Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

My EE that I got at the swap Saturday, I got my 1st little green egg from her already!! Never dreamed I would so soon, because the whole stress of the move and such. She's still in quarantine, which means I may just have to do another hatch since she was with a rooster!! Hehehe
Congrats, she was quick to reward you.
I just candled looks very good for all but one

Question. In my last shipment of chicks I had a MMM and 5 rare breed assortment. One of the chicks was white and looked like a white leghorn. At 3 weeks old I just noticed that my white chick has just sprouted black feathers on the sides of her tail and one or two of her wing tip primary feathers have popped out black. Does anyone know what breed feathers like this?
She also has light yellow clean legs and a strait comb. Delaware maybe?
Whats an MMM?

My EE that I got at the swap Saturday, I got my 1st little green egg from her already!! Never dreamed I would so soon, because the whole stress of the move and such. She's still in quarantine, which means I may just have to do another hatch since she was with a rooster!! Hehehe
That's great!! What breed was the rooster?
MMM- I think is a Meyer Meal Maker

Nancy - Are you guys snowed in again? How's the weather? Looks crazy on the news. We just have rain here and the temps are dropping.
MMM is meyer meal maker. It could be any of there breeds. This is the one I'm talking about. She has black on the last couple feathers on her wings but you can't see it until she extends them
MMM- I think is a Meyer Meal Maker

Nancy - Are you guys snowed in again? How's the weather? Looks crazy on the news. We just have rain here and the temps are dropping.
No thank goodness. We only got 2 inches!! WooHoo!! That was our 15th snow event and it's going down to 2 degrees tonight and tomorrow night

Hopefully the end of winter is near

MMM is meyer meal maker. It could be any of there breeds. This is the one I'm talking about. She has black on the last couple feathers on her wings but you can't see it until she extends them
Got it, thx

She was with another like her, I guess the Roos are called EE's too? Lol
Yup males are EE's too and hopefully you get a few fertile eggs. That would be great!!
Wow that's crazy that her legs would change color like that. I wouldn't believe it without seeing it...your girl is so much prettier than mine. I hope my next Dellies are more like yours, my girl now looks like she's 3/4 Brahma !

Thanks! On another forum I caught a lot of grief for her legs being green. I guess that's pretty common with hatchery birds, and a big no-no with the heritage. My dad called her Mrs. Green Jeans, so he was not happy with the yellowing legs.

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