Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

They're not molting because the 3 with bare bellies are laying as far as I can tell. They just have completely bare stomachs. From the rear they are all fluffy and pics Ive seen of birds having mites or lice have bald butts. So I just have no idea what it is. 1 BA with bare belly also has the bald head. Mites or picked on??? I don't know. My BR has a bare belly but no other issues. Only Mo has the bare belly and tons of broken feathers from above tail to half way up back. Like she's getting them eaten off so I was thinking its feather mites. And I've never weighed my birds but my BR and Mo seem a little thin but I'm not sure. They are eating normally and have full crops at night. Sigh. I guess I'll just wait it out now and see if there are any more changes.
I was wondering if they have a reaction to something in the nests? There's a light dusting of poultry dust on the bottom and shavings. It's quite the puzzle.

Love the new door. I wish I could get my girls more ventilation like that but with the prefab coops it's not possible. That looks great.
AND Amazing pic of the baby bird!!!!! What a mouth on that baby
Hang in there, maybe the nicer weather will help out? I hope so!

I'm getting bummed and being reminded of what happened with my Buff Brahmas... one feathered in much faster than the other and were obviously different - one ended up being a cockerel and one a pullet.
Now one Brabanter is feathering in much faster than the other and it has a much bigger crest and big tail... the other has small crest and no tail at all!!

I know it's early (3 weeks old) but this is what happened to my BB's. I just gotta patient. The one feathering in faster is absolutely adorable with huge crest and full beard..
I'm thinking male on the left
I really hope I'm wrong.

Quick pic of my EE's
Lola and Lily

My leghorns did the same but both are girls. Hopefully one is just growing slower. I've lost track, how many total chickens do you have now? When do you get your new coop? Will you keep both sets separate?

So we've decided, well I convinced myself that we'll stick with what we have this year, but next Spring, I will order more chicks and probably some bantams. (This is what I am telling myself this week anyway...but once I have more broodies...maybe some eggs that are fertile will find their way under her...

Very beautiful coop setup & landscaping! Great pics!

I have a dove that built a nest on top of an outside house light...the light is directly outside of my bedroom though. I can't bring myself to tear down the nest after she is done using it & each year she comes back and has more babies there! Right now there are 3 babies about the size in your pic. Man they can make a racket when they are hungry!
Thank you. It is so much fun watching the baby birds mature. That is neat that you have doves so close, such pretty birds too! Yesterday when we were putting on the new coop door we caught a male and female wren starting to build a nest in the coop. With the new door they can't get inside, I found their nest and lucky enough they had not added their eggs yet.

I love the setup Lynn!

Well I think our Cream Legbar isn't going to make it through the night. She stopped eating and drinking and is just laying down. We can't even get her to drink when forced. :(
The BLRW is doing good but now she won't have any flock mates. The guy we got the silkie/EE from said we can come down and get another any time. That was nice of him.
We got an offer on our house!

Now we can stop worrying about showing and start packing the house up.

Oh no, I am sorry you are having so much trouble and losing so many.

That's very nice of the guy to give you another chick and great that you have an the hard part...packing!!!
I hope that you can find another home soon to move into so you're not moving twice.

Why am I still awake...looking online at Meyer's & thinking I need to order a few more chicks. I've already ordered 4 and I'm only allowed to have 5 hens + a roo inside city limits, but I have no desire to have a roo. Sigh, it's an addiction already!
It sure is an won't get help here...we're all addicted...we'll just feed the addiction more!

So 5 hens and a roo?...well everyone that has seen my chickens think I have a roo already, so just tell everyone that you have a roo and go ahead and get 6 chickens. People will believe you. There are many people out there that assume that you need a roo for the chickens to lay eggs. So 6 chickens that works...I tell everyone I have 16, but somehow I count 21...
...see I am not helping!!

I'm sitting here at 12:22 am..... can't sleep, my babies get shipped today......
doing the happy dance....
Ha, ha, we've all been in your shoes!!! So hard to sleep waiting on the little ones!! Best wishes for a safe and speedy shipment!
It sure is an won't get help here...we're all addicted...we'll just feed the addiction more!

So 5 hens and a roo?...well everyone that has seen my chickens think I have a roo already, so just tell everyone that you have a roo and go ahead and get 6 chickens. People will believe you. There are many people out there that assume that you need a roo for the chickens to lay eggs. So 6 chickens that works...I tell everyone I have 16, but somehow I count 21...
...see I am not helping!!
LOL!!! If Meyer's gives me a credit for my shipping if I go pick them up instead I might see if I can add on another chick. Then the decisions come as to what to get! I'm upgrading the size of coop that I was going to get because a settlement is coming my way that I wasn't expecting. (YEAH). I may get a Blue Orington female chick :). I wish they had a Blue Ameraucana available when the rest of my chicks are hatching!
LOL!!! If Meyer's gives me a credit for my shipping if I go pick them up instead I might see if I can add on another chick. Then the decisions come as to what to get! I'm upgrading the size of coop that I was going to get because a settlement is coming my way that I wasn't expecting. (YEAH). I may get a Blue Orington female chick :). I wish they had a Blue Ameraucana available when the rest of my chicks are hatching!
Yup money unaccounted for and unexpected should go towards our chickens. I agree!

When you get there and you see all those chicks, I imagine you will lose count and end up with quite a few more, especially with your little boy with you!
Yup money unaccounted for and unexpected should go towards our chickens. I agree!

When you get there and you see all those chicks, I imagine you will lose count and end up with quite a few more, especially with your little boy with you!
I just got an email from Meyers (I had submitted a form through their website "contact us" section) and they are happy for me to pick up my chicks vs shipping. They even were trying to push up the delivery date, but since I just had surgery I really can't get them sooner and still have my brooder done and everything ready plus be able to drive that far. I am going to go ahead and add a blue orpington to the order too
Yeah - I have it bad! Whether they credit me my shipping costs (I have no doubt that they will) or not...add another chick to that order!
I have to say my opinion of Meyer's has dropped quite a bit i just called them after they sent an e-mail saying that they wouldn't be sending me a refund after they said they would. And I'm kind of ****** now they are saying that they won't give me a refund of any kind now, money or new hatch eggs. If i do order birds or hatching egg's in the future its not going to be from Meyers. i have got better treatment from the sellers here on backyard chickens then them, they are way more expensive but they jump through hoops to make sure you get the best. But it is very aggravating that meyers would treat paying customer's like this.
I have to say my opinion of Meyer's has dropped quite a bit i just called them after they sent an e-mail saying that they wouldn't be sending me a refund after they said they would. And I'm kind of ****** now they are saying that they won't give me a refund of any kind now, money or new hatch eggs. If i do order birds or hatching egg's in the future its not going to be from Meyers. i have got better treatment from the sellers here on backyard chickens then them, they are way more expensive but they jump through hoops to make sure you get the best. But it is very aggravating that meyers would treat paying customer's like this.
Oh no! I'm sorry you have had such a bad experience!
Just got an e-mail from babies have been shipped. YEA !!!!! They called me this morning to let me know my olive egger & buff chantecler didn't hatch. I chose a Golden Laced Wyandotte & a Speckled Sussex as replacements. They are including a free assorted Cochin too. Can't wait to get my chickies.

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