Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I have:

Adult hens:
2 barred Rocks, 1 Rhode Island Red, 2 Dominique's

1 Dominique, 3 Golden Buffs, 6 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks & 1 mystery chick

I just gave my brother the 2 Dominique's and he is getting all of the chicks, I'm just raising them for him till they get older, and I'm probably going to keep 1 or 2 chicks, I can't resist.

He looses a lot of chicks on his farm to predators, and I have never lost any.





Wow what a nice bunch! I really wish I had the room to take advantage of that deal. I can't help ID the mystery chick, but it will be fun to figure her out!
I have:

Adult hens:
2 barred Rocks, 1 Rhode Island Red, 2 Dominique's

1 Dominique, 3 Golden Buffs, 6 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks & 1 mystery chick

I just gave my brother the 2 Dominique's and he is getting all of the chicks, I'm just raising them for him till they get older, and I'm probably going to keep 1 or 2 chicks, I can't resist.

He looses a lot of chicks on his farm to predators, and I have never lost any.

Very nice!
I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!
I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!

That's chicken math for you!
I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!
I've often wished this!!!! MEYER'S ARE YOU LISTENING??!!!
I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!

I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!

I really wish Meyer had a search option where you could enter the hatch date and see what's available then. Well, maybe not. My three chick order is already five and I'm trying to get two more. Can you imagine what it would be like if I could search by my hatch date?? I'd be up to 10 and building an extension on the coop and run!

I've often wished this!!!! MEYER'S ARE YOU LISTENING??!!!

Meyer Hatchery should do like does:


It would make planning your order so much easier if you know at a glance what breeds were available on any given date!! How do we tag Meyer to this forum??
@NotableNancy it sounds like you have a good plan, that's what I would do too. Being ready with a separation cage is a great idea too, those meanies can really be rough on the little ones. So what is in your flock now? What ages and what are you getting? Think I have lost track.
How are the featherless ones doing now too?

@christine9 @rnchick74 and @MamaShell - awesome ideas!! I'd be in trouble with that search option too!! and christine9- nice deal on the lettuce too. At the farmers market they have $1 bags of older produce that I keep thinking of buying for the girls, but free is so much better!

@SelfMadeFarming - nice looking girls. I agree that the mystery chick maybe a BA or CM. Kinda reminds me of my BA as a chick.

and rnchick74- the count down begins, you're in the home stretch now! so exciting!!

I've been busy here my son and daughter-in-law came for a visit on Thursday and just left, my other son and daughter-in-law who live nearby came by today too. We've been feeding the crew. So nice to have all 3 of my adult children here at one time, does not happen often enough. My husband has enjoyed it a lot since we celebrated Father's Day last weekend, throughout the week, then this weekend, plus the World Cup is on, so he's in heaven.

Lots of cooking and cleaning, but even though great fun! ...and I am completely out of eggs since I just sent the last six dozen home with my oldest son.

Now it's time to go out in the heat and let the chickens free range for awhile. Always relaxing....
Picked up my CCL chicks today (1 boy, 1 girl). I separated off a section of the coop with chicken wire and put the eco glow in there. Every time I went to check on them they had figured a way out. I put them back in there when I went to shut everyone up. They seemed content under the ecoglow. I left and walked around the property a little checking on things, came back and checked on them and they were both out again. One was roosting half way up the roosts and the other was almost to the top of the roosts. I took them down and set them on the shelf a bunch of the younger girls sleep on. They snuggled up under a silkie and were content. I watched for a long time to make sure the older girls weren't going to kick them out, but they all just laid there. I hope they are ok in the morning. I put our 3 BCM under the brooder instead even though they don't need it, they didn't seem to be able to get comfortable tonight.
I'll try to take some pics of the CCL tomorrow afternoon. The girl is starting to get her crest, so cute. :)
Picked up my CCL chicks today (1 boy, 1 girl). I separated off a section of the coop with chicken wire and put the eco glow in there. Every time I went to check on them they had figured a way out. I put them back in there when I went to shut everyone up. They seemed content under the ecoglow. I left and walked around the property a little checking on things, came back and checked on them and they  were both out again. One was roosting half way up the roosts and the other was almost to the top of the roosts. I took them down and set them on the shelf a bunch of the younger girls sleep on. They snuggled up under a silkie and were content. I watched for a long time to make sure the older girls weren't going to kick them out, but they all just laid there. I hope they are ok in the morning. I put our 3 BCM under the brooder instead even though they don't need it, they didn't seem to be able to get comfortable tonight. 
I'll try to take some pics of the CCL tomorrow afternoon. The girl is starting to get her crest, so cute. :)

Awesome! Persistent little devils. Can't wait to see photos!

 it sounds like you have a good plan, that's what I would do too. Being ready with a separation cage is a great idea too, those meanies can really be rough on the little ones. So what is in your flock now? What ages and what are you getting? Think I have lost track. :confused:  How are the featherless ones doing now too?

 and @MamaShell
 - awesome ideas!! I'd be in trouble with that search option too!! and christine9- nice deal on the lettuce too. At the farmers market they have $1 bags of older produce that I keep thinking of buying for the girls, but free is so much better!:thumbsup

 - nice looking girls. I agree that the mystery chick maybe a BA or CM. Kinda reminds me of my BA as a chick.

and rnchick74- the count down begins, you're in the home stretch now! so exciting!!

I've been busy here my son and daughter-in-law came for a visit on Thursday and just left, my other son and daughter-in-law who live nearby came by today too. We've been feeding the crew. So nice to have all 3 of my adult children here at one time, does not happen often enough. My husband has enjoyed it a lot since we celebrated Father's Day last weekend, throughout the week, then this weekend, plus the World Cup is on, so he's in heaven. 

Lots of cooking and cleaning, but even though great fun! ...and I am completely out of eggs since I just sent the last six dozen home with my oldest son.

Now it's time to go out in the heat and let the chickens free range for awhile. Always relaxing....:D

Glad you had a nice visit! I love when family comes to visit. It means more work for me, but, it is so worth it!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hey, everyone! Updating on my Meyer babies! :D They are 5 weeks old today! I can't believe it! (No, seriously, I thought they were going on 6 weeks old--look how big they are already!!)

The Silver Gray Dorkings, Elda:


And Kit-Kit:


Side by side. They are such cuddlers. :love (Elda's on the left, Kit on the right.)


The Black Copper Marans, Georgie:


And Louise:


Mabey Mabel the Welsummer. Gosh, I wish this bird would just give away whether she's a boy or a girl already!


And because I can't help but show off a bit, here are the other two babies, NOT from Meyer. Poppy the Cream Legbar:


And Violet. I noticed Vi doesn't look much like a Legbar should, so I talked to the breeder, and as it turns out, he had a mix up of sorts and gave me what we both believe is a Bielefelder! That's no problem with me, as they are just gorgeous, and it makes sense with a lot of what I'm seeing with Violet, such as her eating and eating and eating all the time! Apparently that's common for Bielefelders to do. Anyway, here's Violet the Bielefelder:


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