Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Hey you all! I just ordered some babies from Meyers, May can't come soon enough, I'm so excited! 8D

So, I'm a Brahma-crazy person. Though they don't seem to be what I'm looking for, Meyers' stock doesn't seem... that bad. So I'll give them a try. I got a Delaware from my feed store last year, so I ordered one of those too. Crazy little things!

All the others are breeds I've never tried before, so I'm excited! I always wanted to have a Salmon Faverolle, not sure about the Dark Cornish but figured it was worth a shot (same situation as with the Brahma, it simply seems like breeders just don't exist), I really want a Cochin so I chose a White Cochin, and I thought I'd give a New Hampshire Red as shot too. I might regret it later but my last choice was a black Sumatra.

I don't suppose anyone here has ordered Buff Brahmas or Dark Cornish and might tell me a couple things... Though I love how both birds are meant to look, I really like the breeds for their size and width. Ideal Poultry disappointed me so I thought it might be worth it to try something else. That's why I ordered a Faverolle too.

This is my buff from Meyer. She's very sweet and timid. She's definitely at the bottom of the pecking order.

And here's both brahmas on either side of my Dellie for size reference. They may not be bred to standard, but they are beautiful to look at.
I have LF Buff Orpington and am in the process of hatching Bantam chocolate Orpingtons. Both lay brown eggs. I will have room in my bantam pen to add more, but kind of wanna add some kind of the "funny looking" chickens. I will only keep the hens of these because I want my Orpingtons to remain pure. I need bantam sized, that lay something other than brown, that has some funny looking features. Any suggestions?
I can't wait to see your hatched chicks! It sounds like everyone has given you good suggestions for other chickens with funny features. I really like my EE's, my Salmon Faverolle and my Buff Polish from Meyers. They do add variety to my flock with looks and egg color too.

I would have been better off paying for sexed pullets but I wanted a guaranteed dark egg and was hoping to get some breeders. I'm pretty happy with the shell color. How dark are your Meyer Marans laying?

Here are some of my eggs from my girls. The 4th from left at the top and the bottom far right are from my marans. They are the darkest of all my eggs. One of the two Cuckoo Marans I have lays an egg a little darker then the other and and one of them has a lot of spots on her eggs. The photo seems to lighten up the eggs a little in this picture.

The darker eggs on the bottom row are the maran eggs here.

I was wondering if anyone has some pictures of Welsummer eggs? Are they usually darker then the Marans?
Hey you all! I just ordered some babies from Meyers, May can't come soon enough, I'm so excited! 8D

So, I'm a Brahma-crazy person. Though they don't seem to be what I'm looking for, Meyers' stock doesn't seem... that bad. So I'll give them a try. I got a Delaware from my feed store last year, so I ordered one of those too. Crazy little things!

All the others are breeds I've never tried before, so I'm excited! I always wanted to have a Salmon Faverolle, not sure about the Dark Cornish but figured it was worth a shot (same situation as with the Brahma, it simply seems like breeders just don't exist), I really want a Cochin so I chose a White Cochin, and I thought I'd give a New Hampshire Red as shot too. I might regret it later but my last choice was a black Sumatra.

I don't suppose anyone here has ordered Buff Brahmas or Dark Cornish and might tell me a couple things... Though I love how both birds are meant to look, I really like the breeds for their size and width. Ideal Poultry disappointed me so I thought it might be worth it to try something else. That's why I ordered a Faverolle too.
The Brahmas are a pretty breed, I want some too.

I love our Salmon Faverolle, Sally from Meyers, she is the sweetest chicken. She likes to hop up on us too. She is very vocal though since she is so sociable with people.

She also adds another egg color to my basket. Her egg is a light cream color. She lays the smallest egg of all my hens still, even though she is the one of the biggest pullets. I imagine it will get bigger soon though, since she just started.

Tsc is getting ready for chicks
They have chicks and ducklings at the one we go to in Denver NC already. These are pics from my trip yesterday. I resisted!! They are so cute and those ducklings! My husband was there to pull me away...

This is my buff from Meyer. She's very sweet and timid. She's definitely at the bottom of the pecking order.

And here's both brahmas on either side of my Dellie for size reference. They may not be bred to standard, but they are beautiful to look at.
They're all so pretty!
I'm so excited, I placed my first Meyer hatchery order. Delivery for the week of May 12th . This is the first time I have ordered chicks from anywhere, I have always hatched my own, or gotten them from local breeders.

I ordered
3 assorted Cochins,
2 Easter Eggers,
2 Salmon Faverolles,
1 Buff Chanteclers,
1 Cuckoo Maran,
1 Partridge Cochin,
1 Silver Laced Cochin,
1 Walsummer,
1 Buff Orpington,
And 1Olive Egger

I can't wait to get these little girls.... time is going to pass so slowly waiting for May to get here.....
I'm so excited, I placed my first Meyer hatchery order.  Delivery for the week of May 12th . This is the first time I have ordered chicks from anywhere, I have always hatched my own, or gotten them from local breeders.

I ordered
3 assorted Cochins,
2 Easter Eggers,
2 Salmon Faverolles,
1 Buff Chanteclers,
1 Cuckoo Maran,
1 Partridge Cochin,
1 Silver Laced Cochin,
1 Walsummer,
1 Buff Orpington,
And 1Olive Egger

I can't wait to get these little girls.... time is going to pass so slowly waiting for May to get here.....:yiipchick

My partridge cochin from meyer is the sweetest chick I have ever seen! I have some blue as well but at 2 weeks old partridge is my favorite. She is also the biggest chick in the brooder. She is going to be one hefty lady!
My Meyer chicks are due to arrive March 4. I'm getting a brooder set up for them. It's been
a long time since I had baby chicks! Getting quite a mixed bag of all pullets.
6 easter eggers
2 buff orps
3 black australorps
4 lt brown leghorns
4 of the rare egg assortment (very curious to see what those will be)
4 new hampshire reds
1 golden laced wyandotte
1 dominique
1 meal maker (who knows, but I have a person in mind to give eggs to)

I wanted white leghorns, but they did not have any available at all. I have three
black copper marans that I bought a little while ago that are just starting to lay as
Meyer has bantam easter eggers, polish, silkies and other bantam breeds. I don't know if you want them from a hatchery or not.

I agree with those suggestions. EE's lay blue/green eggs (usually), polish lay white eggs, and silkies have tinted egg (cream colored). They also have bantam welsummers that lay a darker brown egg. 

Thanks everyone. I don't mind hatchery, I just want them for the cute factor. Lol I'm thinking definately a polish, and possibly a salmon favorella (or however that's spelled), and maybe even a "Cochin" I think is the ones I saw that r "very likely" to sit on eggs and look really fluffy. Do EE's have funny features also, other than egg color?
Thanks everyone. I don't mind hatchery, I just want them for the cute factor. Lol I'm thinking definately a polish, and possibly a salmon favorella (or however that's spelled), and maybe even a "Cochin" I think is the ones I saw that r "very likely" to sit on eggs and look really fluffy. Do EE's have funny features also, other than egg color?

EE's can come with fluffy beards and/or muffs which I find quite cute :) they come in assorted colors, so it's a surprise as to what you will get...

This is Beardie (she's actually from Mt Healthy hatchery, not Meyer) I called her Beardie bc even as a chick she had an impressive beard n muffs, and the name stuck!
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