Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

All mine do that for awhile as they are growing. Its annoying cause I'll see them REALLY red ad be like yay!! Then it goes away. Lol I'm no expert, but it seems like stress will cause even my 1 year old hens to go pale sometimes. Like when my goofy dog decided to pounce in the center of their flock just to watch em fly all over and make lots of noise. :)
Thank you! She's my Blue Ameraucana from meyer hatchery. I'll put up pics of the rest of my meyer birds tonight.
She is beautiful! I'd love to have one like her.

I sell mine for $2.00 doz but eggs can go for $2 up to $5 a dozen in my area. Famers markets get crazy prices but they have to pay a table fee. I just sell by word of mouth and I live on a main highway with a sign out front.

I could raise my price but I've been selling for 6 years now and I don't want to loose any customers. Some people are really nice and give me a tip. Really I'm just happy to make a little more than breaking even, I love having the chickens and since they pay for themselves and then some , my husband doesn't complain.
Yeah, we've seen them here from $3 to $8 a carton. We're were shocked to hear the $8 price.

I'd absolutely LOVE to have lots and lots! But my coop isn't very big. Been working on talking my sweety into building me a new one. I know he will eventually. Lol Watching my chickens r my favorite past time. They r so comical!
Eventually they give in don't they.

Morning, all. I got pictures of my 2013 Meyer babies because they are 8 months old today!

Ihi the Golden Campine:

Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:

Rangi the Ancona and her poor, frostbitten wattles:

Roha the Exchequer Leghorn:

Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder, blending in with the snow:

Mr. Po the Black Cochin bantam (from Meyer's Black Frizzle Cochin bantams) :

Huka is the only one not to have reached POL yet (well, other than the obvious, Po). I think Ihi's the only one laying at the moment, though, with the weather as it has been.
Beautiful birds and pictures. I may jinx myself, but so far no snow here in NC. We've had record colds but no snow. I'd be interested in seeing how mine react in the snow.

I need to get some updated pictures of mine soon.

I have quite a few new layers now. The past 4 days I've been busy gathering eggs from everywhere. I have to hunt for eggs on the ground now too.

I'm working on a plan to get a small additional coop for about 5-6 more birds
I want 2 Leghorn, 1-2 EE's, maybe a Speckled Sussex or Buff Orp. I will prob go with my local feed store because I only want a few and I can place an order with them and they will come in with the 800 hundred they get so they will def stay warm. And I'll get to pick out the ones I want when they come in. They get them from Ideal in Texas.
You're going to get more after all? Good for you! They are so hard too resist, are they not? No more for me though, not until I can maybe give away a few first. There are a couple that like to bite me that will be the first to go, Pepper, the BR and Daisy, the White Rock. I don't want to give them to people with kids though, since they bite.
In March--ducklings
Blue Runner
Jumbo Pekin

In June--chicks
Partridge Cochin
Light Brahma
Golden Lakenvelder
Buff Chantecler
Black Australorp
Silver Laced Polish

PLUS Our Silkie is sitting on a few eggs right now. She isn't a Meyer girl but I am still super excited. She is on 4 of hers and 1 of the Meyer Golden girls.
Nice selection. When will the eggs under the silkie hatch?

I was wondering the same thing but haven't had a chance to look it up. Sky (BA) has a few white tips on her comb. Speaking of combs I noticed Marble (BR) had a bloody tip on her comb yesterday. When my daughter went to them to bed last night there were blood spatters all over a corner of the coop. I don't know if there was a fight or she hit it on something and then shook her head and splashed blood all over or what. I don't think it was a fight since the girls all get along well and we haven't introduced anyone new. I'll have to keep an eye on things.
There's always something ins't there!?
I have a few with white and black tips here and there too. I was also afraid of frost bite.

You are so correct, there is always something with the chickens here too.

This thread has really been active lately. Welcome back everyone, nice to hear about everyone's Meyer's and other chickens. I can't believe around this time last year I was on here worried and excited about my new chick delivery in February. Time flies!

This thread will be one year old in 10 days!
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Well, 9 of my 16 24 week old chickens are squatting now. One of my EE's and my BA are now squatting.

My Golden Laced Wyandotte is laying as of yesterday too. I have a mystery brown egg layer and a mystery white egg layer, still have not caught those in the act yet. Here is Lacie's little brown pointed egg with a few of the others. It is the one on the right. It was only 1.3 ounces. The others are, Olivia, the older EE, Ash- RIR and Izzie the 24 week old Light Brown Leghorn, hers is a double yolked egg. The other 3 are well over 2 ounces.

I need to get more pictures of the girls soon. I did get this one of my EE Greta. She is the one with a noodle comb. It's not a pea comb and not straight. She is the one who has not squatted yet, but she probably will soon since she seems to follow and do everything the other EE does.

There is a lot of noise at the hen house the past few days. I may reach over my 7 eggs a day soon!

Have any of you had a hen that hopped on other hens like a rooster? Daisy our White Rock hopped on the back of one of the Cuckoo Marans and grabbed her neck feathers and everything. I know Daisy is a hen since she's laid eggs. Maybe it's a dominant thing that they do? When she was a chick she did the same thing to one of her hatch mates so I was concerned about her being a rooster, but I know she's not. I'm still new to all of this, I guess she's just mean and is taking control of the others, she also blocks the nest boxes sometimes and chases the others out of the coop. She only picks on the 24 week old hens, she won't bother the older ones. Of course they pick on her, so I guess she passes it on down the line.
Thank you! She's my Blue Ameraucana from meyer hatchery. I'll put up pics of the rest of my meyer birds tonight.

She is beautiful! How blue are her eggs?

Morning, all. I got pictures of my 2013 Meyer babies because they are 8 months old today!

Ihi the Golden Campine:

Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:

Rangi the Ancona and her poor, frostbitten wattles:

Roha the Exchequer Leghorn:

Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder, blending in with the snow:

Mr. Po the Black Cochin bantam (from Meyer's Black Frizzle Cochin bantams) :

Huka is the only one not to have reached POL yet (well, other than the obvious, Po). I think Ihi's the only one laying at the moment, though, with the weather as it has been.

Beautiful flock!

My girls at 14 weeks. Enjoying a small break from the cold wet weather of the pacific north west.

I have an Easter Egger, Buff Orphington, Welsummer , and a Meal Maker that I think is a Rhode Island Red. I would love opinions if you think she is not a RIR.

The girl that is front and center standing is the one we think is RIR.

Pretty girls!

Some of my 21 week old Meyer girls (and guy) I'm waiting for eggs from!

Nice! It is always fun waiting for eggs.

Well, 9 of my 16 24 week old chickens are squatting now. One of my EE's and my BA are now squatting.

My Golden Laced Wyandotte is laying as of yesterday too. I have a mystery brown egg layer and a mystery white egg layer, still have not caught those in the act yet. Here is Lacie's little brown pointed egg with a few of the others. It is the one on the right. It was only 1.3 ounces. The others are, Olivia, the older EE, Ash- RIR and Izzie the 24 week old Light Brown Leghorn, hers is a double yolked egg. The other 3 are well over 2 ounces.

I need to get more pictures of the girls soon. I did get this one of my EE Greta. She is the one with a noodle comb. It's not a pea comb and not straight. She is the one who has not squatted yet, but she probably will soon since she seems to follow and do everything the other EE does.

There is a lot of noise at the hen house the past few days. I may reach over my 7 eggs a day soon!

Have any of you had a hen that hopped on other hens like a rooster? Daisy our White Rock hopped on the back of one of the Cuckoo Marans and grabbed her neck feathers and everything. I know Daisy is a hen since she's laid eggs. Maybe it's a dominant thing that they do? When she was a chick she did the same thing to one of her hatch mates so I was concerned about her being a rooster, but I know she's not. I'm still new to all of this, I guess she's just mean and is taking control of the others, she also blocks the nest boxes sometimes and chases the others out of the coop. She only picks on the 24 week old hens, she won't bother the older ones. Of course they pick on her, so I guess she passes it on down the line.

Pretty eggs and EE!
The first one should be on the 27th and the others on the 1st. 

Do you have a backup plan in case your silkie momma leaves the nest to care for her first chick once it hatches? All the broodies I've had have left the nest after day 2. I would have a warm incubator waiting just in case because that's a long time to expect her to sit on the nest. Or you can pull the chick right away and give it back once the other eggs hatch.

I'm NOT trying to be a Debbie downer, I just want you to be prepared, that's all.:oops:
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Do you have a backup plan in case your silkie momma leaves the nest to care for her first chick once it hatches? All the broodies I've had have left the nest after day 2. I would have a warm incubator waiting just in case because that's a long time to expect her to sit on the nest. Or you can pull the chick right away and give it back once the other eggs hatch.

I'm NOT trying to be a Debbie downer, I just want you to be prepared, that's all.
Not going to be a problem. I think the first egg failed. Looked at them this morning and here is a blood ring visible. 2 of the others are developing still.
I missed a lot on this thread over the last few days! Beautiful flock and eggs everyone. I've been insanely busy with packing and prepping the new house. The big move is on the 28th of this month. We have 13 days and a LOT of stuff to do... :/ Oh the joys of moving.

Sunni started laying eggs again on the 12th. She was very proud of herself. She dragged the egg all over the place in her coop and when I went up to get her she was playing with the egg and chattering like she was a rooster giving me a treat. It was priceless. Thankfully she made a full recovery from the dog attack. It sure was a close call...
I missed a lot on this thread over the last few days! Beautiful flock and eggs everyone. I've been insanely busy with packing and prepping the new house. The big move is on the 28th of this month. We have 13 days and a LOT of stuff to do...
Oh the joys of moving.

Sunni started laying eggs again on the 12th. She was very proud of herself. She dragged the egg all over the place in her coop and when I went up to get her she was playing with the egg and chattering like she was a rooster giving me a treat. It was priceless. Thankfully she made a full recovery from the dog attack. It sure was a close call...
Welcome back. Good luck with the move! I know it is a lot of work. I hate moving, we used to move twice a year until we finally found our house that we have now. I don't want to move again. We've been in this house almost 18 years now and raised all the kids here, so I'm pretty attached to it. (Gee I sound really old now)

I'm glad Sunni is doing well.

We have over half of our new young chickens laying eggs now and I have pretty much lost track now of what egg belongs to what chicken. I think all of my brown egg layers have started and the EE's should soon. Unless one has started and she's laid a brown egg. Hope not, I still have not seen the EE's in the nest boxes. I only have one white egg layer laying eggs almost everyday (leghorn) and another that laid an white egg once, still have not figured out who laid that egg, but probably the other leghorn.

I've had 8 eggs so far from this morning and I hear a lot of squawking out there now, so I may have broken my record for eggs today.

It is so crazy in the coop and run nowadays, chickens squatting and screaming at me all the time and doing their egg songs. I hope that the neighbors don't complain from all this noise.

At least we have eggs now and I am starting to give some away too. My skelter is still not completely full. I would have been if I kept adding and stopped giving away eggs, plus we've been eating a lot of eggs lately.
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