Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Hey guys, I have seen people talk about feather fixer feed and was wondering which brands you all could recommend? I am asking for my BF mom whose flock is off laying and I suggested the feathe fixer, for the girls she has molting. Thanks
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Just about 15 week update:
Sorry, I am having a horrible time posting today, but will keep trying!

Olive-Light Brahma I just love how pretty the brahmas are!

Sarsaparilla-Cucko Marans I'm going to venture a guess she'll be the first of this group to lay. Look at those waddles!

Eggplant-Black Ameraucana I love her puffy cheeks, but no beard? That's a little disappointed but these are hatchery birds. Very calm girl.

Limabean- Splash Ameraucana Clean faced, but splash. I can accept this trade off. Very skittish.

Pumpkin-Welsummer Not photogenic at all...I cannot get a good shot that shows all the different colors of her feathers.

Strawberry-Speckled Sussex A real sweetie and the black spot are iridescent green in the sun.

Eager for eggs......
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Got some good shots today of the gang out enjoying the sun...sorry for so many pics!::D I love chicken pictures...

Saffron - Welsummer

Nutmeg - Welsummer - during frostbite treatment

Nutmeg out with group


One of our four Barred Rocks - Pepper she is the only one named

Another BR

Left Eye(Delaware) & Isis - EE

BR and Isis - EE

Little One - EE the brat of the group decided to check me out closer, just like her!

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Just about 15 week update:
Sorry, I am having a horrible time posting today, but will keep trying!

Olive-Light Brahma I just love how pretty the brahmas are!

Sarsaparilla-Cucko Marans I'm going to venture a guess she'll be the first of this group to lay. Look at those waddles!

Eggplant-Black Ameraucana I love her puffy cheeks, but no beard? That's a little disappointed but these are hatchery birds. Very calm girl.

Limabean- Splash Ameraucana Clean faced, but splash. I can accept this trade off. Very skittish.

Pumpkin-Welsummer Not photogenic at all...I cannot get a good shot that shows all the different colors of her feathers.

Strawberry-Speckled Sussex A real sweetie and the black spot are iridescent green in the sun.

Eager for eggs......
Love all your girls but partial to Olive, Eggplant and Limabean! Pumpkin looks similar to our Welsummer Nutmeg, such pretty girls.
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I would be interested in some hatching eggs when you start selling them. Right now I am incubating mixed barnyard eggs and hopefully some silkie and sizzles. Located in Michigan and have driven over two hours one way for chickens and eggs before too!

Great :) Im only a PM away, just let me know when ready for them. I was hoping to get some good photos before the weather turned much for that.
Hi all! I wanted to jump on this thread. All the great pics and reviews was why I ordered my juvenile Golden Buffs from them, which came two days ago and are doing great! I can't wait to integrate them in with my 11 other ladies. I just placed my spring chick order too, March can't come fast enough! I have my first rooster, a Buff Orpington coming, as well as more Golden Buffs, Wellsummers, Columbian Wyandotte, Australorp, White Leghorn, Exchequer Leghorn, and EEs. So excited!

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