Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Just got an e-mail from babies have been shipped. YEA !!!!! They called me this morning to let me know my olive egger & buff chantecler didn't hatch. I chose a Golden Laced Wyandotte & a Speckled Sussex as replacements. They are including a free assorted Cochin too. Can't wait to get my chickies.
WOOHOO!!! I can't wait to see all these baby chicks!!!
Hey, everyone! I know I haven't been posting a whole lot here, but I thought I'd add pictures of my youngest Meyer girls because they are a year old today! :D

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder:


Ihi the Golden Campine:


Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:


Rangi the Ancona--her feathers are tattered because the rooster was getting rough. :/ And the other girls aren't helping, either!:


Roha the Exchequer Leghorn--sweetest bird in the set. She comes running for her attention!:


Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:


Here's their birthday 'cake' and party favors. :D



One week from today, I'll be heading out to Meyer's for the next set of chicks! :D No changes to my order (yet), so I'm still getting 2 Black Copper Marans, a Welsummer, and a Silver Gray Dorking if they all hatch this time. :fl
Hey, everyone! I know I haven't been posting a whole lot here, but I thought I'd add pictures of my youngest Meyer girls because they are a year old today!

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder:

Ihi the Golden Campine:

Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:

Rangi the Ancona--her feathers are tattered because the rooster was getting rough.
And the other girls aren't helping, either!:

Roha the Exchequer Leghorn--sweetest bird in the set. She comes running for her attention!:

Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:

Here's their birthday 'cake' and party favors.

One week from today, I'll be heading out to Meyer's for the next set of chicks!
No changes to my order (yet), so I'm still getting 2 Black Copper Marans, a Welsummer, and a Silver Gray Dorking if they all hatch this time.

that's so cute
is that yogurt on the watermelon?
I'm having a great experience with them via email. They have credited my account for the shipping; pickup is confirmed for 7/15 (SUCH A LONG WAIT!!!), my blue orpington female has been added. I even asked about the possibility if they might have any more Blue Ameraucana females hatching by the time I make the trip. They told me to stalk the website and give them a call the day before & day I head that way...if they have any hatch I can add one to my order!

I already know I'm going to pick up a few things in the store while we are there.

Only 63 more day before I get my chicks!
Hey, everyone! I know I haven't been posting a whole lot here, but I thought I'd add pictures of my youngest Meyer girls because they are a year old today! :D

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder:


Ihi the Golden Campine:


Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:


Rangi the Ancona--her feathers are tattered because the rooster was getting rough. :/ And the other girls aren't helping, either!:


Roha the Exchequer Leghorn--sweetest bird in the set. She comes running for her attention!:


Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:


Here's their birthday 'cake' and party favors. :D



One week from today, I'll be heading out to Meyer's for the next set of chicks! :D No changes to my order (yet), so I'm still getting 2 Black Copper Marans, a Welsummer, and a Silver Gray Dorking if they all hatch this time. :fl

I love your cake! How cute!!
Hang in there, maybe the nicer weather will help out? I hope so!

My leghorns did the same but both are girls. Hopefully one is just growing slower. I've lost track, how many total chickens do you have now? When do you get your new coop? Will you keep both sets separate?

So we've decided, well I convinced myself that we'll stick with what we have this year, but next Spring, I will order more chicks and probably some bantams. (This is what I am telling myself this week anyway...but once I have more broodies...maybe some eggs that are fertile will find their way under her...
I'm glad to hear about your leghorns and how they turned out. I feel like these are my first chicks!
My MIL called me today and told me she was watching the chickens on my camera and she saw Mo scratching herself a lot today so she thinks she's doing it to herself. Which is a good possibility but is she scratching because it's itchy from bugs? I'm now taking the wait and watch approach. I can't see a single bug so there's nothing else to do. Hopefully she doesn't end up bald but with the summer approaching maybe that won't be so bad. LOL

LOL!!! If Meyer's gives me a credit for my shipping if I go pick them up instead I might see if I can add on another chick. Then the decisions come as to what to get! I'm upgrading the size of coop that I was going to get because a settlement is coming my way that I wasn't expecting. (YEAH). I may get a Blue Orington female chick :). I wish they had a Blue Ameraucana available when the rest of my chicks are hatching!
I'm a firm believer in getting a few extras. I lost one with both batches of new chicks and one ended up being a cockerel with my first order sooooo, maybe a few extra should find their way in your car? And with a bigger coop you can hide more chickens in there

Pics taken yesterday , 11 days old
So cute and again, great pics!

I have to say my opinion of Meyer's has dropped quite a bit i just called them after they sent an e-mail saying that they wouldn't be sending me a refund after they said they would. And I'm kind of ****** now they are saying that they won't give me a refund of any kind now, money or new hatch eggs. If i do order birds or hatching egg's in the future its not going to be from Meyers. i have got better treatment from the sellers here on backyard chickens then them, they are way more expensive but they jump through hoops to make sure you get the best. But it is very aggravating that meyers would treat paying customer's like this.
Did I miss what happened? I'm sorry you are having trouble with Meyer.

Just got an e-mail from babies have been shipped. YEA !!!!! They called me this morning to let me know my olive egger & buff chantecler didn't hatch. I chose a Golden Laced Wyandotte & a Speckled Sussex as replacements. They are including a free assorted Cochin too. Can't wait to get my chickies.
Keep us posted!!!

Hey, everyone! I know I haven't been posting a whole lot here, but I thought I'd add pictures of my youngest Meyer girls because they are a year old today!

Huka the Silver Lakenvelder:

Ihi the Golden Campine:

Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi:

Rangi the Ancona--her feathers are tattered because the rooster was getting rough.
And the other girls aren't helping, either!:

Roha the Exchequer Leghorn--sweetest bird in the set. She comes running for her attention!:

Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:

Here's their birthday 'cake' and party favors.

One week from today, I'll be heading out to Meyer's for the next set of chicks!
No changes to my order (yet), so I'm still getting 2 Black Copper Marans, a Welsummer, and a Silver Gray Dorking if they all hatch this time.
I was just thinking about you and your girls... can't believe they are a year old. Love their birthday treats. The BCM and Welsummer are on my list so I can't wait to see yours. How far away are you from them? Hope they all hatch!
I'm a firm believer in getting a few extras. I lost one with both batches of new chicks and one ended up being a cockerel with my first order sooooo, maybe a few extra should find their way in your car? And with a bigger coop you can hide more chickens in there
You are such an enabler!!!! Stop encouraging me!!!!
I'm having a great experience with them via email. They have credited my account for the shipping; pickup is confirmed for 7/15 (SUCH A LONG WAIT!!!), my blue orpington female has been added. I even asked about the possibility if they might have any more [COLOR=222222]Blue Ameraucana females hatching by the time I make the trip. They told me to stalk the website and give them a call the day before & day I head that way...if they have any hatch I can add one to my order![/COLOR]

[COLOR=222222]I already know I'm going to pick up a few things in the store while we are there.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=222222]Only 63 more day before I get my chicks!  [/COLOR]:weee :woot

Check the site 3 weeks before your pick up day (that's when they are setting the eggs and if they set more eggs than expected they will add them to the site) and then again the day you pick up (for overhatch- they add any extras they hatch that aren't already sold). They open at 9 but I checked starting at 830 or so when it went. 3 weeks before will just be where the chick are normally listed, day of are located under the 'available now' section on the left side of the website, scroll down a little ;) if you see what you want order them ASAP. They sell out quick. And just place a second order and combine the boxes when you pick up. I missed out on a blue ameraucana this year bc I took to long to decide and someone else snatched em up!
Check the site 3 weeks before your pick up day (that's when they are setting the eggs and if they set more eggs than expected they will add them to the site) and then again the day you pick up (for overhatch- they add any extras they hatch that aren't already sold). They open at 9 but I checked starting at 830 or so when it went. 3 weeks before will just be where the chick are normally listed, day of are located under the 'available now' section on the left side of the website, scroll down a little
if you see what you want order them ASAP. They sell out quick. And just place a second order and combine the boxes when you pick up. I missed out on a blue ameraucana this year bc I took to long to decide and someone else snatched em up!
That's absolutely my plan...

But you know I'm going to look every single day just in case

If I see 1 female, I will snatch that one up so fast!

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