Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I'm so eggcited! I just ordered 30 chicks from Meyer and I got all of the breeds I wanted except for the buff chanteclers. Instead of the chanteclers I got some barnvelders. I'm just so eggcited!
I ordered 4 hens and 1 rooster of each breed, with the exception of 5 EE pullets. So I ordered Barnevelder, Buckeye, EE, Golden Cuckoo Marans, SLW and Speckled Sussex. They should come between July 21st through July 23rd. I ordered early so I could get what I wanted.
Totally understand. It was more mild here, mid-high 40s and sunny, plus our coop is easy to sit in. Of course I sometimes think a hands on approach may draw things out longer. When I got home a little after 3, Victoria was in the nest box and I went to hang out with the girls, well they all gathered in the coop and Victoria didn't like this interruption of privacy one bit, even though she was the one to sit in the coop while the other girls laid their first eggs. So I led the others out to free range, only Victoria wanted to come too, despite the fact she obviously had to lay. She finally laid her egg at 4 but on the bright side I think that extra time helped tint her egg, they have been quite white so far, though we were expecting cream. Hope you get egg(s) tomorrow!

A few of our girls did the looking up thing, Clara definitely seemed to want to jump up by the vents opposite the roost, though there was nothing to land on. And Amelia jumped up on the top of the coop the morning before she laid her first egg, lol!
I did just read that the nests should be up off the ground and mine are not... maybe that's why?

My one CCL now likes to lay in my smaller coop nest box; I'm guessing because it has a curtain and the others don't. OMG.... there was such a commotion tonight. I could tell she was getting into that trying to lay an egg mood after 4:00 and it was getting dark out. I kept trying to keep her out of the small coop cause she bullies the younger girls and kicks them out of their own coop but she snuck back in there. I went to check on them after dark... it was about 8:00 and she was in the little coop on the roost and 3 of the little girls were crammed in the corner on the roost and the other 5 little girls were crammed in the nest boxes trying to sleep. The big bully must have given them such a hard time I feel bad I didn't check on them sooner. I got it all straightened out but I'm going to have to keep my eye on her. And I think I'll put a curtain on one or two of the nest boxes in the big coop. They may like that.

Maybe they are looking up waiting for the Stork to make a delivery.
LOL.... funny.

I'm so eggcited! I just ordered 30 chicks from Meyer and I got all of the breeds I wanted except for the buff chanteclers. Instead of the chanteclers I got some barnvelders. I'm just so eggcited!

I ordered 4 hens and 1 rooster of each breed, with the exception of 5 EE pullets. So I ordered Barnevelder, Buckeye, EE, Golden Cuckoo Marans, SLW and Speckled Sussex. They should come between July 21st through July 23rd. I ordered early so I could get what I wanted.
GREAT breeds!! I've been wondering about the Buff Chanteclers lately... they're very pretty but I don't know anyone with them.
Speaking of carcass.... Has anyone just put a whole turkey carcass in the coop/run for them? I'm afraid of them choking on a bone like a dog would but I've heard people do it.
I have given mine the carcass before and they really do a good job of picking it clean. They probably will not get it next time I make a turkey since I have been reading up on how to make homemade broth with the carcass. I'm trying to switch to all homemade stuff slowly, although it is not so easy.

It was funny.... my DH is always up before me and I woke up to a pic on my phone of an egg in the nest the very first time I had an egg layer. I threw on my clothes and ran out to the coop squealing with delight. The very next morning I woke to a pic on my phone of 2 eggs in the nest and one was green!!! I went running out there and my DH couldn't understand why I was so excited. I said omg... 2 eggs and one is a green egg!! And he said, no there's only one egg. So I showed him the pic and I opened the nest box lid there were the 2 eggs in there... one brown and one green. He was shocked... when he took the pic he didn't even see the green egg. He thought there was just the one!

These were the eggs from that day next to a white ex-large egg. Can't wait till my RIR starts laying again... love her dark eggs. She has been molting stopped for about 4-5 weeks now.
That's funny. You have a keeper there too. My DH never goes into the coop to check for eggs. I don't think he'd snap a picture of eggs either.

I got 4 eggs the day before yesterday and one was a double yolker from my SF, so I was getting excited that they were picking up production, but yesterday, just one from my Golden Buff.

I heard some will continue laying through molting but only my Golden Buff seems to do that.

That little human chick is my youngest, Kaiden Jack
all he says now is "I hold baby chicks! Jack hold baby chicks!"

I also thought I'd share a funny with yall. My two older girls (9 week old Ameraucana mixes) I got locally are too funny! Do they head back to their coop at night when the sun goes down???

Well little Kaiden Jack is just adorable! It's nice to have little helpers too!

That is so funny about your two older girls. My Golden Buff stays out free ranging sometimes and I have to find her and put her back int he coop after everyone else has already put themselves to bed.

At least you do have the warm weather there, so you do not have to worry about the cold night weather and them being left out. I bet they just miss you and enjoy that special time.

I wish it was warm here again, so not ready for Winter!

I have to vent to you guys since this is the only place my friend won't see.

So a few weeks ago I ask our friend (the one that has her chickens and 3 cats here) what she was doing for Thanksgiving. Her answer, "coming to your house". Ok, guess we're having company. That's fine since we would be alone this year. So on Sunday she mentions that she's going to do a small Thanksgiving with her mom first since she'll be alone if she doesn't. I have invited her mom here but she said she won't do that. So it's nothing new that her mom would be alone, she knew that when she invited herself to our house. Anyway, I get it, that's fine. I tell her we'll eat later, at 4, so they can do that. Then she says they'll bring the stuffing and they just bought a peach and cherry pie and they'll bring those (I'm allergic to peach, which she knows, and don't like cherries). I tell her that I'll have to get a pumpkin pie since DD has been craving one for weeks. She says she'll bring that too.
Yesterday I find out from DD (her and my friend's daughter are best friends) that they are doing brunch and then will leave at 2. Which will put them at our house at 3. Perfect. I get a text from my friend at 3 that they are just leaving her mom's. They live an hour away! Fine, they'll get here right when we sit down. Which they do, I'm carving the turkey as they walk in. They bring a dish of stuffing in and say it needs to cook for 30min! Seriously! Guess we aren't having stuffing with our meal! Then they say they aren't even hungry and don't eat more than 2 bites each! AND they didn't bring the pumpkin pie! DD was ticked and had to leave the room before she even found out they didn't bring the pie. We were wondering what she was mad at and their daughter said, "She's mad that they cooked all day and we're not hungry." My friend replies, "Well that wasn't unknown, we've known it would be that way forever." WHAT!? I didn't know!! I thought when you said you're doing Thanksgiving at our house that means you'll be EATING with us! I had such a hard time not walking out myself. I just stared at my food and kept breathing. Had to make a conscious choice not to let it ruin my evening. When my daughter came back down I took her out of the room and explained that I was mad too, that they were being very inconsiderate but that I had made the decision to enjoy my meal anyway. I told her we had picked the food for our favorites not theirs and we made it for us not them. We both made it through the meal and said goodbye. The plus side is they took their 3 cats with them! Not before they ruined my dining room table cover and bathroom cabinets though.

I hate confrontation so I acted nice, but this will definitely change my opinion of her. :/
Oh wow. Sometimes I wonder what some of my friends and family are thinking when they are inconsiderate like this. Sounds so frustrating! You were a good friend to keep your cool and to also help out so much as well.

I think she is a good person, she just has no clue how it really was for us that day. To her she had already made it clear that they would just be coming to visit. But then why offer to bring food that needs to be cooked and show up at the time I said we'd be eating!? And she said she never said she'd bring the pumpkin pie. I think she totally spaced on that conversation thinking about all the other stuff going on. We have their chickens because they just moved back from KS and don't have a place they can have them yet. They were staying with her mom, who is allergic to cats, so the cats were in our basement. Their house in KS hasn't sold yet and they couldn't find a house to rent that would allow the animals. So now they are in the process of moving into an apartment until their house in KS sells. Which she is very depressed about. I think she just had a million things on her mind and was trying to please too many people by splitting her time. I think she felt like she had to come to our house so we wouldn't be alone.
I can't remember if our chickens stopped laying before or after her birds were here. I think they might have slowed down but not stopped completely like they are now. Speaking of which I still can't find that bottle of ivermectin I bought! So frustrating!

I know she would keep our chickens for us if the situation was reversed. But I think that's why she seems so relaxed about it, because it's what you do for friends and she would do it too, so it's no big deal. She comments all the time to our other friends how much we are doing for her and how thankful she is and how she couldn't have come back to CO without our help. So I think she appreciates it, she just takes it lightly which makes it appear as though she's taking advantage.

I could never cut them out of our life for that. I know she didn't do it intentionally or with malice. She just didn't get our perspective. I'm sure if I talked to her about it she would be sorry, but I don't really see the point. Plus our daughters are inseparable and I could never take that from her. Even when they were in KS they spent 4-6 hours a day on skype together! She takes our daughter for days at a time and we do the same with hers. We have very similar interests and views on things so we generally fit well together.
I think rather than draw a line in the sand, I just have to come to terms with the type of person she is, and plan our interactions and my expectations accordingly. Which is really not new to me, and is why I didn't give them a food assignment that we truly cared about and made all the food that we wanted, set the time that worked for us, and had already told my family that we wouldn't hold dinner for them if they weren't there on time.
Some people you just have to let go of your own expectations of how they should behave and protect your own interests. As long as she doesn't do anything with malice or complete disregard for us (even though it appeared to be that way yesterday I don't think she meant it that way), I can have her in my life. There's very few people I let in that close so I can't throw away the few. lol

Thanks for letting me vent everyone!
Sometimes venting is all you need. Also you did a great thing and stepped back and reevaluated the situation looking at it from her point of view too. I can see how she is stressed from trying to sell a house, move to a new location, etc. It does not excuse her for how she treated you, but at least you understand her and realize she would help you out in the same situation. Maybe you can confront her once you feel like she is in a good place. Not in a mean way but just to let her know why you were upset, etc. Sometimes dealing with it actually will make your friendship stronger.

In the end though, you were a good person and you kept your cool and were there and still are there for a friend. You should feel great about yourself for that. I have dealt with a little more then my share of the same within my own family and have realized how hard it is to keep your cool. (Sorry for sounding like a mom here)

Another good egg day! So exciting. 3 of 3 laying girls' eggs! And a few golf balls lol.
Nice. Have your chickens come and talk to mine!

I always say that people do the best they can given their situation, background and experience being who you are through and through.... she is a lucky friend to have you and I hope you feel good about you being you.
well said!

Still no eggs from anyone, though the activity in the run is quite frantic. No one is lethargic or acting egg bound...I'm checking my "squatters" daily & I think I feel eggs down there, just nothing imminently heading out! They are all eating, drinking, moving, and quite active!

The girls who are squatting are quite uneasy - chattering, can't get comfy, swarming around me like I can help!

Hopefully you'll get those eggs soon!

was this for another thread or did I miss something?
I was wondering the same.

I'm so eggcited! I just ordered 30 chicks from Meyer and I got all of the breeds I wanted except for the buff chanteclers. Instead of the chanteclers I got some barnvelders. I'm just so eggcited!
Oh wow! 30? That is exciting. Not sure if anyone else has asked, but are these your 1st ones? or are you adding to a flock?

I did just read that the nests should be up off the ground and mine are not... maybe that's why?
Mine are a little over a foot off the ground. I think I read the same that they should be raised a little.

My kitchen is almost done except for the crown molding over the cabinets and trim around the walls and window.
Once the crown molding is up, it will hide the pipe over the stove and microwave, plus hide the ceiling and ugly back wall that is still showing.

We'll be adding trim between the ceiling and wall and wall and floor.

I love my new sink, it is deeper then the last sink and one side is wider too. Plus flatter on the bottom, so you can sit a pan or pot completely down in it to fill. The faucet also is one of those sprayer faucets which I love!

In this pic, you can see we need to added wall to ceiling trim and also we need to frame the window. I love my new light fixture too. It used to be a small flourescent light but now it's a pretty 3 bulb one that is much brighter.

I have a lot of drawers now which I love too, but I am still trying to figure out where everything goes. Not easy. I did lose some cabinet and counter top space, so we're trying to figure out more storage solutions and possibly put a thin cabinet and counter top on the wallpapered wall to help out.

Thanks for asking! Sorry guys that this was off the chicken subject!
I have given mine the carcass before and they really do a good job of picking it clean. They probably will not get it next time I make a turkey since I have been reading up on how to make homemade broth with the carcass. I'm trying to switch to all homemade stuff slowly, although it is not so easy.

Thanks for asking! Sorry guys that this was off the chicken subject!

Love, love, love the tin roof of your kitchen. I always wanted a kitchen with those tiles on the roof. Very nice, looks great. Also good for you on trying to move towards scratch cooking. It is not so easy and is time consuming as it takes some planning. Been making stock from bird carcasses both Turkey and chicken for years, you won't be disappointed.
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I have given mine the carcass before and they really do a good job of picking it clean. They probably will not get it next time I make a turkey since I have been reading up on how to make homemade broth with the carcass. I'm trying to switch to all homemade stuff slowly, although it is not so easy.

I ended up not getting the carcass from my MIL so I'll try it next time. I love having a whole ham butt and then making bean and ham soup using the bone. So flavorful.

That's funny. You have a keeper there too. My DH never goes into the coop to check for eggs. I don't think he'd snap a picture of eggs either.

trust me, that was only the first 2 times they laid. Not anymore!! And he knows not to check for eggs cause I think it's still so fun )

I got 4 eggs the day before yesterday and one was a double yolker from my SF, so I was getting excited that they were picking up production, but yesterday, just one from my Golden Buff.

None of my big girls laid an egg this past week (5 of them) so I'm really grateful for my 8 month old layers. My silkie is still broody, going on 3 weeks. I am putting her on the roost at night so hopefully the cold nights will snap her out of her zombie state. At least she's not mean to me when I get her out of the nest. She's just mean to the younger 8 girls!

I have a lot of drawers now which I love too, but I am still trying to figure out where everything goes. Not easy. I did lose some cabinet and counter top space, so we're trying to figure out more storage solutions and possibly put a thin cabinet and counter top on the wallpapered wall to help out.

Thanks for asking! Sorry guys that this was off the chicken subject!

NICE kitchen!!! I like when we get a bit off subject. I was trying to enlarge your photos to see the details but it wouldn't let me. From what I can see it looks fantastic and I love the sink and faucet too!! The ceiling looks textured and very nice!!

" I would like to find him a White Faced Black Spanish chicken. I think he'd like one of those."

Ideal has White Faced Black Spanish available beginning mid-Feb.
I know!!! That's where my feed store buys from and I could plant a little seed in the 'chicken guy's' head that they would be a nice breed to get but if I get any I don't want them till the end of summer and it would only be 3 or 4. But I really should wait another year. I have 20 right now and would like to go down to 16. So of the 16 I'd have left they would only be 2 different ages by next summer... one year olds and only 16 month olds so really it's hard to justify getting new babies next summer. I may have to wait another year.
I have given mine the carcass before and they really do a good job of picking it clean. They probably will not get it next time I make a turkey since I have been reading up on how to make homemade broth with the carcass. I'm trying to switch to all homemade stuff slowly, although it is not so easy.

That's funny. You have a keeper there too. My DH never goes into the coop to check for eggs. I don't think he'd snap a picture of eggs either.

I got 4 eggs the day before yesterday and one was a double yolker from my SF, so I was getting excited that they were picking up production, but yesterday, just one from my Golden Buff.

I heard some will continue laying through molting but only my Golden Buff seems to do that.

Well little Kaiden Jack is just adorable! It's nice to have little helpers too!

That is so funny about your two older girls. My Golden Buff stays out free ranging sometimes and I have to find her and put her back int he coop after everyone else has already put themselves to bed.

At least you do have the warm weather there, so you do not have to worry about the cold night weather and them being left out. I bet they just miss you and enjoy that special time.

I wish it was warm here again, so not ready for Winter!

Oh wow. Sometimes I wonder what some of my friends and family are thinking when they are inconsiderate like this. Sounds so frustrating! You were a good friend to keep your cool and to also help out so much as well.

Sometimes venting is all you need. Also you did a great thing and stepped back and reevaluated the situation looking at it from her point of view too. I can see how she is stressed from trying to sell a house, move to a new location, etc. It does not excuse her for how she treated you, but at least you understand her and realize she would help you out in the same situation. Maybe you can confront her once you feel like she is in a good place. Not in a mean way but just to let her know why you were upset, etc. Sometimes dealing with it actually will make your friendship stronger.

In the end though, you were a good person and you kept your cool and were there and still are there for a friend. You should feel great about yourself for that. I have dealt with a little more then my share of the same within my own family and have realized how hard it is to keep your cool. (Sorry for sounding like a mom here)

Nice. Have your chickens come and talk to mine!

well said!

Hopefully you'll get those eggs soon!

I was wondering the same.

Oh wow! 30? That is exciting. Not sure if anyone else has asked, but are these your 1st ones? or are you adding to a flock?

Mine are a little over a foot off the ground. I think I read the same that they should be raised a little.

I have a lot of drawers now which I love too, but I am still trying to figure out where everything goes. Not easy. I did lose some cabinet and counter top space, so we're trying to figure out more storage solutions and possibly put a thin cabinet and counter top on the wallpapered wall to help out.

Thanks for asking! Sorry guys that this was off the chicken subject!

I LOVE the kitchen! Great job. I want your cabinets!
My DH checks for eggs when we had eggs! lol
I found my Ivermectic I had bought so me, DD, and her friend dosed every bird. I really hope that helps whatever is going on.

Last night around 9:00 one of the dogs started barking and the cat laying on my lap actually growled and jumped down. That was unusual, usually he cares less about the dogs. So DH and I got up to investigate. Standing on the patio we didn't see anything. I was just shutting the door coming back inside and one of the roosters crowed! He wouldn't stop crowing. That really worried us. I flipped to the camera while DH got a gun. It was our silky rooster crowing but the coop was secure. Of course we went out to investigate anyway! Never found anything, but pretty sure something was around. Our theory is a raccoon or fox was out back sniffing around and hit the electric wire. It must've made a yelp and took off. All the animals heard the yelp but it was long gone by the time we got out there. Proud of my rooster for sounding the alarm in the middle of the night!
all the beautiful egg pics!! I think I'm over the "cute chick" phase and now am anxious for them to grow up and lay eggs lol

I too thought about giving my turkey carcass to my girls but I LOVEEE making homemade broth with it too so in the freezer it went!
I had a question for yall...
I wanted to move my Coop into a fenced off area about 10-15ft from where it is now. That little bit of space shouldn't make a difference to my girls will it? I have it now right behind the house but would really love to make use of my squared off old garden area.
We have so much area in front of our house and the girls don't even go there to explore at all
so I was hoping the move would have them check out that area

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