Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I can't wait to see pictures of that egg basket!!!! Did you place your order already? What is your hatch date?

I live on 5 acres with 30 acres of woods behind me. I have plenty of space but, unfortunately, I didn't listen to my husband and spend more money to buy a bigger coop! So, I am limited on the number of chickens I can have. Now, there are so many other breeds that I would like to get!! So, I will have to drool over everyone else's birds, including yours!

5 acres? Wow. I would have every si gle breed. I moved few months ago to a bigger house but the house I used to live was bought for guys who didnt allow me to have chickens. So I moved my chickens to a place with a guy openning a nursery. They have more space and are really spoiled. So now living in a bigger house I tried to get them back but felt bad for these guys. They are very nice people and didnt want to do that to them. I sold my coop and my chicks
. Good thing I still go every friday to clean and visit them. Im pretty sure they recognize me. They are very tame and calm. Now Im planning to order the same thing plus the las 3 I mentioned to you but Im waiting for the new season since they are sold out right now. Hope I am lucky again this time. You should build an extension, buy some chicken wire and add more safe room for them

Here you see my coop in my previous place and then the new run for them at Their new place
. I miss them a lot


Wow, both set ups are great! I am sorry that you had to give up your coop and flock and, now, have to start over.

Depending on how things go over the winter, we might build a second coop next spring. I have a small coop and run that I used for my 2 EEs that I bought as started pullets, I could use that for a couple of large breed hens or a few bantams or silkies. But, if I got more, I would probably want a lot more, especially after seeing what everyone else has!

I can't wait to see pictures of that egg basket!!!! Did you place your order already? What is your hatch date?

I live on 5 acres with 30 acres of woods behind me. I have plenty of space but, unfortunately, I didn't listen to my husband and spend more money to buy a bigger coop! So, I am limited on the number of chickens I can have. Now, there are so many other breeds that I would like to get!! So, I will have to drool over everyone else's birds, including yours!

5 acres? Wow. I would have every si gle breed. I moved few months ago to a bigger house but the house I used to live was bought for guys who didnt allow me to have chickens. So I moved my chickens to a place with a guy openning a nursery. They have more space and are really spoiled. So now living in a bigger house I tried to get them back but felt bad for these guys. They are very nice people and didnt want to do that to them. I sold my coop and my chicks
. Good thing I still go every friday to clean and visit them. Im pretty sure they recognize me. They are very tame and calm. Now Im planning to order the same thing plus the las 3 I mentioned to you but Im waiting for the new season since they are sold out right now. Hope I am lucky again this time. You should build an extension, buy some chicken wire and add more safe room for them

Here you see my coop in my previous place and then the new run for them at Their new place
. I miss them a lot


Now if Meyer's doesn't get an BLRW in for 7/14...I need to decide if I want an Australorp or a Buff Orp to add to my order to up the laying...or if I want to leave well enough alone.


I have 3 of each and love them all. I have seen both breeds do a little pecking on my EEs, but, that are very mild, not really aggressive. I have already raved about the buff Orpington coloring, but, I must say that the black Australorp is beautiful, as well. Depending on the lighting, the BA's feathers have a purple or green tint. So cool!
I don't remember what you already have on your order but my 2 cents... If you are looking for more color go with an EE. You'll get color in flock and egg basket. Our EE lays regularly and has tolerated both the heat and cold of CO (95+ in the summer down to -10 last winter). If you already have one on your list add another anyway, they'll most likely be different colors and lay different color eggs. Or if you want more of a heavy breed, go for a BR. That will add a little different color variation and a good layer. Our BR is top of the flock but comes running when she sees us and will happily eat out of our hand.
I currently have: 2 buff silkies, 1 of which may be a roo & will go live at a friend's farm I'm picking up 2 female crested cream legbars from the breeder this Sunday From Meyer's, I'm getting:
1 - Golden Laced Polish Standard Female
1 - Silver Laced Polish Standard Female
1 - Golden Laced Wyandotte Female
1 - Blue Orpington Female
1 - Black Copper Maran Female

For some reason, I do not like EE or olive eggers - I think it's the muff. I have the blue egg & dark brown egg covered. I've looked at BR & they are pretty, but I have a lot of stripes & laces going on! I've also heard they can be bullies to Silkies.
I thought that my BRs were the friendliest birds because they are so sweet with me. However, they have been the most aggressive to the EEs. I think it is because they are on the low end of pecking order and the don't want newcomers to get ahead of them. So, they might not be great with silkies.
Triple yolker!! Never had that... so cool!! Sorry for the confusion. It was just a double yoke. The egg on the right is the white store bought egg in the previous photo. I had that in there for comparison. Belle's egg today was back to 42g as I predicted. Hopefully, they will still get bigger.
Gosh...all this figuring about what other chickens to get is messing up my chicken math! I have: 1 Delaware 1 buff brahma 1 RIR 1 Black Ameraucana roo August's order: 1 BCM 1 lt brahma 1 EE 1 lav orp 1 leghorn Still "need": AM girls BLRW Barred rock And maybe a speckled Sussex That should be it LOL. but since I'll need to expand the coop/run anyway....
LOL "that should be it???" I've heard that before.... there's always room for more :)
Very cool selection!
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Yup, I think 50% are black, 25% blue and 25% splash but someone correct me if I'm wrong. So yes, you could get any color. My luck I'd get black. 

Blue genetics depend on the parents, but I assume Meyer is using Blue x Blue in their breeding pens, in which case the resulting offspring would be 50% blue, 25% black, 25% splash. :)

And of course, I love my one and only splash hen, so I'm a bit biased. ;) But I do quite like blue as well, and that's the one feather color I'm lacking in my flock! Never thought of it until y'all brought it up a few pages back! I've always been more focused on egg color first, feather color second, but that might have to change... :D



Blue genetics depend on the parents, but I assume Meyer is using Blue x Blue in their breeding pens, in which case the resulting offspring would be 50% blue, 25% black, 25% splash.

And of course, I love my one and only splash hen, so I'm a bit biased.
But I do quite like blue as well, and that's the one feather color I'm lacking in my flock! Never thought of it until y'all brought it up a few pages back! I've always been more focused on egg color first, feather color second, but that might have to change...

I have no idea what they are breeding, but it would make sense that they are breeding blue x blue to try to get the biggest % of blue offspring. That only makes sense. No matter what, I do like black, white, blue, or polka dot ;)

If I can't get my BLRW then I'm going to have a hard decision to make!!! And tonight before bed, the small human told me he thinks we need another Polish!!! I think 2 is enough for this year!!
If they bred Black to Splash, they would get 100% Blues. ;)

By the way, I didn't quote your post, but congrats on the Legbars! :D Fingers crossed your girls hatch! The breeder I went to for my Legbars had an all male hatch out of the group that was supposed to have my two pullets, but then it worked out because now I have the Legbar I wanted as well as another breed I didn't know I wanted, a Bielefelder! :D

But anyway, I think that's my luck, him hatching all boys. Even someone else hatching for me gets all boys. :rolleyes: I have literally only gotten one female out of all of the straight run chicks I've gotten--even the 7 Guinea keets I hatched a couple years ago were all male. :th So yeah.
If they bred Black to Splash, they would get 100% Blues.
I've always wondered why they don't do that, say breed all splash hens to black roos. But there maybe be some profitable or logistical reason I'm missing.

Sounds like you need a real good layer and while I love our little BO our Golden Buff is easy going within the flock and very pretty. If you are open to a white chicken maybe look at Austra Whites. If I could add another breed to our original order it would be a Welsummer, a RIR or another EE.

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