Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Ya know come to think of it I do have an egg picture to share. About a month before Easter my mom handed me a catalog asking for basket suggestions for my son. In it I saw a little egg blower "Blas-Fix" from Germany. I mentioned it to her and she ordered it and gave it to me the week before Easter. I've been getting eggs from a family in my town whose 11 hens I *think* are from Meyer. They have Golden Buffs, Easter Eggers, Blue Copper Marans, Wyandottes, a Black Australorp and a Black Jersey Giant. I've gotten two dozen at time to share with our immediate neighbors and for my son to take into pre-school when they were talking about eggs and chicks. So I wanted to use this egg blower and I wanted to try natural dyes. I went with these recipes: But of course I wasn't using white eggs, though the Wyandottes were pretty light so I used most of those, plus a couple brown ones for a deeper pink.

I could not get the shell of the lightest Wyandotte egg to take the blue from the cabbage, it dyed the inside blue but the outside just looked grey. So I decided to dip it into the beet juice and all of a sudden pop! Purple! It's the small one on the far left behind the second row. I didn't want to give up on the blue though so I choose the palest of three EE eggs and it took the cabbage nicely, big one far left back in front of the purple. Next to that is a short turmeric steep for a soft golden that really makes the light blue-green eggs pop, a natural EE, another short tumeric, beet on brown, long turmeric (little too long) and behind that another beet on a big brown egg. Front row is beet and cabbage I think, then turmeric and cabbage for green, beet, beet and tumeric for peach, natural EE and short tumeric. I polished them all with a bit of canola oil but I still think the natural EEs are the prettiest. I have them all in a basket and have blown another EE egg since then.

Also a friend of mine suggested this pin to me, I am so doing this when my girls lay their first eggs, I already have a bowl full of feathers ready!
Sorry, forgot to be hitting the button to quote as I read.

Nancy, I love your setup. That's great!

That's definitely a polish. Hard to tell in the pic, the color around the eye will tell you gold laced or silver laced.

I don't have experience with those breeds but I know Suncatcher on the boards here has an Austra White. She could tell you about them.

I let our girls out to free range for the first time in a long time. The big girls came flying out and the little girls ran after them but as soon as they got out they stopped and looked around and took their time coming all the way out to the grass area. They seemed to enjoy themselves though.

This is our little man, Carter (blue copper maran that we hatched). He's starting to get his copper color on his neck. It's really pretty.

Here he is again with our SLP Boomerang (1yr old)

This is as far as they made for a long time, just barely on the edge of the grass. Our dog keeping watch the whole time (And Amber, our 1 yr old EE in there too). You can see the coop in the background.

Of course the pugs had to come do poop patrol

Our splash silkie (nearly lavender color) - hopefully she's a girl. We hatched her ourselves and it's so hard to tell with some silkies. Out of the 4 that hatched I'm pretty certain 2 are boys and 1 is a girl, but this one has me stumped. I don't have a good pic of the partridge silkie roo we have. If this one turns out to be a boy too, we might keep him and get rid of the partridge one.
Our bantam EE from Meyer (Gilfy), bantam frizzle cochin (snowball), and Carter's head

You can see snowball's crazy feathers, and with her is our Welsummer (Summer)

This is our little frizzle bantam cochin, that we hatched ourselves. She was out of a Mille Fleur pen and the lady said she might be mottled so we named her Freckles, so far she's pure black. She may need a name change eventually.

Here they finally made it further into the grass. The two in the left foreground are the partridge silkie roo and another mixed roo (he'll be dinner when he gets big enough)

I took a short video too. It's uploading. I'll post when it's done.
What a gorgeous flock!!! Love the Silkies and Carter looks like he's going to really be striking. Make sure to post pics as he grows!!

We only have one Meyer girl of laying age but I don't see any pics of her eggs that I've uploaded before. I'll have to take one. She is the SLP in my post above and lays a nice medium size white egg. But I love our eggs so I'm positing a pic of them anyway. :)

Gorgeous eggs!!

Yeah, I am still unsure about getting hatching eggs and $25 seems a lot for mixed breeds. The way the setup is there, it is very easy for a rooster to jump the fence, so even if I wanted all pure breeds, I probably would not get them. Oh well, I'll keep looking.

That's a good size now for your chickens, so 4x4= 16 square feet + 5x8= 40 square feet so a total of 56 square feet, if you say 4 feet per chicken you cold have 14 or go with the 3 feet and you could have around 19? Works for me!

let's see run space 10 sq ft per bird, so you have 16x20 = 320 so you could have up to 32 in the run. Chicken City sounds like an awesome place for you birds. Plenty of space!!
an room for a few more!!
Ummm, enable much?????? I always add a little more sq ft to my total of coop space bec. of the poop board too. It's almost like a 2nd floor apartment :)

Yes. those are from what Meyer sells as "Golden Buffs" One of my golden buffs named Sadie is the closest thing I have to a pet chicken. She always comes and says hello while I work in the barn, and is the friendliest.
I have 2 Golden Buffs in my 'basket' on Meyer website... I really love those big brown eggs and I hear good things about their personalities. Are yours quiet birds?

As far as eggs go...

Below is one of my RIR's eggs... it was almost as dark as my Cuckoo Marans

This was an egg from my Cuckoo Marans, Jr., but we had to put her down about 2 months ago. It had a purple tint in the middle and the 2 ends were darker. Really great looking egg but I could never get a good pic of it.

Speckled egg is from my Buff Brahma and green is from my EE and the other one I don't know.

full skelter...

recent egg day ...
Wow! I love the egg photos, especially in the "Lynnskelters"! I am so jealous. I cannot wait for my girls to start laying!!

Nancy - my golden buffs are very sweet and quiet and very curious. They are always among the first to check out what I am doing and see if I have treats for them; yet, they are never obnoxious or bossy. Add to that their reputation for being great layers makes me so glad I have 4 of them!

I just realized that my last order of 3 chicks from Meyer, White Maran, Austra White, and Speckled Sussex in which I requested 3 female... I have indeed received another roo from Meyer. I know they only guarantee a 90% sexing rate.. but 2 orders from them, all female, ,both orders included a roo. Grrrrrrrr.......


Here is a pic of my first egg ever! All I have laying right now are 4 buff orpingtons I have 21 chicks (5 golden buffs, 5 easter eggers, 5 barred rocks, 3 speckled Sussex & 3 olive eggers) that are 11 weeks old yesterday so I have a little ways for them!

Oh I almost forgot my broody buff orpington. She is laying on 3 buff orpington and 3 black australorp eggs from Meyer hatchery. They are due to hatch this Friday! hopefully more little babies around!

Sorry pics are not to great!
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My question is for all of you out there with Meyer chicks... has anyone ordered any of these three breeds who can let me know how they turned out? Any one with a white Maran laying yet, how is their egg color, dark I hope? Also, I think I may be a victim of another roo botch job. My speckled Sussex has very large comb and little waddles all ready at all ready 5 weeks. Reading up on there about SS sexing I have also read that males tend to have more white on their chests. My chick has a ton. Do any of you SS female owners have white chests? Also, anyone with Austra Whites, how are their personalities? Meyer's description says they are calm and sociable. My little one is flighty, and flies like a crazy girl when I enter the coop. I also am curious if they indeed to lay early as Meyer describes. When did your Austra's reach POL?

Hoping to hear from anyone who can help answer my questions. Please.. lately I am the kiss of silence every time I post in a thread, I never hear

I know I have read a lot about negative remarks with Meyer,, but other than the one, (hopefully not two) mis sexed roo, all the birds come healthy and thrive. Their customer service has been excellent as well.
Here are 2 pictures of my SS pullet (well at least that is what I am hoping she is)
here she is at about 5 weeks

and here she is today at 6 weeks

I feel like the shape and amount of white on her chest changes every other day- its like one day she gets new white feathers and her chest looks whiter, then she has a growth spurt and the white spreads out or something. I would suggest posting pictures of your ss chick in a SS thread. I posted a picture of one of my welsummers I was wondering about in a welsummer thread and have received quite a few replies
I think yours is a pullet! My giveaway on my bird is the waddles. Yours doesn't have those and her comb isn't that large. Also the behavior. I wouldn't worry about the white. My friends grown Meyer laying SS has a full white chest.
Wow! I love the egg photos, especially in the "Lynnskelters"! I am so jealous. I cannot wait for my girls to start laying!!

Nancy - my golden buffs are very sweet and quiet and very curious. They are always among the first to check out what I am doing and see if I have treats for them; yet, they are never obnoxious or bossy. Add to that their reputation for being great layers makes me so glad I have 4 of them!
Thank you! I'm sure you'll have more eggs then you know what to do with in no time.

I love my one Golden Buff, she was our Meal Maker and she is doing a super job, always jumbo eggs pretty much every day. She is sweet and social and a quiet chicken that really embraces her chickeness.


I just realized that my last order of 3 chicks from Meyer, White Maran, Austra White, and Speckled Sussex in which I requested 3 female... I have indeed received another roo from Meyer. I know they only guarantee a 90% sexing rate.. but 2 orders from them, all female, ,both orders included a roo. Grrrrrrrr.......


So sorry...

Here is a pic of my first egg ever! All I have laying right now are 4 buff orpingtons I have 21 chicks (5 golden buffs, 5 easter eggers, 5 barred rocks, 3 speckled Sussex & 3 olive eggers) that are 11 weeks old yesterday so I have a little ways for them!

Oh I almost forgot my broody buff orpington. She is laying on 3 buff orpington and 3 black australorp eggs from Meyer hatchery. They are due to hatch this Friday! hopefully more little babies around!

Sorry pics are not to great!
I love the pics. Your BO looks just like ours, Big Mama. She has the perfect name to be a broody, but so far she has not gone broody.

They hatch Friday??!! Oh wow, can't wait to see your progress and I hope a lot of little chicks. Please excuse me if you are ready mentioned this, but did you pick up your eggs or did you have them shipped?

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