Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

All is well with the new babies. No losses through the night, and they are settling in well. I am still a bit concerned about one of the golden buffs but she seems okay for now. I have had quite a bit of pasties today. Are some breeds more prone than others? The EE's and Leghorns are all fine but the GBuffs, Brahmas, and the little Enigma all are having a hard time. I am trying to clean them before it hardens, but I will be going to work. Hopefully they will be okay for several hours.
I have one that has the same head thing going on but it's yellow, so I can guess that it is a polish then? I have only had chickens for about a year so it is going to take me a while to figure out what I have from my assorted packs.
Trsturself: could it be a silkie?
A black polish would be neat though.
Nevermind the legs are not feathered, so not a silkie.
That's what I was thinking though too because of the black skin/legs. But I stink at recognizing chicks. It will be fun to watch her grow!

All is well with the new babies. No losses through the night, and they are settling in well. I am still a bit concerned about one of the golden buffs but she seems okay for now. I have had quite a bit of pasties today. Are some breeds more prone than others? The EE's and Leghorns are all fine but the GBuffs, Brahmas, and the little Enigma all are having a hard time. I am trying to clean them before it hardens, but I will be going to work. Hopefully they will be okay for several hours.
My Comumbian Wyandotte had pasty butt the worst. EE's were always fine. Lots of different suggestions for it such as ACV in the water and putting vaseline on the vent area. I just kept on top of it and kept cleaning it.
All is well with the new babies. No losses through the night, and they are settling in well. I am still a bit concerned about one of the golden buffs but she seems okay for now. I have had quite a bit of pasties today. Are some breeds more prone than others? The EE's and Leghorns are all fine but the GBuffs, Brahmas, and the little Enigma all are having a hard time. I am trying to clean them before it hardens, but I will be going to work. Hopefully they will be okay for several hours.
Great! I am so glad they are doing good. I hope last night went well too?

I had a few with pasty rears too. If you stay on top of it for the first week they'll clear up fast. Just wash them up as soon as you notice. I think the shipping stress can cause it.

I wash mine directly in the sink under a very slow stream of warm water and use a gloved finger to slowly remove the poop so there is no feather loss. They seem to like the warm water on their rear ends. Sometimes they'll poop right there in the sink too once I clear it up. Then I just wrap them in a wash cloth for a few minutes and pat them dry. Pretty gross, but works well for me. I'd just check them as often as you can.

It is just beautiful. Funny I was confused, I thought that was my Skelter for a moment. They really shipped them fast!
Well I had one more loss last night. :( Sad, but I was kind of expecting it. We had one in our bunch that was smaller than the rest and wouldn't eat or drink by itself and spent almost all of the time sleeping. The rest of them are all bright and peppy, which is good.
Awe sorry primaknits, it is rough losing any.

Yes LynnEBC they seem to be doing great, the little golden buff has perked up and I am sure will make it. I am ready to move them outside to the brooding room, but Sun is supposed to be RIDICULOUSLY cold, and I am sure I would lose sleep worrying about them!!!
Well, I am having some terrible problems with boredom in the flock right now. Ellie's beard is almost completely gone, Lilly has no head feathers, Daffodil's comb is covered in scabs, and this morning I found Ellie hunched down in the nest boxes with most of her back feathers missing and two bloody wounds about the size of a dime and about 1/8th of an inch deep, each. I seperated Ellie and put blu-kote on her wounds. She is still eating and drinking and scratching around at the ground, but those spots look just awful...

I just don't know what to do about their boredom... They are being so mean to each other. I have tried hanging cabbages and giving them all kinds of table scraps, but they demolish the treats so fast that it doesn't make any difference.

We still have 2 ft of snow on the ground, and until the snow melts, we can't even think about starting their coop.

Any ideas for solving boredom?
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Well, I am having some terrible problems with boredom in the flock right now. Ellie's beard is almost completely gone, Lilly has no head feathers, Daffodil's comb is covered in scabs, and this morning I found Ellie hunched down in the nest boxes with most of her back feathers missing and two bloody wounds about the size of a dime and about 1/8th of an inch deep, each. I seperated Ellie and put blu-kote on her wounds. She is still eating and drinking and scratching around at the ground, but those spots look just awful...

I just don't know what to do about their boredom... They are being so mean to each other. I have tried hanging cabbages and giving them all kinds of table scraps, but they demolish the treats so fast that it doesn't make any difference.

We still have 2 ft of snow on the ground, and until the snow melts, we can't even think about starting their coop.

Any ideas for solving boredom?

when I hang my cabbages I hang it up high enough that they have to jump to get it. It lasts a little bit longer than at their height. I also got a treat ball from tractor supply;-chicken-toy?cm_vc=-10005 they absolutely love it! I hope this helps a little bit anyway!
I saw a few posts back that egg skelters were on sale somewhere. Who is selling them and are they still on sale? Now that all of my girls are laying, I would love to get one. Thanks!
when I hang my cabbages I hang it up high enough that they have to jump to get it. It lasts a little bit longer than at their height. I also got a treat ball from tractor supply;-chicken-toy?cm_vc=-10005 they absolutely love it! I hope this helps a little bit anyway!
Thanks for the ideas. The last cabbage I gave them I hung it just about head level. As the cabbage was being eaten, they had to jump higher for it. But they still had it gone in a few hours. It was crazy! I was expecting it to last at least a day or two. I'm going to get some more cabbages asap and hang those up for them. Maybe I'll have to try hanging it higher this time?

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