Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Hey, everyone! Updating on my Meyer babies! :D They are 5 weeks old today! I can't believe it! (No, seriously, I thought they were going on 6 weeks old--look how big they are already!!)

The Silver Gray Dorkings, Elda:


And Kit-Kit:


Side by side. They are such cuddlers. :love (Elda's on the left, Kit on the right.)


The Black Copper Marans, Georgie:


And Louise:


Mabey Mabel the Welsummer. Gosh, I wish this bird would just give away whether she's a boy or a girl already!


And because I can't help but show off a bit, here are the other two babies, NOT from Meyer. Poppy the Cream Legbar:


And Violet. I noticed Vi doesn't look much like a Legbar should, so I talked to the breeder, and as it turns out, he had a mix up of sorts and gave me what we both believe is a Bielefelder! That's no problem with me, as they are just gorgeous, and it makes sense with a lot of what I'm seeing with Violet, such as her eating and eating and eating all the time! Apparently that's common for Bielefelders to do. Anyway, here's Violet the Bielefelder:


All so beautiful!! Mabey Mabel is looking more girly! Don't you think?
All so beautiful!! Mabey Mabel is looking more girly! Don't you think?
Yep, they all look like girls to me right now!

Aww Elda and Kit are loosing their eyeliner, bittersweet time.

Your Marans are both getting their copper, so jealous, Morgaine is twice their age and nothing!

Hmm German über-chicken eh? Interesting.

Just a few pics during their evening free-ranging

Baby Buff

Morgaine with Victoria in the background

And Clara, such a big girl
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All so beautiful!! Mabey Mabel is looking more girly! Don't you think?

I agree, i think mabey mabel and georgie look like girls at that age. Will cross my fingers for you! :)

I say Mabel is maybe a girl! She's looking more like a girl now.

Well, I keep hoping Mabel is a girl. The thing is Welsummer pullets are supposed to have a salmon chest and yellow hackles, but Mabey has sort of a brick red chest and reddish orange hackles. She has me thrown...

Georgie, on the other hand, I'm leaning back toward girl on. I did some research and a few people have had BCM pullets that were pretty hefty as chicks like Georgie is. I'm starting to disregard behavior as well, because I've seen the Dorkings, Legbar, and Bielefelder all chest bump now and they are all definitely girls by their feather patterns. I have never had girls chest bump so early on! I just don't know anymore. :lol: These chicks are so tricky!

If you wondered, I'm much better at telling boys from girls when they aren't my birds. :lol:

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