Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I just got to day 10! So, basically, halfway there! Hatching some Buff Orpington, mixes for my sweety's coworker, and some Bantam Chocolate Oprington! My 1st bantams. Hope a decent hatch, I paid a fortune for those eggs! Lol

Just candled. :( My banties sure don't look too good! I've never hatched bantams though, so hopefully I'm just missing something. Have 9 LF definately moving around though.
Question. In my last shipment of chicks I had a MMM and 5 rare breed assortment. One of the chicks was white and looked like a white leghorn. At 3 weeks old I just noticed that my white chick has just sprouted black feathers on the sides of her tail and one or two of her wing tip primary feathers have popped out black. Does anyone know what breed feathers like this?
She also has light yellow clean legs and a strait comb. Delaware maybe?
Question. In my last shipment of chicks I had a MMM and 5 rare breed assortment. One of the chicks was white and looked like a white leghorn. At 3 weeks old I just noticed that my white chick has just sprouted black feathers on the sides of her tail and one or two of her wing tip primary feathers have popped out black. Does anyone know what breed feathers like this?
She also has light yellow clean legs and a strait comb. Delaware maybe?

It's possible. Do u have a picture? I used to have a Delaware.
My Dellie had green legs that have turned yellow. This is her around three weeks old. It was at this point the first black feathers began to show.
Whoa that's not a Deleware, christine9. They have dark barred hackle heathers and tail feathers with yellow legs.

I think that chick is either a white jersey giant or an austra-white, they have little black splashes on them.
My EE that I got at the swap Saturday, I got my 1st little green egg from her already!! Never dreamed I would so soon, because the whole stress of the move and such. She's still in quarantine, which means I may just have to do another hatch since she was with a rooster!! Hehehe

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