Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Just think of the little song birds out there without a coop! Your sebrights will be fine. If you are worried about them, acclimate them by leaving them out longer and longer so they get used to the cold.
I know that and my LF did just fine in the last cold snap with temps in the teen and snow on the ground. But the Bantams are just so know what I mean. I know they will do fine and be living a life far safer and warmer than if they were wild birds but ...
Hey guys, I have seen people talk about feather fixer feed and was wondering which brands you all could recommend? I am asking for my BF mom whose flock is off laying and I suggested the feathe fixer, for the girls she has molting. Thanks
I went to TSC and got this one instead of feather fixer:;-poultry-chick-starter-24%-10-lb

It is 24% protein and I am just giving them a little moistened at night before they go to roost. They also get more kitchen scraps and BOSS. The chick feed does not have much calcium so they still get some oyster shell too. I still do not have many layers yet though, but I have been doing this for almost a week now.

I know I could add a light to the coop but I figured I'd just let them go through what's natural for them. The only electricity I plan to run out to the coop is for the bird bath heater in their nipple waterer which is kept just outside the coop.

When I look at my chickens each day, it seems for everyone recovering from molt there is another one starting a molt. Our BA looks pretty bad now. Poor half naked girl.

Hi all! I wanted to jump on this thread. All the great pics and reviews was why I ordered my juvenile Golden Buffs from them, which came two days ago and are doing great! I can't wait to integrate them in with my 11 other ladies. I just placed my spring chick order too, March can't come fast enough! I have my first rooster, a Buff Orpington coming, as well as more Golden Buffs, Wellsummers, Columbian Wyandotte, Australorp, White Leghorn, Exchequer Leghorn, and EEs. So excited!
Good job. I have one Golden Buff in with my 21 chickens that I got from Meyer.
I really like all of my chickens from there and have not had any problems, except for the initial "learning how to take care of chickens problems". I did lose most of my flock the first year I had them which was a couple years ago, but that was due to a stray dog. I learned a hard lesson there and have a secure coop now.

We haveall of these from Meyer: 1 Buff Orpington, 2 Blue Andulasions, 2 Cuckoo Marans, 1 Golden Buff, 1 RIR, 1 Golden Campine, 1 Columbian Wyandotte, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte, 1 Buff Laced Polish, 3 Easter Egger's, 1 Partridge Rock, 1 Black Australorp, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Light Brown Leghorns and 1 Salmon Faverolles.

I like your choices, I would also like to get an Exchequer Leghorn and get another White Leghorn. I really loved the White leghorn I had initially, but unfortunately I lost her in the dog attack. I still want a Welsummer too and also I would like a Dominique again since I lost one of those as well.

I am seriously considering purchasing a few birds from Meyer. Just wanted to know, from those who have dealt with Meyer before, does the quality of their birds justify the higher price? They have some breeds that I have been wanting but they are not exactly cheap.
I didn't seem them as too high priced unless you are looking for a rarer breed. I have been very happy with my chickens though.

I know. Yes that would definitely be awesome .

Okay, here is a question for anyone that can answer. If you order LF chicks and Bantams how do they come? all mixed together in the box?
Good question.

Awww, I didn't know you rescued her. Another reason to like your DH... he knows a dog smile when he sees it!!I can't believe someone would do that to such a beautiful animal.
Gorgeous chickens on that link you posted! Someday I'll have a Wheaten Ameraucana... they're one of my favorite breeds!!
So true. I guess I'll keep him and Maxie too!

I know...those birds are beautiful and those eggs!!! I want a basket like that!!!
Just wanted to fill you all in that have been following my chicks. I was on another board for my BCM's and in one of the pictures Isis (my blue Ameraucana from meyer) was behind my BCM and someone mistook her for that breed saying she looked like a roo. I said she was a BAM pullet and after speaking more via pm I was told Isis looked like she had a straight comb not a pea comb, and no beard or muff. I sent that question along with the following pics to Meyers and their respond is below the pics
She is a cutie whatever she is and I hope a "she" for your sake.

For the person that was asking about LF and bantams... yes, Meyer ships them all together. I ordered 25 rare breed assortment and 5 bantam EE and they were all mixed together.
Thanks for answering that. I was wondering too after I saw that question.
@konachicks I'd love to see pics of all four of your babies. I'm curious as to what the other three are starting to looking like.

Here's lemon

Scarlett JoHENsen

Mango (I think, she looks just like the BO I brought home from a local gal, which I'll also post a pic of)


See "mango" and the other chick are similar. I had a way to tell them apart but now it's getting harder. I think mango might have those darker reddish spots
And yes I'm a bit bummed about Isis. They offered to give me a credit if it's the wrong breed but that won't do me much good since shipping to Hawaii is $49 lol
I was very happy they got here in 48 hours and they were all healthy, but it's a bummer that I might not be getting the blue Ameraucana pullet I paid for
Mango (I think, she looks just like the BO I brought home from a local gal, which I'll also post a pic of)

See "mango" and the other chick are similar. I had a way to tell them apart but now it's getting harder. I think mango might have those darker reddish spots
They may both be Buff Orps but the chick in the last pic with the three looks like our Golden Buff Amelia did, lighter wing color and starting to get a little red. If so she is probably Mango and the one above would be the BO from the breeder. But I could be wrong, just look out for more red, also the GB tend to grow faster than the Orps.
And yes I'm a bit bummed about Isis. They offered to give me a credit if it's the wrong breed but that won't do me much good since shipping to Hawaii is $49 lol
I was very happy they got here in 48 hours and they were all healthy, but it's a bummer that I might not be getting the blue Ameraucana pullet I paid for
sorry for that, what a bummer. You flock is so cute!
Today was the first day I let everybody out of the run. The little ones didn't eventure past the step, but it was the first time Peppy has had the courage to go out. Of course it's yucky and drizzling, but I'm the only one that seemed to notice.


Did they all survive being shipped together?
I wouldn't see why they wouldn't - at 1 day old the size difference isn't that great. It's in the next few weeks that the size difference becomes really noticeable and you would want to watch them closely.

As far as sexing - I ordered 9 chicks from them - all sexed female & all have been correct. I expected at least 1 mis-sex.

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