you and your mom had to go through this, I hope Sunni will now be okay and it is good to hear that you've read that chickens can survive without a tongue. That is great that you shared your story for others who may be going through the same thing. Plus, it is great that Sunni belonged to you, many others would not have stuck with her recovery as long as you have, she now has a chance because of you.

The post you made was fantastic. So well done; pics and explanations are wonderful. I know you will help others with all you went through. Did this all happen yesterday? How is she this morning? I can't imagine if I was helping one of my chickens and their tongue fell out- I'd be crying big time too! Thank goodness your mom was with you.
And curious if she is acting any different now that she doesn't have a tongue. Maybe it will take a few days to get used to and learn how to eat. Thank you so much for posting the whole story and I'm glad you have it figured out.

Here is the d'uccle egg in the carton with our other eggs.

That is the cutest egg ever! I hope whoever gets it isn't hungry :lol:

An update on Sunni. We finally found out all along what was wrong with her, and it was nothing like we thought it was. I feel really upset about it, but I'm glad we figured it out. I made a thread to help educate others on what happened with her so it doesn't happen to anyone else.

I'm so sorry sunny had to go thru that, but she is VERY lucky to have a mommy like you! How is she doing today? And I love your mom btw, my mom won't even go near my chickens let alone help me take care of one.
Ashley - Wow, so sorry that Sunni, you and your mom had to go through this, I hope Sunni will now be okay and it is good to hear that you've read that chickens can survive without a tongue. That is great that you shared your story for others who may be going through the same thing. Plus, it is great that Sunni belonged to you, many others would not have stuck with her recovery as long as you have, she now has a chance because of you.
So glad to hear! Can't wait til she lays an egg :) X2!!!!! The post you made was fantastic. So well done; pics and explanations are wonderful. I know you will help others with all you went through. Did this all happen yesterday? How is she this morning? I can't imagine if I was helping one of my chickens and their tongue fell out- I'd be crying big time too! Thank goodness your mom was with you. And curious if she is acting any different now that she doesn't have a tongue. Maybe it will take a few days to get used to and learn how to eat. Thank you so much for posting the whole story and I'm glad you have it figured out.
Thank you, to both of you. :hugs It was definitely very shocking for us to just have her tongue fall out like that. It happened yesterday afternoon. She seems good this morning. Her mouth seems sore, but she is chattering and picking at little things in the yard right now. We made her a scrambled egg to see if she was able to eat it, and it's most likely going to take her a long time to adapt to not having a tongue. She managed to swallow one piece, and the rest continued to fall back out of her mouth. So we pureed it with some yogurt and chicken feed and tube fed her. Hopefully once the tiny bit of her tongue that is left heals, she will be able to start eating on her own. She is at least trying again, and she hasn't done that in over a month. It probably feels good to have that painful tongue out of there. Poor girl... :(
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I think every hatchery has their Anconas labelled as flighty, but if you look at the reviews for them up in the 'Breeds' tab, most people say they are pretty friendly. Maybe not Barred Rock or Cochin or Orpington friendly, but friendly nonetheless. Honestly, I think if you don't give them as much attention while they are growing up, you will probably find your Ancona to be more flighty. I like my birds to be mostly okay with me being there, and so I have taken time to be with them every day since I got them. Rangi especially liked to be held when she was young, so I had no problems in handling her daily. She is somewhat flighty, as in you can't just run up to her or she'll get out of there, but if you're calm as you walk up to her, she has no problem being picked up or petted. I also find her on my shoulder quite frequently, especially if I'm not paying attention. :lol:

I handle the chicks several times a day for the same reason. Thanks for the info, I may have to add one to my list for next year. When did Po start crowing? Was it 3 weeks or was that your EE
My Easter-egger bantam started crowing at about 3 weeks old. If I remember correctly, Po was closer to 6 or 7 weeks. I'll go look it up for you. :)

ETA: He was 7 1/2 weeks old and he sounded like a squeaky toy. :lol:

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